King’s Tower – Information & Rewards

king tower afk arena

What is King’s Tower?

The King’s Tower is a PvE function AFK Arena. It is is located right in the center of the Dark Forest.

The King’s Tower has 300 floors in total.

Each floor has specific PvE team composition and specific rewards. Defeat each floor, get the rewards and process to higher floors.

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Once you defeat a level, you cannot go back. You will just keep going until you hit the final floor of the Tower. This mode does not reset and you have unlimited time to finish it.

King's Tower AFK Arena

King’s Tower Progression Ladder

There is a leaderboard showing top players who have the best records in the King’s Tower.

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There are 2 ways to check the progression of the King’s Tower of your server:

  • Via the Wall of Legends building located in Ranhorn.
  • Via the Ladderboard button located at the top right on the King’s Tower main menu.
King's Tower Progression Ladder
King’s Tower Progression Ladder

Once the certain floors of the Tower is defeated for the first time, the whole server will be able to claim the rewards.

Simply go to the Wall of Legends → King’s Tower Progression Ladder → Rewards to claim the Rewards:

king towers achievements

Progression Rewards
First player on the server to reach Floor #100 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds
First player on the server to reach Floor #125 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds
First player on the server to reach Floor #150 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds
First player on the server to reach Floor #175 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds
First player on the server to reach Floor #200 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds
First player on the server to reach Floor #225 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds
First player on the server to reach Floor #250 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds
First player on the server to reach Floor #275 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds
First player on the server to reach Floor #300 of the King’s Tower 50xgem Diamonds

stage info king's tower

Stage Info

The Stage Info button gives you some basic information regarding to the floor you are at:

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  • Battle Record: 3 Replays of your friends defeating this floor.
  • Rewards: The Rewards for you after defeating this level! This could be very useful for you If you are getting stuck at that specific floor. You will have the rough idea of building a working team for it.

Faction Towers

In AFK Arena, once you’ve reached a certain level, you unlock Faction Towers where only specific faction squads can be used.

new kings tower design

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Currently the number of floors that you can climb for each Faction Towers is 900 floors.That’s quite a lot!

Below is a hero trial calendar that can help you remember when each faction hero can be used to help in your progression up the Faction Towers.

afk arena logo

AFK.Guide is trying to be the biggest database of guides for all AFK Arena players. If you want to join us on this journey, please contact us via afkguide[@]

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