Stargazing Priorities, Droprates & Probabilities

In this guide, we are going to show you how basically Stargazing works in AFK Arena, the drop rates of the rewards, and the heroes you should focus on first in the Stagazing Room!

Follow our tips clearly to grow your account a lot faster.

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The Noble Tavern

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The Stargazing Room is located in The Noble Tavern building.

After Campaign Chapter 15 or after unlocking VIP level 13, you will see a new tab in the Tavern called The Stargazing Room.

Stargazing Room: Basic Information

  • Players can use either Star Cards or Diamonds to do the Stargaze.
  • Rewards contain Heroes, Diamonds, Artifact Fragments, Mythic Gears, and other valuable items.
  • There is a small chance of getting an incredible amount of Diamonds when stargazing.
  • The prize Heroes can be changed via the button at the top right.

Stargazing Room Droprates / Probabilities

Rewards Drop rates
Hero 2%
Note: it’s proven that there is a pity timer, so you can’t spend more than 32,500 diamonds or 65 cards by using single pulls (or 35,000 diamonds or 70 cards by using 10x pulls) without getting a single copy.
30,000 gem Diamonds 0.01%
mythic item Mythic Item x1 0.84%
artifact fragment Artifact Fragment x1 24.5%
rare enhancement token Rare Enhancement Token x2 1.5%
rare enhancement token Rare Enhancement Token x1 3%
Arena Ticket Arena Ticket x2 5.01%
elite hero card Elite Hero Card x1 3.2%
rare hero card Rare Hero Card x1 9%
Large Crate of Gold x2 4.5%
Large Crate of Hero EXP x1 4.5%
Large Crate of Hero’s Essence x2 4.5%
Small Pile of Gold x5 9.36%
Small Pile of Hero EXP x2 9.36%
Small Pile of Hero’s Essence x5 9.36%
common enchancement tokens Common Enhancement Tokens x150 2.81%
common enchancement tokens Common Enhancement Tokens x100 2.81%
common enchancement tokens Common Enhancement Tokens x50 3.74%

Stargazing Priority Guide

Last update: November 8th, 2024

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Looking for the best heroes to stargazer in AFK Arena? This quick guide will show you how to do it properly!

This is the best place to ascend Celestial and Hypogean heroes. Do NOT wishlist Lightbearers, Maulers, Wilders or Graveborns on Stargazing.

Extremely high priority

These are the highest priorities and the most impactful investments you can make on Stargazing. Focus on them before moving to the next tier.

  1. Mythic Daemia (8 copies): she is one of the strongest celepogeans in the game because she is very strong on all game modes. She can work pretty well at mythic ascension.
  2. 1 star on Liberta (16 copies): he is a very strong support/carry that can be useful on all game modes. He is particularly top-tier on PvP, Cursed Realm and Nightmare Corridor.
  3. 1 star on Daemia (+8 copies, 16 copies in total): she can work only with her signature level 20, but her engraving level 30 is also really strong, so it is recommended to ascend her to 1 star right after Liberta.
  4. 1 star on Lavatune (16 copies): one of the strongest heroes in the game. He is meta on all game modes.
  5. Elite Mehira (1 copy): she is amazing for Campaign and Towers even at Elite ascension. This is a very small and very impactful investment. She has a good survivability and her ultimate is one of the strongest for PvE. Also, having a copy of her unlocks a good Collection

Very high priority

After finishing the list above, these are the heroes you should get next (Aurelia, Lucilla and Knox are interchangeable, they’re all equally great):

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  1. 1 star on Aurelia (16 copies): A very strong mage that will be useful on all game modes.
  2. 1 star on Lucilla (16 copies): she is very strong on several game modes and she works incredibly well alongside Liberta.
  3. 1 star on Knox (16 copies): the newest hypogean is also strong on all game modes.
  4. alna Ascended Alna (14 copies): at this point, you are probably getting copies of her on Challenger store, but Alna is such an important hero that getting some extra copies on her on Stargazing to ascend her even faster is worth it. She is essential to push Campaign at high level deficits and she is also essential to build some strong comps on PvP. Optional: 1 star on Alna can be a good investment to upgrade her haste by engraving her. Engraving her is a very late game investment though, so you can just ascend her with 0 stars and get the star later with Challenger coins.
  5. 1 star on Veithael (16 copies): he is a very relevant celepogean on all game modes. Getting one star on him is important because his level 30 engraving is pretty strong.
  6. 1 star on Kalthin (16 copies): the strongest Hypogean damage dealer. His best game modes are Cursed Realm and Tresure Scramble.
  7. khazard Mythic Khazard (8 copies): he is very important for PvE and it can also be useful in some Cursed Realm rounds. His signature level 30 is everything you need, so you don’t him higher than mythic ascension.

High priority

After finishing the list above, these are the heroes you should get next:

  1. 1 star on Canisa & Ruke (16 copies): they’remvery relevant on PvP and Campaign. They can be very useful even without any engraving, but their level 60 engraving is a nice upgrade to make them even more powerful.
  2. Ascended Elijah & Lailah (14 copies): Elite Twins is useful, but they die very easily. Ascending them will improve their survivability a lot. Optional: 1 star on Twins is great to upgrade their haste by engraving them.
  3. mortas Mythic Mortas (8 copies): he is an amazing support and he works pretty great at Elite ascension. But eventually you will want him at Mythic ascension. You can also get Mortas copies on Challenger store.
  4. Zolrath (14 copies): a very strong hero for Campaign, all he needs is his level 3 furniture to do his job. He can also be useful on PvP.
  5. Ascended Orthros (14 copies): he is an useful tank for Cursed Realm and Nightmare Corridor. You can also get Orthros copies on Challenger store.

