This AFK Arena Tier List gives players a rough idea of the best Heroes you should focus on during different stages of the game: Early, Mid, and Late Game.
By understanding the most powerful to spend your resources on, you will be able to save a lot of resources, time, and progress through the game a lot easier.
Hero ratings for different game modes are also included: PvP, PvE, Labyrinth Arcane, and Guild Boss.
If you are new to the game, check out the Hero Priority guide or read the guide at the bottom of this page to see the general idea to build up your teams based on this tier list ranking!
Last Update: Patch 1.164 (March, 2025), “Lysander – Eternal Gambit” Release
Early Game Tier List
From the beginning to Campaign Chapter 30.
Before level 160, it’s recommended to use Mirael as your main carry while slowly working on
Scarlet or
Raku as they should be your main carry afterwards (but Daimon is by far the best carry until Chapter 30). Select
Merlin or
Leonardo from the
challenger store and use
lab coins for
Joan of Arc except when a dimensional exchange is ongoing. More details here!
After level 160, Legendary Tier Heroes will no get any additional skill upgrades, they will fall off in power, losing the viability. It’s safe to sacrifice the following Heroes immediately for upgrading the others.
Arden is the only Legendary Tier hero that can still be useful for a few more chapters after you reach Resonant Crystal Lv 160. So you can keep using him for a while if you want.
Make the most of our AFK Arena codes to reroll for the top-tier heroes If you decide to start a new account on the new server! Having 2+ copies of any tier-S heroes above is enough to enjoy the game!
Mid Game Tier List
From the beginning to Chapter 30 to Chapter 35. This is where you start maxing out Signatures and Furniture of the core heroes in the formations.
End Game Tier List
You’ve now maxed out many of the game’s most important heroes, and now you’re starting to invest on slightly less relevant heroes.
We always recommend playing AFK Arena PC for the best gaming performance! This page also works best when visiting from your computers!
Character Ranking
Tier | Description |
S+ | Literally over-powered. They possess incredible abilities that can easily change the result of the match. |
S | The most powerful Heroes who have the game-changing abilities when they are in the right teams. |
A | These are very Good Heroes that own the solid utilities and game-changing qualities. |
B | Great Heroes that provide decent abilities and game-changing qualities. |
C | Average Heroes who have some decent utilities but lack game-changing qualities. |
D | Situational Heroes that lack utilities. Or you must spend a huge investment for them to work. Can be only used in some specific teams. |
F | Typically useless Heroes in most team compositions. Better to not use them in most cases. |
Tier List Sections
- Overall: A general tier list that acts as an overview of the heroes’ power and utility at a certain level range.
- PvP: A more specific tier list of heroes who are best suited for the Arena and other PvP activities.
- PvE: A specific tier list of heroes best used for the Campaign and King’s Tower.
- Lab (Labyrinth & Peaks of Time): The tier list specific to heroes which are best suited for the Arcane Labyrinth and Peaks of Time mode.
- Twisted Realm: Tierlist on which heroes are best to bring against Twisted Realm Bosses
AFK Arena Tier List Summary:
For more details, please scroll down!
Shemira & Belinda are not great starting heroes anymore!
No, Belinda and
Shemira used to be meta in 2019. However, there are much better options now. Their damage and flexibility are not even close as strong as heroes like Daimon. That’s why Belinda and Shemira are very bad on the above AFK Arena tier list!
Build Up Your Teams Based on the Top-tier Heroes
During the first 30 chapters. Daimon with Lv20 signature, or
Raku with Lv30 signature or ascended
Scarlet or ascended
Ainz are excellent options to carry you easily. If you have a strong
Eironn or
Kren, they are also great carry options for the first 30 chapters.
Rowan with signature level 30 is also very important, probably the most important signature level 30 in the game.
Joan of Arc,
Tasi are very useful support/utility heroes even with signature level 20.
Silas and
Merlin are also great, but need a little higher investment.
Lorsan and
Brutus can be useful in many situations even at elite ascension, even during the end game. Elite
Mortas can be quite useful in the early-mid game.
Grezhul and
Mishka are the best tanks to invest in first. Both have one of the most important level 9 furniture in the game. Signature level 20 is enough for both during early-mid game.
Arthur is quite tanky during early-mid game, so he can be very useful to you if you have him.
