Campaign Formations for Late/End Game

This guide is for people who are interested in optimizing their campaign progression and understanding how PvE meta comps work.

The campaign meta is currently dominated by seven comps. In this guide we will explain these meta comps and some other comps that can also be used.

Meta comps are the comps that dominate the campaign above 220 level deficit. It is possible to play even above 400 level deficit with meta comps.

Tamrus stun is the seventh comp that has come out recently. The other six comps in the meta are: Thoran cheese, Charm comp, Alna comp, LDV stun, Five-pull, and Lucretia invade. And we will explain all of them here.

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Thoran cheese

Core hero: Thoran
Level deficits at which this comp can work: 400+ (theorically infinite level deficits) 
The most common heroes in this comp: Kelthur, Pippa, Lorsan, Athalia, Nara, Lyca, Ezizh, Rowan,  Eironn, Skriath, Maetria
Other heroes that are occasionally useful in this comp: Zaphrael Zaphrael, Zolrath, Ezio Ezio, Raine,  Orthros, Oden Oden, Mishka Mishka, Scarlet Scarlet, Lucretia Lucretia

This comp consists of Thoran taking as much damage as possible while using his ult, because Thoran returns all the damage taken to the enemy team and kills them.

Because of that, this is the comp that has the highest damage potential in the entire game. It’s a comp that theoretically can run at infinite level deficits depending on the situation.

However, it is not a recommended comp for early or mid game players, nor for players who are playing at very low deficits. This comp is very inconsistent below 160 level deficits. It is decent between 160 and 210 level deficits. But it is very strong above 210 level deficits.

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Artifacts and investment on core hero

Call level 5 is extremely important for this comp. because it makes the allies who are using this artifact transfer energy to Thoran when they die.

Thoran can also use Call if you need even more energy for him. Otherwise, he usually uses Eye. There are rare cases where Blade, Conviction or Life’s Limit can be useful on him as well.

Thoran’s signature level 30 is very important to allow him to take an infinite amount of damage the first two times he uses his ult. Furniture 3 and 9 are essential in some situations.

Important note: do NOT upgrade Thoran’s gears to T3 or T4, except boots to T3. Also, do NOT upgrade his engravings to level 30 or 60, you can stop his engravings at level 11 just to improve his haste nodes. The reason for not investing too much in him is because Thoran needs to take as much damage as possible while ulting. If you upgrade his equipment and furniture a lot, he will probably take a lot less damage, therefore, he will retaliate less damage on enemies.

The role of each hero in this comp

Kelthur is useful in this comp for several reasons. He can reposition an enemy close to Thoran so that Thoran hits that enemy with his ult. Kelthur also generates energy very quickly, so if he is using Call level 5, when he dies he will transfer a large amount of energy to Thoran. And Kelthur also manages to continue dealing damage even after dying, so he can be useful to kill the enemy that is cursed by Thoran if that enemy is not in range of Thoran’s ult. Kelthur can work even at Elite level, but in some stages you might need a slightly stronger Kelthur for him to survive long enough to generate more energy for Thoran.

Lorsan is useful because he can link two enemies. A certain amount of damage taken by one of the linked enemies is also taken by the other linked enemy. This makes Thoran’s ult even more effective against enemies with great dodging like Kaz and Tasi, or very tanky enemies like Seirus and Mezoth, or enemies that can negate a high amount of damage like Rowan. Lorsan also works even at Elite level, his only role in this comp is to link two enemies at the start of the battle.

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Pippa’s utility in this comp is to teleport Thoran at the start of the battle and give Thoran 5 second invincibility. There are situations where you need to reposition Thoran on the battlefield so that he hits all enemies with his ult, so in those cases it is recommended to put Pippa in your comp. Pippa needs a level 20 signature to give Thoran invincibility when she teleports him. Her role in the comp is just that, so she can function very well even in Mythic ascension.

Athalia, Nara and Zaphrael are mainly useful for initial stun on an enemy. It is essential to use one of them against Mehira, for example, so that she does not release the bats at the beginning of the battle. Athalia and Nara also serve to reposition an enemy. These three heroes even work at the Elite level, but in some cases a higher ascension is required for them to survive a few seconds longer.

