Solise – The Floral Wonder


Solise – The Floral Wonder

Faction: WilderWilder
 Type: IntelligenceIntelligence
 Class: MageMage
 Role: ControlControl
 Rarity: AscendedAscended

Solise’s  Skills

Unlock Level (Hero) Name Icon Description
1 Blossom Fall
Blossom Fall
Solise deals 280% damage to all enemies on the battlefield, leaving them temporarily stunned. Using this ability causes cherry blossom leaves to fall upon the battlefield for 20 seconds. While cherry blossom leaves are falling, all of Solise’s other abilities will gain a power increase.
11 Floral Disruption
Solise throws a vial at a single enemy target, dealing 200% damage to them, causing them to become temporarily stunned. When “Blossom Fall” is occurring, enemies in close proximity to the original target will also from suffer this ability’s effects.
21 Floral Disruption
Damage increased by up to 215%.
41 Floral Specter
Floral Specter
Solise summons a Floral Specter that possesses 50% of Solise’s health which remains on the battlefield for 15 seconds. When “Blossom Fall” is occurring, the Floral Specter will deal 90% worth of Solise’s Attack Rating as damage to nearby enemies.
61 Forests Blessing
Forests Blessing
Solise blesses an allied hero for 8 seconds. While the blessing is active, the amount of damage dealt to the ally is reduced by 20% and the ally recovers 70% worth of Solise’s Attack Rating as health per second.
81 Blossom Fall
Blossom Fall
Damage increased by up to 330%.
101 Floral Disruption
Stun effect lasts for up to 3 seconds.
121 Floral Specter
Floral Specter
When an enemy attacks the Floral Specter, it will deflect 50% of the damage it receives back onto the enemy.
141 Forests Blessing
Forests Blessing
Blessing effects persist while “Blossom Fall” is occurring on the battlefield.
161 Blossom Fall
Blossom Fall
Damage increased by up to 380%.
181 Floral Disruption
Damage increased by up to 230%.
201 Floral Specter
Floral Specter
When an enemy attacks the Floral Specter, it will deflect 80% of the damage it receives back onto the enemy.
221 Forests Blessing
Forests Blessing
Allies using this blessing will receive 25% less damage.

Signature Item

Item: Floral Cloak of Hope

Floral Cloak of Hope

Woven together with a magical material, this cloak is more powerful than it appears. Wearing it allows one to forge a powerful connection with the forest’s flora.

Skill: Flower Power

Flower Power

The Floral Specter will attack 2 enemies simultaneously.

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  • [+10 Unlocks] The Floral Specter gains an additional 20% health.
  • [+20 Unlocks] The Floral Specter gains an additional 50% health.
  • [+30 Unlocks] The Floral Specter will attack 3 enemies simultaneously.

Furniture Set Bonuses 

Floral Rejuvenation

  • [3/9 Mythic Pieces] When the Floral Specter is defeated or its duration on the battlefield expires, it transforms itself into a spirit form that becomes impervious to all attacks for 8 seconds. When “Blossom Fall” is occurring, the spirit is able to attack enemies, however, its damage output is decreased by 15%.
  • [9/9 Mythic Pieces] While Solise is alive, if an allied hero that is positioned on the frontline is defeated, a Floral Specter will appear at that allied hero’s position.
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