Starting from Chapter 31, you will need multiple comps in the campaign. So you should focus on building meta comps little by little. In Late game, you will need five comps every boss stage.
These are the main comps used at the highest level deficits in the end game of the campaign. These are comps that are meta between 250 and 450 level deficit:
Thoran Cheese
This is the strongest comp in Campaign, but it only works if you’re playing at very high level deficits (preferably above 180 level deficits, but it can work between 120 and 180 level deficits in some stages). This comp consists of Thoran taking as much damage as possible while using his ult, because Thoran returns all the damage taken to the enemy team and kills them.
It is highly recommended not to upgrade Thoran’s engraving, as this means that he does not take as much damage as he should during the ult. His Signature level 30 is highly recommended. His furnitures level 3 and 9 are very useful in some stages.
Thoran usually uses Call, Eye or Blade artifact. This will depend on whether the Thoran needs more energy. Call level 5 is also highly important for this team, as it makes allies transfer energy to Thoran upon death.
Lorsan is great in this comp for linking two enemies to share damage taken. Heroes like
Athalia and
Nara are great at preventing the enemy Mehira from dropping her bats early in the battle, plus they are also capable of repositioning enemies to bring them closer to Thoran.
Zaphrael is also useful to stun an enemy early in the battle. All these heroes can work pretty well even at elite ascension.
Rowan and
Raine are examples of heroes that can help Thoran ult faster.
Eironn is great at repositioning enemies and
Skriath with level 3 furniture can help Eironn reposition them even better for Thoran.
Kelthur is also great with Thoran because, in addition to repositioning enemies, he charges energy very quickly and transfers it to Thoran after dying if you have Call level 5.
Pippa with Lv20 signature is also great because she can reposition Thoran and give him invincibility for a few seconds.
Charm Comp
This is one of the strongest comps in Campaign because Mehira’s charm causes enemies to attack each other and kill themselves. And Mehira can work even at Elite ascension. Eventually you will need her at Mythic ascension with signature level 30 though.
Mehira will most often use Windbinder artifact to unleash her first ult as quickly as possible. But Winged Warden and Call can be great artifact options for Mehira depending on the situation.
Rowan is used a lot in the Charm comp because it gives Mehira a lot of extra energy.
Zolrath with level 3 furniture and
Lyca are great options to help Mehira drop her first ult even faster.
Rosaline must always follow Mehira in this comp. This makes Mehira able to ult much more often.
Khazard is also great in this comp because his level 30 signature makes Mehira’s charm last 8 seconds instead of 5. Khazard doesn’t need to be better than mythic ascension at signature level 30, as his sole purpose in Campaign is to activate his signature effect at the start of battles.
Sometimes a carry with good damage is needed in this comp. So sometimes we can see heroes like Oden,
Awakened Belinda,
Daimon or
Grezhul being used with Mehira.
There are also rare situations where a tank that can tank massive amounts of damage early in the battle, such as Brutus, is useful.
Leo Permastun
This comp consists of keeping enemies stunned during the entire battle or almost the entire battle with Leonardo’s ult.
Mishka is very strong in this comp because she can ult very quickly and stun enemies, giving Leonardo time to survive until he charges the ult.
Zolrath with furniture level 3 is great for speeding this process up even further.
Awakened Ezizh,
Tamrus can help with early stuns. But none of the above heroes have enough damage to carry at very high level deficits. So you need a carry like
Awakened Thane,
Awakened Belinda,
Awakened Brutus,
Kren or
Scarlet in this comp.
Silas and
Palmer are situational supports that can make your carry even stronger.
Khazard with signature level 30 is great for increasing Leonardo’s CC duration.
Canisa & Ruke is a great tank that has great survivability and can help with stuns and damage.
Brutus is good at tanking a lot of damage early in the fight, if need be.
Ezio is useful for countering Hendrik or Brutus.
Alna GB
For this comp to be used in the campaign, Alna needs level 30 signature and level 9 furniture. Her furniture gives Alna and her frontline partner a great invincibility early in the battle and her signature allows them to activate the invincibility again when their health is below 50%.
Usually, Alna’s frontline partner is Grezhul. But
Awakened Baden can be better than Grezhul in some situations.
Oden and
Scarlet are heroes with great damage and CC to support Grezhul.
Daimon, and
Awakened Solise can also be useful in some situations.
