Here is the complete AFK Arena Furniture tier list for both PvE and PvP game modes, coming with a detailed explanation for every single hero in the game for October 2024.
Please do note that this ranking is for Hero Furniture only. For the actual hero ranking, please check out our AFK Arena Heroes Tier List!
AFK Arena Furniture Tier List
Furniture Ranking (3/9)
Furniture Ranking (9/9)
Hero Furniture Upgrade Priority List
Early Game
You unlock the furniture feature in the Oak Inn as soon as you get your first ascended hero.
The lists below show the best furnitures that you should try to acquire. Put heroes on your hotel wishlist according to the best heroes on that list that you are close to ascending or intend to ascend soon.
9/9 Furniture Priority:
Rem: She should be your first garrisoned hero. So get her 9/9 as soon as possible because she will be one of your strongest carries.
Palmer: One of the best buffers in the game. His 9/9 makes him even better.
Scarlet: She is a game-changing hero for Twisted Realm and Guild Hunt for early game players. Her 9/9 is a great buff to her damage.
Liberta: He should your ascended celepogean, so go for his 9/9 as soon as possible.
Mulan: A very versatile and game changing hero for new players, but she really needs her 9/9.
3/9 Furniture Priority:
Ivan: The strongest support for early game campaign. His 3/9 is not essential, but it is a nice upgrade.
Jerome: One of the strongest buffers in the game. You will eventually want his 9/9, but his 3/9 is good enough to make him OP.
Daimon: He is a very strong early game carry. His 3/9 is a great buff to his damage.
Raine: Great furniture against bosses.
Mid Game
As you complete the list above, start investing in the furnitures mentioned below.
9/9 Furniture Priority:
Awakened Shemira: She should be your first awakened hero. And her 9/9 is the strongest skill of her kit.
Alna: One of the strongest 9/9 in the game. This gives her frontline partner invincibility at the start of the battle.
Merlin: Great support hero with a very relevant 9/9 furniture.
Tamrus: A top-tier wilder hero and his 9/9 is an important part of his kit.
Atheus: The tankiest hero in the game. Another top-tier wilder hero.
Daemia: A extremely strong celepogean who is meta on all game modes. Her 9/9 is a huge buff to her team’s damage.
Lavatune: One of the best supports in the game. He should be your first ascended hypogean.
Aurelia: It is a very big buff to her survivability.
Silas: Great buff to long-ranged dps heroes like Scarlet and Daimon.
Anasta: A very useful warrior for Cursed Realm, but she needs her 9/9 to show her true potential.
Grezhul: Good tank, especially for Cursed Realm, but he needs his 9/9 furniture.
Mishka: Another good tank. She needs her 9/9 furniture to show her true potential.
Oden: Very strong hero for Cursed Realm. His 9/9 will increase his damage even more.
3/9 Furniture Priority:
Albedo: She is one of the strongest dimensional heroes in the game and this furniture gives a great immunity to her.
Lucilla: Great skill to increase your teammates damage.
Silas: Great buff to close-ranged dps heroes like Rem and Mulan.
Joan of Arc: A very useful support hero in the game. Her 3/9 is essential to make her strong.
Trishea: very good hero against bosses, her 3/9 is one of the essential parts of her kit.
Nevanthi: A very good healer and her 3/9 can increase your team’s damage.
Thoran: It is essential to make Thoran Cheese work in several stages.
Adrian & Elyse: Great energy buff to them.
Late Game
As you complete the lists above, start investing in the furnitures mentioned below.
9/9 Furniture Priority:
Thoran: It is essential to make Thoran Cheese work in some late game stages.
Jerome: Great investment to make him even stronger.
Lucilla: Good buff to her overall damage.
Hodgkin: Great furniture against bosses.
Leonardo: Very strong CC hero and this furniture can greatly increases your allies’ damage.
Ezizh: Good PvP hero. His 9/9 has a very strong CC effect.
Estrilda: Good buff to your teammates. Very important against bosses.
Edwin: Great debuffer to enemies’ energy.
Lorsan: He works in Campaign even at Elite ascension, but his 9/9 furniture is very important for Cursed Realm.
Skreg: It gives a huge energy buff to your allies.
3/9 Furniture Priority:
Skriath: One of the most unique 3/9 in the game. It allows you to create the Five-pull comp.
Zolrath: One of the best 3/9 in the game. Zolrath is only useful if he has his 3/9 furniture.
Kren: Great dps hero. His 3/9 is a great buff to his damage.
Raku: Very strong dps hero and his 3/9 is a good buff to his damage.
If you want a full list of recommended furnitures for each hero, check our faction guides: Lightbearer guide, Mauler guide, Wilder guide, Graveborn guide, Celestial guide, Hypogean guide, and Dimensional guide.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Placing any ascended hero on the furniture wishlist during early game: Most players do this because we all want to strengthen our ascended Heroes as quickly as possible. However, many good heroes have bad furnitures. Some heroes only neeeds 3/9 to reach their true potential and some heroes don’t even need furnitures.
- Not taking out heroes that reached 3/9 and accidentally get the 4th furniture for heroes that do not need 9/9.
- Using Mythic furniture cards for non-necessary heroes. You want to save them to for the strongest heroes only by taking a look at our Furniture Tier List above. Also, you only want to use the Mythic card if you can get the 3/9 or 9/9 ability faster!
When Should I start building my furniture, and what furniture should I build?
When starting out, save all your Poe coins until you’ve got between 3 and 5 heroes to A. Then I’d look over general priorities and compare them to the heroes that are ascended and those you’re building into.
Try to avoid putting furniture on any heroes low in the tier list, and especially never build a furniture rated very Poor.
When should I use my Yellow/Red Cards?