Oden is very useful in some situations to reposition an enemy. Eironn is also used to reposition enemies closer to Thoran. If Eironn is used in the center and you also have a Skriath with level 3 furniture on your team, Eironn can pull up to 5 enemies and group them next to Thoran.

Rowan, Ezizh and Raine are options to generate extra energy for Thoran. Ezio with furniture 9 already starts the battle with 500 energy points, so he is a good option to transfer a large amount of energy to Thoran when he dies. Lucretia and Scarlet are also examples of heroes who can get a lot of energy pretty quickly, so they can be useful to transfer energy to Thoran when they die.

Lyca gives the entire team a haste buff, so she can also help Thoran ult faster and help allies activate key skills even faster. There are cases where Zolrath with furniture 3 can also be a good option to play this Lyca role of helping allies to activate essential skills faster.

Maetria is really good with Thoran because she is a great secondary carry for this comp. She still does a lot of damage even when she’s dead and she resurrects after Thoran dies, so she can finish off the last enemy if Thoran can’t kill them all.

There are situations where you will put Fodders in the comp just to get faction bonuses. And there are situations where you leave an empty slot in the comp. And there are situations where a tank with Barricade will be useful to protect Thoran early in the fight. Almost any tank can be useful if his only purpose is to use the Barricade on Thoran. Some other tanks can bring an extra utility, such as Orthros who can place a time trap on the enemy, or Mishka who can gain a lot of energy right at the beginning and jumping on the enemies to stun them.


Here are six examples of Thoran cheese at very high level deficits. The first image shows an example of a battle where Pippa was used to teleport Thoran. The second comp is an example of a comp where Athalia and Nara were used to stun enemies right at the beginning of the battle. Thoran can’t kill Mehira if she doesn’t get stunned at the beginning. The third image is an example of Maetria dealing a great amount of damage.

The fourth comp shows an example of Thoran being used with graveborn fodders (Silvina and Niru at level 1). The fifth battle is an example of Thoran comp with empty slots, here you just need Eironn and Kelthur to reposition enemies and generate energy to Thoran with Call level 5. The last image is an example where you use Ezio with level 9 furniture, a hero that can generate energy very fast right at the beginning of the battle.


Charm comp

Core hero: Mehira
Level deficits at which this comp can work: 400+
The most common heroes in this comp: Rowan, Rosaline, khazard Khazard, Zolrath
Other heroes that are occasionally useful in this comp: Lyca, Maetria, Raku Raku, Awakened Belinda, Framton Framton, Oden Oden, daimon Daimon, Grezhul, Scarlet Scarlet, Brutus, Canisa & Ruke, Awakened Brutus

This comp consists of Mehira using her ult to make enemies attack themselves and kill each other. In this comp, the ideal is to make Mehira ult as quickly as possible and as often as possible.

Artifacts and investment on core hero

Mehira has good survivability, so she can even work on Elite. In some situations, a mythic Mehira with signature 30 will be required. You will only need ascended Mehira in very rare cases and at really high deficits, so for most players, a mythic Mehira is good enough for her to do her job.

The artifact that Mehira usually uses is Windbinder, Winged Warden or Call. The best artifact depends on each situation. Windbinder usually makes her activate her first ult faster, but she ends up getting an energy nerf for her second ult. There are situations where Winged Warden will make her activate her first ult even faster. And there are situations where Call will be better because it gives her a constant generation of energy.

The role of each hero in this comp

Rowan is the support with the most potential to power up an ally so he is almost always present in this comp. Rosaline following Mehira is also super common in this comp, as Rosaline manages to fill the ultimate bar of the hero she is following.

Lyca’s haste buff is a great skill to make Mehira activate her first ult very quickly. Zolrath’s furniture level 3 is also great for having Mehira trigger her first ult before any enemy can do anything to her.