Silas and
Nevanthi are heroes that can improve the team’s survivability and provide great buffs.
Desira is a more niche support hero, but it can also be useful depending on the situation.
Five-pull comp
In this comp, Eironn is able to pull all 5 enemies thanks to
Skriath’s level 3 furniture.
Queen is also a core hero in this comp because she is able to stun all 5 enemies for the entire battle. Especially if Skriath has level 30 signature.
The other two heroes in the comp vary greatly depending on the situation. Sometimes you will need more damage, so Lucretia,
Scarlet or
Daimon will be great alternatives. Sometimes you’ll need someone who can tank a lot of damage to help your team survive Eironn’s initial pull, so
Awakened Talene or
Brutus are great even if they have a very low ascension. And sometimes you’ll need heroes to help Queen with stuns, like
Mishka or
Sometimes you will need Zolrath or
Lyca to pull your enemies faster.
Ezio is a niche option used to counter Hendrik or Brutus.
Lucretia invade
Lucretia is a hero who gets a lot of buffs when an ally dies. So, in this comp, you must let your allies die for Lucretia to get stronger and kill all enemies.
She can be great in the 5-pull comp mentioned above, where Eironn pulls in all 5 enemies, some or all allies die after his initial pull, and then Lucretia kills all enemies.
But she is also used frequently outside the 5-pull comp. In Lucretia Invade comp, you must use as many heroes as possible that can help Lucretia in some way before they die.
Lorsan, for example, links two enemies as soon as the battle starts. This is excellent for Lucretia to kill them faster.
Granit with signature level 30 can freeze nearby enemies as soon as he dies.
Raine marks an enemy to take more damage and gives Lucretia extra energy.
Haelus and
Hodgkin can give a great buff to Lucretia when the battle begins.
Mortas can quickly ult and give a very strong buff to Lucretia.
Silas is also excellent if he manages to survive until he ults on Lucretia.
Zolrath and
Lyca can also be useful in very specific situations where you need activate a specific skill earlier.
Zaphrael or
Awakened Ezizh have great starting CC to help Lucretia.
Brutus has an invincibility at the start of battles, causing enemies to focus their attacks on him while Lucretia kills them.
PvP Hero Tier List
Let’s talk about PvP now!
If you want to have your next hero to boost the PvP capabilities, check out our PvP guide for more details.
I will just make it short here so that you can quickly know which heroes you should invest for the most viable endgame PvP teams.
- Dimensional team:
is the strongest PvP comp in the game. Anasta or Haelus can replace Joan of Arc. Another variation of this team is with Ainz or Yennefer instead of Awakened Brutus. Ainz team can have Mortas or Leonardo replacing Joan of Arc or Ezio. Yennefer team can have Awakened Solise or Geralt replacing Joan of Arc or Ezio.
- Nevanthi team:
is the second strongest PvP comp. Awakened Baden, Ferael or Palmer can replace Canisa & Ruke. Talene, Awakened Talene or Titus can replace Orthros.
- Awakened Thane team:
is a very strong PvP comp. Palmer can replace Estrilda, Sonja or Hendrik. Orthros can replace Estrilda or Sonja. Joan of Arc or Raine can replace Sonja.
- Alna team:
is another great PvP comp. Ferael, Oden, Fane or Kalene can replace Mortas or Athalia. Canisa & Ruke, Lucretia or Grezhul can replace Awakened Baden.
- Burst team:
is also very strong on PvP. Anasta, Awakened Thane or Mishka can replace Veithael or Audrae. Oku, Canisa & Ruke or Estrilda can also replace Veithael.
- Cycle team:
is as strong as some of the comps above. Palmer, Awakened Solise or Haelus can replace Desira. Lucretia can replace Scarlet.
Twisted Realm Tier List
Some of you might want to have a better score in Twisted Realm.
Scarlet and
Awakened Solise are definitely the best heroes that gives you a lot of great positions in many bosses.
Twins are extremely important here and is the main reason why I recommend getting it early.
Mortas is also very strong against bosses. Twins and Mortas can work pretty well at Elite ascension on this game mode.
In the early game, there are a few heroes that are easy to get and work really well here such as Grezhul and
Warek. Grezhul should be one of your first ascended graveborns. Warek can work pretty well at Elite ascension for a very long time.
If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to comment down below to help us improve this AFK Arena Tier List. Love you guys!