Heroes of Esperia Guide & Teams To Get to Master

Heroes of Esperia is one of the best PvP events in AFK Arena, where players can fight against others to earn points, get to the higher “ranks” for better rewards.

If you are finding it hard to reach Master, Diamond, or any lower rank in HoE, you will definitely get it done a lot easier after reading this guide.

Heroes of Esperia

Team Suggestions for Heroes of Esperia

Below are some of the best for Heroes of Esperia. We’ve listed all of the top-tier heroes for each formation so that you can easily build your own teams based on the suggestions. Shared by DJ-McMuffin-Gaming, he used these lineups to get to Master with ease.

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Energy Cycle Teams

Use Energy Cycle Teams against Stall Teams, Five-Pull, budget burst, and weak Ainz teams.

Haelus Cycle Lucretia Haelus 
Skreg Cycle Lucretia
Budget Cycle
Subs Mishka OdendaimonEluard

Burst Teams

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Use Burst Teams against Energy Cycle, Five-Pull, and Graveborn Teams

Mishka Burst Mishka Zaphrael
Mishka Burst #2 Mishka RakuPrince of PersiaHaelus
Gwyneth Burst
Budget Burst Raku
Budget Burst Raku

Five-Pull Teams

Use Five-Pull versus Five-Pull teams.


Stall Teams

Use Stall Teams versus any Burst-like Teams.

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Mezoth Stall theowynfloraMezoth
Invade Stall flora
Budget Stall floraEzio
Budget Stall theowynflora

Ainz Teams

Use Ainz Teams versus almost every team but not burst and Haelus Cycle. Careful when dealing with Desira, Ezizh, Fearel, and Oden.

Traditional Ainz arthurAlbedo AnzmortasMerlin
Budget Ainz arthurAlbedo AnzMerlinEzio
Subs LeonardoDesira Hodgkin

Graveborn Teams

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Use Graveborn Teams against Stall, Energy Cycle, Graveborns, and Lucratia Teams.

Alna Graveborns alna afk arena silas
Budge Graveborns Hodgkin Odenafk arena silas
Subs Desira daimonTreznorLeonardo

Mauler Invader

Morael Invade tidus cecillaMorael
Antandra Invade tidus cecilla
Subs kren Mishka

Quick infographic guide by null_anecdote from BnB

Heroes of Esperia quick guide Heroes of Esperia quick guide

Heroes of Esperia Information

Battle Rules

  • Martial Rating: All of a player’s hero ascension tiers will remain the same and start with a hero level of 240. Hero levels may be additionally increased, based upon the player’s Resonating Crystal level.
  • Equipment: All hero gear (including unadorned parts ) are Mythic T1 and include Faction Bonuses but are un-enhanced. If a hero is already equipping Mythic T3 gear, their Hero Bonuses will be retained.
  • Signature Items: All signature items and their abilities will be retained.
  • Elder Tree: Players’ current Elder Tree levels and Virtue attributes will be retained, including all of their effects.
  • Oak Inn Furniture: All the effects and abilities granted by a hero’s furniture are preserved.
  • Artifacts: The effects of artifacts will not be retained.
  • Unions: The effects of artifacts will not be retained.
  • Eternal Engravings: Engraginvs attributes and abilities are retained and are based on the Engraving level.
  • Dimensionals and their linked heroes cannot be used at the same time regardless of being in different teams.
  • Bronze League is 1-vs-1 formation, Gold/Silver is 3, Diamond is 5, Legend is 7.
  • Free to refresh opponents couples of times per day. Afterwards it starts costing diamonds.

Star Convergence

Every 1 warrior Warrior class hero on the battlefield increases the Attack Rating of all heroes (including enemies) on the battlefield by 8% the first time their health falls below 50%. This effect can be stacked 5 times and lasts for 5 seconds.

Every 1 tank Tank class hero on the battlefield grants all heroes ( including enemies) on the battlefield a shield equal to 250% of their own Attack Ratings the first time their health falls below 50%. This shield can reach maximum of 1250% of their own Attack Ratings and lasts for 5 seconds.

Every 1 ranger Ranger class hero on the battlefield increases the Haste of all heroes (including enemies) by 10 points while their health is above 80%. This effect can reach a maximum of 50 points and will last for the whole duration of the battle.

For every 1 mage Mage class hero on the battlefield, allied heroes (excluding the Ultimate ability caster) will receive 80 Energy points when an ally uses their Ultimate ability.

For every 1 support Support class hero on the battlefield, each surviving ally will have their Health Regeneration increased by 15%, which can be increased up to a maximum of 75%. This effect will last for the whole duration of the battle.