Khazard is also great in this comp because his level 30 signature makes Mehira’s charm last 8 seconds instead of 5. Khazard doesn’t need to be better than mythic ascension at signature level 30, as his sole purpose in Campaign is to activate his signature effect at the start of battles.

There are situations where you will need some other hero to help your team’s damage. Maetria, Raku, and Awakened Belinda are usually the best and most versatile damage options for this comp. But Oden, Grezhul, Kren, Daimon, Frampton, Scarlet are some other great options.

There are also situations where you will need a hero that can tank a lot of damage early in the battle until Mehira activates her ult. Brutus is the most common option to play this role because of his invincibility shield. Canisa & Ruke is another tank with great survivability. Awakened Brutus can also tank a decent amount of damage in some situations.


Here are six examples of Charm comps. In the upper left corner you can see an example of the most common version of the Charm comp. In the upper middle part, we can see an example of Lyca replacing Zolrath. In the top right corner, there’s an example of Brutus being used to tank damage while Mehira doesn’t activate her ultimate.

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At the bottom we have three examples of Charm comps with a carry (ABelinda, Scarlet and Maetria). At bottom left, an example of Mehira Elite at 245 level deficit. In the lower middle part, an example where Mehira works better on the frontline. And at the bottom right, a rare example of Charm comp working without Rowan.


Alna comp

Core hero: alna
Level deficits at which this comp can work: 400+
The most common heroes in this comp: Grezhul, Scarlet Scarlet, Oden Oden, Mishka Mishka, Awakened Belinda
Other heroes that are occasionally useful in this comp: afk arena silas Silas,  Palmer, Ferael, Awakened Baden, Awakenend Solise, Raine, Geralt, Leonardo Leonardo, Tamrus, Rowan, Rem, Emilia, Raku Raku, Nevanthi, mortas Mortas, daimon Daimon, Desira Desira, Rosaline, Haelus Haelus, Tasi, Awakened-Ezizh Awakened Ezizh, Yennefer, Awakened Athalia, Daemia

This comp consists of Alna giving invincibility to her frontline partner. The hero that will receive this invincibility can be your team’s carry or it can be some key hero that will help your carry.

Artifacts and investment on core hero

This invincibility to the frontline partner is only possible thanks to her level 9 furniture. Without it, this comp will not work.

Her signature 30 is also pretty important, as it allows her and her frontline partner to activate the invincibility skill twice.

Engraving on the Alna is not necessary. But some players engrave it just to get an extra haste.

In some situations, Alna will need the Call artifact to activate her invincibility faster at the start of the battle. If Call’s haste buff isn’t needed, she can use Eye or Chaos Bringer.

The role of each hero in this comp

The most common carries in this comp are Grezhul, Scarlet, and Awakened Belinda. Grezhul usually stays on the frontline, but sometimes his damage isn’t enough, so you’ll need help from other dps like Scarlet, Oden or Raku. In some rare cases, Scarlet can be used on the frontline.

Silas is the most common support on Grezhul’s Alna comp. Mortas is also widely used. Mishka is often used to assist you with her great CC skills. Nevanthi and Awakened Solise are great supports that increase your team’s survivability. Ferael has great skills to reduce enemies’ energy regeneration. Awakened Ezizh, Daimon, Tasi and Desira are less common options for this comp, but they can be useful.

Awakened Baden can replace Grezhul on the frontline. ABaden has a higher damage potential, but Grezhul has better survivability. Any hero with good CC, like Leonardo, Tamrus, Geralt or Mulan can also be useful on Alna comps.

Another version of Alna comp is with Awakened Belina as carry. The Alna-ABelinda comp works a little differently than the Alna-Grezhul comp. ABelinda battles tend to end quickly, Grezhul battles tend to be longer.

ABelinda can be used on the frontline, receiving Alna’s invincibility, or on the backline, with another hero on the frontline protecting and helping her while she carries your team.

In Alna-ABelinda’s comp, it’s important to have heroes that buff ABelinda (energy or damage) and heroes with great CC to prevent enemies from killing ABelinda.