Use yellow cards primarily on dimensional furniture; It has the lowest drop rate from natural pulls so it’s the technical best value.
For red cards, don’t ever use them on a 3/9 unless you are fully aware it’s not optimal and are doing so for marginal progression.
Should I aim for Duplicates?
Duplicate furniture gives small star bonuses that are extremely weak compared to the raw effects of a new fumiture even on a weaker hero. So most f2p players should not consider aiming for duplicates.
But for players who already have all or most of the 9/9 and 3/9 that are relevant in the meta, it’s worth focusing on duplicates.
Furniture is divided into Large furnitures, Small furnitures and Hanging furnitures. Each type of furniture gives a different buff to each hero. So, for each hero there is a different priority of which furniture you should upgrade.
These are the best heroes and the best type of furnitures to get extras duplicates:
Awakened Lyca: Small > Large > Hanging
Palmer: Large > Small. Hanging furniture is mid priority.
Awakened Athalia: Hanging > Small > Large
Jerome: Small > Large > Hanging
Lavatune: Small > Large. Hanging furniture is low priority.
Highborn Gwyneth: Large > Hanging > Small
Awakened Lucius: Hanging > Small. Large furniture is mid priority.
Liberta: Small > Hanging. Large furniture is low priority.
Awakened Safiya: Large > Hanging. Small furniture is low priority.
Aurelia: Only Small furniture. Large and Hanging furnitures are low priority.
Awakened Shemira: Only Large furniture. Small and Hanging furnitures are low priority.
Daemia: Small > Hanging. Large furniture is mid priority.
Ivan: Large, Small and Hanging furnitures are all equally good.
Lan: Small > Large. Hanging furniture is low priority.
Lucilla: Hanging > Small. Large furniture is low priority.
All Hero Furniture Ratings
Mythic Furniture Cards
Players can’t get duplicates from mythic furniture cards. Use them to get the 3/9 or 9/9 skill of key heroes faster.
Do not spend cards on heroes that are already 9/9 or heroes that do not need 3/9 or 9/9.
As it is, while some stats greatly benefit the hero, stats, in general, haven’t been proven substantial enough as consideration for most game modes.
As such, it is generally not worth it to go beyond 9/9 as free to play.
Furniture Statistics
A guide by Shizzam
White furniture is primarily used to unlock enhancements to core abilities on our heroes, it also serves as an additional source of stats (hero attribute enhancements). This guide analyses the impact of strengthening mythic (M) furniture for stats.
Each furniture can be upgraded up to 3 times, increasing hero specific furniture stats. There are some stats that are unique to furniture i.e. improving your elder tree, gear, or signature item will not provide these.
Unique Furniture Stats
Attack Speed
Crit Amplification (CA) at 30+ (With Abilities)
CA increases crit damage by 2% for each point if CA exceeds enemy CR by 30 (up to 75%), otherwise by 0.5% per point. I.e., if CA – CR > 30, CA increases crit damage by min (75%, (CA-CR) x2%), otherwise (CA-CR) x0.5%.
Crit Resistance (CR) at 30+
CR reduces crit damage in the same way as CA works. I.e, ì CR – CA > 30, CR reduces crit dâmge by min (75%, (CR-CA) x2%), otherwise (CR-CA) x 0.5%.
Received Healing
All fortitude/tank heroes have received healing increased by 6%. For legendary furniture, the improvement is broadly 95%.
All sustenance/support Heroes have HP regen increased by 4.8%. For legendary furniture, the improvement is broadly 95%.
All might / warrior heroes have tenacity, allowing for 44 or 45% chance to resist crowd control effects. This stat is not increased when the furniture is upgraded. For legendary furniture, the improvement is broadly 95%.
Rare Stats that are improved by Furniture
All fortitude/tank and sorcery/mage heroes have haste. Furniture upgrades increase this stat is only increased for these heroes only.
Life Leech
All might / warrior heroes have life leech. Furniture upgrades increase this stat for these heroes only.
Stats Improvements of Note
Lucretia has 62.4 dodge from fully upgraded furniture. This is an addition to her 50 additional dodge from abilities. Separately, Lucretia has CA from furniture and abilities, tipping her over the 30 threshold.
Vurk has a 35.4% increased attack speed. The next highest is Brutus at 19.2%.
Rosaline: With fully upgrade furniture, she has a 98.1% increase to her defense, this makes Rosaline the highest defense rating hero in the game.
Khazard, Brutus, Kaz, Safiya have increased haste (7.2 to 10.5) and increased attack speed (14.4% to 19.2%).
These 2 effects should stack.
Ukyo + Izold have furniture abilities that scale with the battle, haste has great synergy with this.
Zaphrael, Lorsan, Solise, and Oden gain haste from hero specific attribute boost and from class boost, giving a total of 15 to 17.7 haste.
Belinda furniture ability reduces the enemies’ CR by 35. If this can mean a negative CR rating for the enemy, then her CA would be very valuable.
Zorath’s haste is increased by his Deja Vu ability and his attack speed increased by his 9M furniture ability. From preliminary testing these stack with his increased attack speed attribute from furniture.
Athalia’s furniture ability increases damage of normal attacks by up to 80%, 17.7% increased attack speed has great synergy with this.
Link & Furniture Stats
Link from Twins has the description “Attack, Defense, Crit Ratings, Dodge, Accuracy, and life leech attributes are all increased by 15% of the other union hero’s own attribute values.”.
It does appear from testing that the new attributes introduced by furniture are also passed through the link, for instance, increased attack speed.
This may mean that a Lyca with attack speed furniture enhanced to M+ 3 could outperform other heroes as the link for Saurus vs Wrizz or Soren for example.