Quick HoE Tips

Set up teams that are balanced and synergy-based, don’t focus on building 2 meta teams and having 3 completely useless comps on defense.

For attack, focus on just taking oui as many teams as you need to win, ignore the other ones.

Try to attack at times when players are less active, usually 6 hours after reset, or 4 hours before reset.

Don’t sit near the top of a bracket, if you’re pushing from gold 5 to gold 4, don’t sit in the top division of gold 5, either stay low to middle or don’t push at all.

Focus on moving up 1 bracket at a time, and if you keep getting attacked, it’s likely better to cut your losses and stop for a few hours.

How to counter popular comps

  • Ainz > Godcomp/GBs/5-Pull/Burst/Stall
  • Alna GB > GB/Stall
  • 5-Pull Vs. 5-Pull
  • Stall > Burst
  • Godcomp > Stall/5-Pull
  • Burst > Godcomp/5-Pull/GBs
  • Use your weakest comp vs Ainz, unless you have better Ainz team.

Shared by AFKArty

Heroes of Esperia Formation Priorities

A guide by by whitesushii.

When building your formations in Heroes of Esperia, you must have win-conditions in mind.

For players in the early game with a small hero pool, this should be as simple as to have your carry get an ultimate off while late game players should seek to get some form of synergy going.

heroes of esperia teams

In my example above, my win-conditions are

  • Team 1: Energy cycling with Ezizh, Rowan & Twins
  • Team 2: Shemira
  • Team 3: None since I was out of heroes at this point!

Without a win-condition, you won’t be able to beat a lot of players even if your heroes are better ascended.

Now in my case, I had a really strong synergy composition and a carry composition but a lot of you might find yourselves looking to run 2 carry compositions instead.

In those cases, your goal should always be to have, on each team:

  • One main carry (Shemira, Belinda etc)
  • 2 Tanks (Lucius, Brutus etc)
  • 2 Supports (Wilder trio or Lightbearer team)

Below are some examples of how I would have built my teams if I had to rely solely on carry heroes (which applies to most people).

heroes of esperia teams

You notice how Wukong and Shemira are always on different teams.

This is because they are my strongest heroes currently due to their ascensions and having them spread like this allows me to field 2 strong lineups which is essential for the best-of-three series.

For you, this could be daimon Daimon & Shemira, daimon Daimon & Saurus, Shemira & Belinda, daimon Shemira &  Gwyneth, or some other combination of carries.

Another thing is the faction bonus.

I aim to get at minimum a 3-2 setup but at most a 4-1 setup. Generally, 5-0 would be stronger but you are sacrificing the potential of splashing a strong unit in which case it’s not worth it Lastly, Tasi/Fawkes.

I always try to include them as one of the supports of every team.

A lot of people early-mid rely on single carry comps and they are the best counter against them, easily disabling carries like Shemira while the rest of your team wins the 5v4.

Heroes of Esperia Example Teams

Shared by u/Obsidianqqtt

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Ainz Comp

arthurAlbedo Anz


→ mortasOdenEzio

This comp can counter Stall Comp, Eiron burst, and Oden Energy Drain!

This is currently one the best PvP teams. Oden and Ferael can be used to deal with burst teams. Mortas gives Haste and Attack Buff to Ainz. Ezizh makes it the Ainz god comp for mirror matchups. Ezio is a great finisher. Tasi is always helpful.

Rowan is always a must-have in this comp, giving Ainz enough Energy to do damage.

Rowan is the main enabler for the comp, giving +500 energy (must be 30 SI) and Ainz as the main damage dealer.

Stomp Comp



flora → theowyn


Skreg is the enabler/tanker for the team. Thanks to his Signature Item, he offers a fast-paced CC, allowing him to do the Ultimate skills a lot more frequently! Flora SI provides Haste deduction (Haste is the best stat in AFK Arena). Ferael also deducts Haste while draining the enemy Energy, making them ulti less frequently. Wu Kong is a strong diversionist. This team is very good against mirror matchup or basic stall teams that has Mezoth and Orthos.

Anti-Ainz Disrupt:

alna flora

Replacements: → theowyn

Anla offers 9-sec immunity to the frontline, giving them enough time to stall and to use their ultimates. You can replace Ferael with Theowyn if the enemy Ainz cannot kill any of your heroes in his first Ultimate. Talene and Flora are unable to die if their allies are still alive.

Burst Teams

These teams are great at dealing with Stall and CC Comps.

Burst Link


The classic link burst team comp for Heroes of Esperia. Lyca offers Haste, Zaphrael offers a great stun, and Raku is a great finisher.