Palmer, Rowan, Rosaline, Raine, Haelus are great supports that work with ABelinda. Geralt, Tamrus, Morrow, Emilia, Leonardo Awakened Brutus are some examples of heroes with good CC that work well with ABelinda. Grezhul and Mishka can also come in handy with her.

And there is also a version of Alna comp with Rem as carry. Rem must be on the frontline. Her furniture level 3 can provide immunity to fatal damage to your allies and she can deal a great amount of damage, but she is pretty fragile, so she must be on the frontline with Alna.

Any hero that works on Alna-ABelinda comp can also work on Alna-Rem comp. The difference is that ABelinda has a much bigger damage potential, but Rem can be a better option in some situations because of her immunity skill.


At the top are examples of Alna comps with Grezhul and ABaden. At the bottom are examples of Alna comps with ABelinda and with Rem.

Heroes like Silas, Oden and Mortas are more common with Grezhul. Heroes like Palmer, Raine and Geralt are more common with ABelinda. Two different styles of Alna comp.

In the top examples you can also see how Grezhul sometimes needs a strong carry (Scarlet in the top middle image), but sometimes he doesn’t (in the top left image).

We can also see in the examples how ABelinda sometimes works better in the frontline (bottom left image) and sometimes in the backline (bottom middle image).


LDV stun

Core hero: Leonardo Leonardo
Level deficits at which this comp can work: 400+
The most common heroes in this comp: Mishka Mishka, Raku Raku, Awakened Belinda, khazard Khazard, Awakened Thane
Other heroes that are occasionally useful in this comp: Zolrath, Scarlet Scarlet, Grezhul, Tamrus, Brutus, mortas Mortas, kren Kren, Geralt, Awakened-Ezizh Awakened Ezizh, Awakened Brutus, Emilia, Yennefer, Nemora, Maetria, Framton Framton, Rowan, Oden Oden, Canisa & Ruke, Prince of Persia Prince of Persia, Veithael, Palmer, joker Joker, Awakened Athalia, Daemia

This comp consists of Leonardo paralyzing all enemies for the entire fight or almost the entire fight. This is possible thanks to his ultimate in which he paralyzes all enemies for 8 seconds.

Artifacts and investment on core hero

Leonardo usually uses Call or Windbinder artifacts to be able to ult faster. His 3/9 furniture is very important for him to gain extra energy. Furniture 9/9 provides a significant damage buff to your heroes.

His +20 signature is good, but not of extreme relevance at the highest campaign deficits. Engraving 36 (haste and insight nodes) are highly recommended for other game modes, but in the campaign it has a smaller impact than in other game modes (but it is still useful because of the haste buff).

The role of each hero in this comp

While Leonardo doesn’t activate his ult, you need heroes that can protect your team with CC abilities at the start of the battle. Mishka with level 9 furniture and level 60 inscription can ult at the beginning of the battle and stun enemies, in addition, she is a tank, so she can also protect an ally with the Barricade artifact. Tamrus is also great for stunning enemies right at the start of the battle, but his CC is so good that he can also be used as a core hero from another comp..

Emilia, Awakened Ezizh, Morrow, Geralt, Mulan are also great hero that can stun/freeze/paralyze/ban enemies right at the beginning of the battle. Nemora, Zaphrael and Prince of Persia are less common in this comp, but can also be useful.

Zolrath with furniture 3 is able to make these heroes activate their skills faster, increasing the effectiveness of your team surviving in time for Leonardo’s ultimate.

Leonardo’s damage is not good enough to kill the enemy team, so you need a carry. Awakened Belinda, Awakened Thane and Raku are the three most commons carries with Leonardo. Framton, Scarlet, Grezhul, Olgath, Maetria can also carry your team. Kren is a great damage dealer, but he needs Mortas’ buffs to carry at very high level deficits.

Oden, Canisa & Ruke, Awakened Brutus, Mulan and Veithael have a relevant damage and great CC skills. Yennefer is less common on this comp, but she can also work because of her CC, damage and shield.

Just like on Mehira comp, Khazard’s level 30 signature is amazing to extend your allies CC skills. Brutus can be useful because of his invencibility shield.


