PvE Team Formation (End Games)

Here are the best AFK Arena PvE team formations that could help you breaking through the PvE game contents with ease!

PvE contains all of the game modes where you need to fight against enemies created by the game itself, this contains Campaigns, King’s Tower, etc. On the opposite site, PvP is the environment where you fight against other players: Arena, Heroes of Esperia, etc.

Below is the updated list of the best PvE formations in AFK Arena. For all team compositions in general, kindly take a look at the Best AFK Arena Teams.

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Best AFK Arena PvE Formations (End Game)

By Cummnor

Lucretia AFK Arena

Lucretia Five-Pull

Lucretia teams rely on her signature item skill to stack attack rating through her teammates deaths, teammates are chosen to enable or give support to Lucretia before
death. 5-Pull variants rely on the combo of Skriath and Eironn to group all 5 enemies and allow Lucretia to deal large amounts of AOE damage.

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Hero Description
Lucretia Lucretia (Core) Lucretia scales ATK as her allies die, her flames and ultimate deal AOE damage to all enemies when grouped closely.
Requirements: +30SI | 9/9 Furniture | Artifact: shroud of verdureverdant longbow
Eironn (Core) Placed in position 4, Eironn’s job is to provide an initial disrupt and group enemies.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call
Skriath (Core) Skriath’s 3F allows Eironn to pull and group all enemies.
Requirements: +0SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the ArcaneDura's Eye
queen QUEEN (Flexible) Provides initial CC
Requirements: +0 | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Eye
Brutus (Flexible) Initial survivability *May be removed so he dies faster. 
Requirements: +0 | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact:
Granit Granit (Flexible) Initial stun, enemies cannot gain energy while petrified
Requirements: +30 | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricade

Other viable heroes:

Raku Anoki

Lucretia AFK Arena

Lucretia Invade

Lucretia teams rely on her signature item skill to stack attack rating through her teammates deaths, teammates are chosen to enable or give support to Lucretia before
death. Invade variants rely on initially disrupting enemies and allowing Lucretia to gain stats through dual divinity and her allies deaths.

Hero Description
Lucretia Lucretia (Core) Going to the enemy side of the field, Lucretia quickly stacks duel divinity, quickly gaining an additional 50% DR and ATK, greatly boosting her AOE and single target damage.
Requirements: +30SI | 9/9 Furniture | Artifact: shroud of verdureverdant longbow
Granit Granit (Flexible) Granit’s +30 allows an initial stun on a number of enemies, petrified enemies also will not regen energy.
Requirements: +30 | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricade
Skriath (Flexible) Skriath can group enemies with his 3f and ult, sandstorm also reduces enemy accuracy and haste.
Requirements: +0SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the ArcaneDura's Eye
Zaphrael Zaphrael (Flexible) Provides initial CC
Requirements: +0 | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Eye
Brutus (Flexible) Provides initial CC and thundercloud which periodically stuns enemies. *Investment may be needed in much later chapters.
Requirements: +30 | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's CallWarder of the Arcane
Mishka Mishka(Flexible) Instant re-active CC, damage amp, lower enemy defence rating.
Requirements: +20 | 9/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricadelifes limit
Nemora (Flexible) Nemora charms all enemies near her when first approached. Good initial cc and damage.
Requirements: +0 | 9/9 Furniture | Artifact: The Oceanic Strings
Hodgkin Hodgkin (Flexible) Initial flag provides a DEF, ATK, and Haste boost.
Requirements: +0 | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricadelifes limit

Other viable heroes:

Anoki mortas

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Mehira Charm

Charm is all about turning the enemies against each other, done by cycling Mehira’s ultimate in combination with Khazard 30 and Rosaline, she can permanently keep all 5 enemies charmed and damaging each other. Rowan and windbinder/winged allow Mehira to charm instantly at the start of a fight, heroes like Lyca and Zolrath or Brutus speed this process up or buy time for the charm.

Substitutes like Daimon or Raku may be used, especially in variants for players pre-khazard!