Medium priority

Olgath and Tarnos are interchangeable with each other on the list below. It depends on what you need most. Tarnos has more synergy with Awakened Safiya and Olgath has more synergy with Awakened Shemira.

  1.  1 star on Olgath (16 copies): he is great on Hypogean tower and PvP and he can be a decent option for Nightmare Corridor
  2. 1 star on Tarnos (16 copies): he is very strong on PvP and it can be useful on Celestial tower. His star is important because his level 30 engraving is pretty useful.
  3. Ascended Ezizh (14 copies): another good hypogean that been falling off from the meta, but he is still useful. You can also get Ezizh copies on Challenger store.
  4. 1 star on Malkrie (16 copies): she is useful for PvP and Campaign, but she is easily replaceable.
  5. Haelus 1 star on Haelus (16 copies): he has fallen off from the meta pretty hard and it is just a decent substitute for Cursed Realm, Nightmare Corridor, PvP now. He is still great on Celestial tower though.
  6. Ascended Talene (14 copies): she is useful on Cursed Realm, Celestial tower and PvP. She can be a decent hero for Celestial tower at Elite ascension, but she needs to be ascended to be useful on the other game modes.
  7. Mythic Mehira (+7 copies, 8 copies in total): even though she is great even at Elite ascension, you will eventually need her signature level 30.

Low priority

Those three heroes mentioned below are mediocre, they’re useful, but not very important.

  1. flora Ascended Flora (14 copies): she used to be meta on PvP, but there are better options now. She is still quite useful on Celestial tower though. But you should never spend Stargazing cards on her because you can ascend her with Challenger coins.
  2. Framton 1 star on Framton (16 copies): he is very niche on Cursed Realm, PvP and Campaign.
  3. Lucretia 1 star on Lucretia (16 copies): she used to be one of the strongest heroes in the game, but now she is basically a decent alternative for Hypogean tower.
  4. Ascended Athalia (14 copies): another hero that fell off from the meta pretty hard. She is still good on Celestial tower though. And she can be useful on Campaign at Elite ascension in very specific situations. You can also get Athalia copies on Challenger store.
  5. Zaphrael Ascended Zaphrael (14 copies): he works even at Elite ascension for Campaign and Celestial tower, but being ascended makes him slightly better.

Very low priority

At this point, you basically have already built all important celepogeans. The next three celepogeans are very niche heroes. They can be useful, but you will be fine without them.

  1. Morael Ascended Morael (14 copies): she is just a substitute for some Cursed Realm rounds and she is very niche on Celestial tower.
  2. Audrae 1 star on Audrae (16 copies): she is a mediocre damage dealer for Celestial tower and she used to be meta on PvP, but she fell off from the meta.
  3. Vyloris 1 star on Vyloris (16 copies): she used to be a niche hero for Cursed Realm and PvP, and her level 60 engraving is very important to her. But several heroes outclass her in the current meta.

Extremely low priority

These are the worst celepogeans in the game. They are basically useless in the current meta.

  1. Mezoth Ascended Mezoth: used to be a very niche hero for some PvP comps. But there are several better options than him.
  2. Ascended Titus: slightly less strong than Mezoth on PvP, but slightly more useful than him on faction tower.
  3. Zikis Zikis: he was meta on PvP a long time ago, but he is not useful anywhere right now.
  4. Wu Kong: the weakest celestial in the game. You can ascend him with lab coins, but you shouldn’t do that.
  5. Leofric Leofric: he is undoubtedly the weakest hypogean in the game.


Best Tips for Stargazing

Using Stargazing Cards

If you seriously want to put money in AFK Arena, putting your luck in Stargazing is definitely worth a try. You will eventually get the Heroes you want, Mythic gears and even 30,000 Diamonds batch.

Just remember to wait till you see the Hero you really need shows up on the prize list even when the Hero droprate is only 2%.

Using Diamonds to Stargaze

For Free-to-Play Players and New Players, it’s best to spend all of the Diamonds you have on summoning Heroes in The Noble Tavern.

The rewards in Stargazing Room seems very amazing to new players, you actually get a lot more benefits from buying 10xcommon hero scroll Summon Scrolls at the beginning.

Once you have decent knowledge regarding the game, and you maybe want to test your luck, give it a try once and you will eventually see if it actually gives you any real profit or not.

As mentioned above, it usually requires up to 20,000 Diamonds, around 70 common hero scroll Summon Scrolls, to pull out the selected Heroes from the Stargazing Pool. So, If you do not like gambling, getting 70 common hero scroll Summon Scrolls is a much safer bet because you will have the chance of getting the Heroes you want, and tons of fodders for them.

However, if you are in the late stage of the game, after chapter 27+, when you have around 20 or more ascended Heroes in your team, you will want to start stargazing.

Ascending weak heroes really only gets you 5 more levels for the resonating crystal, and while this can be useful, there aren’t many F2P players who reach their level cap anyways.

It’s better off to spend those gems trying to get Celestial/Hypogean heroes (Talene, Mehira, Twins, Khazard, etc.) than to get more fodder material. It just doesn’t make sense to do gem summons at this point of the game.

– Shared by Bored.

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