There are numerous ways to build a Leo stun comp. These are just a few examples. In the upper left battle, Khazard extends the CC of AEzizh, Raku and Leonardo, and Zolrath allows these heroes to activate their skills earlier. In the second battle, all heroes have great CC skills to help AThane carry the team. In the upper right battle, another example with Khazard extending the CC of the other heroes while ABelinda carries the team.

In the lower left battle, Nemora, Framton and Geralt help Leonardo with even more CC skills and Maetria deals enough damage to carry the team. In the bottom middle image, Palmer buffs Kren while Mishka and Leonardo don’t let the enemy do any damage. The last image contains five heroes that are capable of CCing enemies.



Core hero: Eironn, Skriath
Level deficits at which this comp can work: 400+
The most common hero in this comp: queen Queen
Other heroes that are occasionally useful in this comp: Zolrath, Awakened Baden, Awakened Brutus, Geralt, Mulan, Ezio Ezio, Mishka Mishka, Raku Raku, Awakened Phoenix Awakened Talene, Veithael, Lucretia Lucretia, Scarlet Scarlet, Awakened Belinda, Awakened Thane, Brutus, Nemora, Canisa & Ruke, Lyca

This comp consists of Eironn pulling in all five enemies with the help of Skriath. So, with the five enemies grouped in front of you, you need good enough CC and damage to win the battle without any problems.

Artifacts and investment on core heroes

For Eironn to pull all five enemies, you need level 3 furniture of Skriath. Eironn’s signature level 30 makes the comp even more consistent as it increases the duration of his freezing skill. Eironn’s furniture 3 and 9 are useful for increasing his damage.

Skriath’s signature level 30 increases his damage significantly and allows him to crit frequently, allowing Queen to activate her CC more consistently.

Engraving on Eironn can be useful to increase his haste. Call artifact on Eironn can also be useful to make him pull enemies faster. The Eye, Shroud of Verdure and Verdant Longbow artifacts can also be useful on Eironn. Skriath can use any of the Sorcery artifacts, Eye or Call.

The role of each hero in this comp

Queen is almost always used on this comp. She has an excellent stun, and in Five-pull comps she manages to stun all five enemies for the entire battle, as they are grouped together. As mentioned earlier, Skriath’s signature 30 allows Queen to stun enemies even more consistently.

Lucretia can also work well in this comp, as she can deal damage to five enemies at once thanks to Eironn’s pull.

Zolrath can be useful for getting Eironn to pull enemies earlier. In rarer situations, Lyca can be a good substitute for Zolrath.

Many times the damage from Eironn and Skriath won’t be enough to kill all the enemies so you need someone to help them with that. Awakened Baden, Awakened Brutus, Scarlet, Raku, Awakened Thane and Awakened Belinda are the best options for this role.

Awakened Talene and Brutus are great heroes for tanking enemy damage early in the fight and can use the Barricade artifact to help Eironn or your carry survive while Queen doesn’t stun all enemies.

Veithael and Canisa & Ruke are tanks with good CC, good damage and good survivability. Nemora can be useful to enchant an enemy at the start of the battle. Geralt and Mulan have good damage and also have great CC skills to help Queen.

Ezio can be useful in very specific situations. Brutus is CC immune while his invincibility shield is active, but Ezio is able to kill him even with the shield active. Hendrik protects a dying ally and grants that hero CC immunity, but Ezio is able to kill the hero Hendrik is protecting.

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Here are six examples of Five-pull comps. In the upper left corner, you can see an example of Scarlet being used as a carry while Brutus tanks the initial damage and protects her. In the upper center, Mishka is the tank that protects allies at the start of the battle and also helps her team with extra stuns. In the upper right corner, there is an example of ATalene tanking Antandra’s initial damage and Ezio being used to kill the hero who gets protected by Hendrik.

In the lower left corner, we have an example of ABrutus tanking early damage and helping out with stuns while Raku does his job of carrying his team. In the bottom center, Mulan is the hero who helps Queen and Eironn with extra stuns. And in the lower right corner, a rare example of Five-pull comp working without Queen. In this specific situation, the CC of Nemora, Eironn and Raku was enough to make your team survive the entire battle.