Deny Burst

Zaphrael Raku

Burst Anti-Burst

alna Zaphrael

Zolrath with 3/3 Furniture Ability can deny the enemies entering the battle by 0.75s, which is pretty huge. Alna has time to trigger her Ultimate to protect Eironn. Great to deal with any burst teams!

Daimon Grez Comp

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daimon â†’

→ khazardtheowyn

alna →

Great against Ainz and Burst Comps.

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This is kind of classic Daimon composition, great for mid and late-game players! Athalia is not a must, you can switch her to any other option!

Perma Sleep

pippa khazard

Super annoying team comp. Khazard’s Signature Item allows Pippa and Tasi to disable the enemies longer, while Khazard’s CC making it a perma sleep cycle.

Alna God Comp


Classic Alna cycle team. Alna gives Twins immunity, having enough time to stall and buff the haste.

For more team suggestions, please take a look at our Best AFK Arena Teams page!

Attacking and Defending in Heroes of Esperia

Attackers have a significant advantage in this format.

As an attacker, not only can you pick and choose fights to take advantage of faction counters and power differences.

You can also modify individual lineups for better Nara/Athalia positioning.

Below, I have 2 generic opponents from Gold I with the top player giving 117 trophies and the bottom one giving 108 trophies.

Without even needing to give this much thought, you should attack the bottom player since his formations are much easier with him having invested too deeply into one formation and leaving his other 2 vulnerable (hopefully you can spot which 2 are the weakest).

heroes of esperia teams

Attackers should look for.

  1. Players with only 1 strong formation
  2. Players with less overall power on his formations.
  3. Players with more trophies awarded.

On the flip side, if you are lazy like me, you want to pay more attention to your defense.

What’s different in Heroes of Esperia from Legends’ Tournament is how a “First to Two” format is used here as opposed to the Test of Three” formation in LT.

As such, you want your 2 strongest teams on slots 1 & 2 rather than 2 & 3 so opponents can’t get a cheap win having to only beat one of your strong teams.

You also want to position carries away from the 4th position and have your own disruptive heroes in that position if possible since you not only avoid annoying heroes like Eironn, but also have the potential to disrupt people running him.

Best Tips for Heroes of Esperia

  • Don’t push at the reset time because even if you win a fight and move up, you will likely get instantly bumped down due to the sheer number of people attacking around that time. This is a bigger problem towards the upper brackets of Gold I as well as Diamond I. That said if you can only play at one time of the day, you might as well attack anyway
  • Hoard some tickets by at least buying the 10 diamond ones every day so you can make a bigger push on the last day when most other players have moved up and you get easier opponents overall. Some people choose to spend more hoarding tickets for future events and also to abuse ‘Mystery Players” on day one but that’s entirely up to you.

    heroes of esperia tickets
    Purchase some tickets every day for the last day push!
  • Don’t spend diamonds on refresh. Instead, just attack someone lower on the list even if he gives close to no points since tickets are much cheaper this time round.
  • Always try to pass a division. Even though it is possible to drop out of a division, you do have some fail-safe as opposed to be at Gold I for example. From what I noticed and also past events, you only drop if someone which a much lower rating than you beat you.

What is Heroes of Esperia Event?

Heroes of Esperia is the new PvP mode in AFK Arena and designed with the league competition style.

There are 6 league divisions: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Master & Legend. To get higher ranking and get into a higher league, players need to earn more trophies. Higher leagues equal better rewards.

Players challenge other players in the same league divisions.

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Players in the Masters league can Challenge players in the Legends league and If they win, they can get into the Legends league. Trophy counts do not get affected in this kind of matchup.

When a player in the Legends league defeats another one who has a higher ranking, they will immediately swap their positions. Who have lower rankings will have the chance of getting defeated by players in the Masters league.

Heroes of Esperia screen

At the beginning of a new season, rankings are determined based on player combat ratings.

Each formation must contain at least one Hero. When getting into higher leagues, players will be required to submit more team formations for Best-of-three matches. To manage the formations, press the Formation button in the Heroes of Esperia screen.

Heroes of Esperia Season Rewards

At the end of the season, players in each league division will receive the corresponding rewards, containing Hero Soulstones and Honor Experience.

Honor Experience can be used to raise a player’s honor level and unlock rewards such as avatar frames, etc. as shown below:

Heroes of Esperia Season Rewards

AFK ARENA - NEW EVENTS | Heroes of Esperia, Assembly of Heroes

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AFK.Guide is trying to be the biggest database of guides for all AFK Arena players. If you want to join us on this journey, please contact us via afkguide[@]gmail.com

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