Tamrus dive

Core hero: Tamrus
Level deficits at which this comp can work: 400+
The most common heroes in this comp: Mulan, Raku Raku, Geralt, Canisa & Ruke
Other heroes that are occasionally useful in this comp: Awakened Brutus, Awakened Baden, Maetria, khazard Khazard, Framton Framton, Olgath, Awakened-Ezizh Awakened Ezizh, mortas Mortas, kren Kren, Zolrath, Veithael, Prince of Persia Prince of Persia, Ezio Ezio, Mishka Mishka, Raine, Awakened Thane, Awakened Solise, Awakened Belinda, Scarlet Scarlet, Rem, Yennefer, Emilia, Fane Fane, Palmer, Zaphrael Zaphrael, joker Joker, Awakened Athalia

This comp consists of Tamrus diving into the enemy team, stunning and debuffing them while buffing your allies.

Artifacts and investment on core heroes

Tamrus’ minimal investment is his level 20 signature that allows him to keep all the Enthusiasm he receives until the end of the battle which increases significantly his survivability. His level 9 furniture is also very strong because it gives a 20% attack buff to your allies. A level 9 furniture combined with a level 30 signature gives a 40% attack buff to your allies.

Engraving him to level 33 (haste nodes) is also a great investment. He usually uses Call artifact, but Eye and Chaos Bringer are also good on him. Grace artifact can be a decent option because it makes his dodges even better.

The role of each hero in this comp

Mulan with furniture level 9 has a great synergy with Tamrus because she also jumps into the enemies right at the beginning of the battle. And Tamrus can turn her into a very strong carry thanks to his huge buffs.

Canisa & Ruke and Awakened Brutus are heroes with great survivability that can help to group up enemies which makes Tamrus even more effective. Framton can work great as a carry because he also has synergy with these two heroes.

Mishka and Veithael are other two tanks with great CC and survivability that works pretty well on this comp.

Raku is great because he deals extra damage to stunned enemies and he also has a good CC skill to help Tamrus. Maetria, Scarlet, Awakened Belinda, Awakened Thane, Rem, Kren and Olgath can also work as a carry on this team.

Geralt has one of best best CC skills for campaign, so he is a very strong option to make this comp viable. Emilia can also be very useful due to her strong CC. Awakened Ezizh, Yennefer, Zaphrael and Prince of Persia are more niche options that can work.

Yes, Leonardo also works great here, but Leonardo and Tamrus are so strong that you can build two different comps with them instead of using them together.

Fane with engraving level 60 can be useful because his Bone Prison has a good synergy with Tamrus.

Just like on Mehira comp and LDV comp, Khazard’s level 30 signature is amazing to extend your allies CC skills. Raine is great to generate extra energy if you’re using Awakened Belinda. Mortas and Palmer are great buffers if you need more damage. Ezio is a niche option against heroes like Brutus and Hendrik.


These are just a few of the many ways to build a Tamrus comp. In the first example Framton and Tamrus benefit greatly from how well Canisa & Ruke and ABrutus manage to group enemies together. In the top middle image ABelinda carries the team while Mishka, Tamrus and Mulan jump on enemies. In the upper right image, Mortas buffs the carries (Framton and Mulan) and ASolise helps them survive.

The bottom left image shows Tamrus, Mulan and Geralt diving into the enemy team with stuns while Raku and ABaden carry the team. The bottom middle image is a rare example where Prince of Persia and Zaphrael can be useful in this comp at very high level deficits. The bottom right image is an example of Olgath being used as a carry at 477 level deficits.


Lucretia invade

Core hero: Lucretia Lucretia
Level deficits at which this comp can work: 300+
The most common heroes in this comp: Haelus Haelus, Granit Granit, Lorsan, Raine, Zaphrael Zaphrael, mortas Mortas
Other heroes that are occasionally useful in this comp: Brutus, Nara, Athalia, Nemora, Mishka Mishka, Palmer, Awakened-Ezizh Awakened Ezizh, Estrilda, Hodgkin Hodgkin, Ezizh, Tamrus, Zolrath, Lyca, Orhtros, afk arena silas Silas, Skreg

This comp consists of Lucretia receiving various buffs for every ally killed. Then she kills all enemies due to these huge buffs.

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Artifacts and investment on core heroes

Lucretia can receive a lot of buff every time an ally dies thanks to her signature. Her level 0 signature gives a huge energy buff, her level 20 signature gives a huge haste buff, and her level 30 signature gives a huge attack buff to her.

Her level 9 furniture is also extremely important because it can prevent enemies from using their ultimates.

The higher the level deficit, the more stats she will need. So it’s highly recommended to engrave her at least up to level 66 (atk and pp nodes) if you want to use her at very high level deficits.

Even engraved to the max, she probably won’t be strong enough at extremely high deficits (400+), but she can easily work around 300 level deficit.

In most situations, Dual Divinity will be by far the best artifact for her. Verdant Longbow, Eye and Shroud of Verdure can work, but they probably won’t be as effective and Dual Divinity.

The role of each hero in this comp

Most of the heroes that work in this comp are heroes that can provide some utility or some buff right at the beginning of the battle before dying.

Haelus is great because his divine cube can increase Lucretia’s attack or Lucretia’s survivability a lot. Palmer’s buffs can also be useful to Lucretia in some situations. Hodgkin can give a 30% defense and 30% attack buff to Lucretia right at the beginning. Mortas and Silas are amazing supports for this comp, but they need to use their ultimate on Lucretia before dying.

Raine is good because she provides extra energy to Lucretia and she marks one enemy to receive way more damage. Ezizh is also good because he gives a permanent energy regeneration buff to Lucretia before dying. Estrilda can knock an enemy backwards, and if she lives for a few more seconds, she can also give 40% attack buff and 150 extra energy to Lucretia.

Lorsan is very useful on this comp because he can link two enemies. A certain amount of damage taken by one of the linked enemies is also taken by the other linked enemy. This allows Lucretia to kill an enemy while she is attacking another one. He works at any ascension. Awakened Ezizh also works at any ascension and he is useful because he bans an enemy for 10 seconds when the battle starts.

Granit needs his level 30 signature. His role is to die as soon as possible to petrify all nearby enemies for 6 seconds. Nemora needs her level 9 furniture because her role is to charm an enemy right at the beginning of the battle.

Zaphrael is good because he can stun enemies right at the beginning of the battle. Athalia and Tamrus are also good heroes that can jump on enemies right at the beginning. Mishka with furniture level 9 can activate her ultimate and jumps on enemies really quickly, and she is a tank that can use Barricade artifact to protect Lucretia. Nara can be useful because she can pull an enemy and stun them when the battle starts.

Brutus can distract enemies for a few seconds with his invencibility shield while Lucretia does her job. Skreg with furniture level 9 can give a good attack buff, defense buff and energy recovery buff to Lucretia when she is on the enemy side of the battlefield. Orthros’ job is to set up a time tramp on two enemies right at the beginnignof the battle, and when Lucretia kills one of these enemies, all nearby enemies get stunned for 3 seconds. All these tanks usually use Barricade artifact to protect Lucretia.

Zolrath with furniture level 3 can be great because he allows your allies to activate any of those skills mentioned above even sooner. Lyca can be a decent option in some situations because she can buff your allies’ haste.


In these six screenshots you can see most of the previously mentioned heroes that work well in this comp. In the first image we have an example of Brutus being used to distract enemies for a few seconds. In the second image we have an example in which AEzizh banishes the enemy Oden at the beginning of the battle and Mortas using his ult on Lucretia before he dies.

In the image in the lower left corner, there is an example in which Silas must survive until he activates his ultimate on Lucretia. In the bottom middle image is a battle where the Orthros time trap will come in handy. And in the bottom right corner is a rare example of a Lucretia comp without Haelus.

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