Hero Description
Mehira (Core) Placed at Position 4, her ult charms all enemies, causing them to attack their own allies, windbinder and winged both help with energy gain. Mehira works fine at Elite for a good while in this comp, when reaching into CH38 and beyond, she may need +30.
Requirements: +20SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: windbinder
khazard Khazard (Core) Khazard signature item increases CC duration by 30% allowing Mehira to cycle her ults before old ones run out, permastunning enemies. Works
even after his death.
Requirements: +30SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the Arcane
Rowan (Core)  400 energy pot to the first ally to reach 600 energy, also acts as a dodge tank and provides additional energy.
Requirements: +30SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call
Rosaline (Core) Rosaline follows Mehira feeding her energy to keep the ult cycle going.
Requirements: +10SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call
Zolrath (Flexible) Buys time at the start of battles and is good damage throughout the battle, helpful in stopping the comp from timing out on the last enemy.
Requirements: +30SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Chaos Bringer
Lyca (Flexible) Grants haste at the start of battles to quickly get the comp going, damage is helpful to prevent timeout.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: shroud of verdureverdant longbow

Other viable heroes:

daimon Raku kren Oden

Alna Graveborn

Alna-GB is centred around the frontline of Grezhul and Alna, where Alna’s 9F grants grezhul invulnerability allowing him to steal stats from his enemies, these stolen stats are converted into shields which are shared by minions, exploding to deal large amounts of damage.

The backline of Alna GB can vary massively depending on the enemy lineup and which other comps need the flexes!

Hero Description
Grezhul (Core) Grezhul steals ATK from enemies as well as lowering the enemies own ATK rating, ATK is converted into a damaging shield and is shared to
Requirements: +20SI | 9/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Eyethe barricade
alna Alna (Core)  Buys time for Grezhul by granting him immunity as well the rest of the team letting them ramp up. She also reduces enemy haste.
Requirements: +20SI | 9/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's EyeDura's Call
Oden Oden (Flexible) When invested, Oden bolsters high amounts of CC, Damage and energy reduction, scaling his haste and ATK over time.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the Arcanewindbinder
Ferael (Flexible) Ferael has an initial stun, CC, healing reduction, ATK decrease, and energy reduction off of his spirits.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Eyeshroud of verdure
afk arena silas Silas (Flexible) Silas has damage immunity for an ally, healing, ATK and ATK speed, amplification and reduces enemy healing.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's CallThe Oceanic Strings
daimon Daimon (Flexible) Sub DPS, steals stats from enemies and does temporary %health damage.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricadeDura's Call
Desira Desira (Flexible) Damage mitigation, healing, and team buffs.
Requirements: +30SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's CallThe Oceanic Strings

Other viable heroes:

mortas Hodgkin

Thoran Cheese

Thoran cheese is all about grouping enemies then getting Thoran to ult, the comps used vary drastically from stage to stage depending on the enemies present. Thoran stages can be extremely consistent or extremely RNG all down the enemies present, things like CRIT, energy. Accuracy and timing can all affect the outcome and consistency of a stage. If you do not have 5* Call, typically only Thoran will hold Call.

Hero Description
Thoran (Core) Thoran uses Call for haste if ulting is an issue, else the crit given by eye can be more useful to reduce RNG. Blade may also be used for Accuracy *9F can also reduce RNG by giving more energy on revive.
Requirements: +0 | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's CallDura's Eye
Lorsan (Flexible) Links two enemies then dies, useful for heroes who aren’t easy to group or heroes like Rowan who are hard to
Requirements: +0SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the ArcaneDura's Call
Kelthur (Flexible) Swaps positions with an enemy allowing them to be grouped, main source of energy for Thoran when given 5* call. Useful for executing
linked or far away enemies.
Requirements: +0SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call
Nara (Flexible) Initial disrupt and reposition of an enemy
Requirements: +0SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call
Ezizh (Flexible) Grants Energy over time even when dead.
Raine (Flexible) Funnels more energy to Thoran depending on how long she survives. After ulting, greatly increases Thoran’s 2nd ult CRIT chance, if he kills the marked target.

Other viable heroes:

mortas flora pippa Ezio hypogeans

Five Pull

Normal 5-pull teams rely on the combination of Eironn and Skriath 3f to group up all five enemies and chain stun them keeping enemies supressed long enough for the comp to kill them, as such additional investment on almost all heroes listed can massively help this formation deal enough damage to enemies before timing out.

Hero Description
Eironn (Core) Placed in position 4, Eironn’s job is to pull all 5 enemies into the team then provide damage. Additional investment can improve damage
and CC significantly.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Callshroud of verdure
Skriath (Core) Skriath’s 3f allows Eironn to pull ang group all enemies, investment can help deal damage if needed
Requirements: +0SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the ArcaneDura's Eye
Raku Raku (Flexible) Raku deals massive damage to enemies under the effects of CC, in the stun chains of this comp he has ample opportunity to do so
Requirements: +30SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: verdant longbowDura's Eye
queen QUEEN (Flexible) Provides CC and can be used to chain stun enemies, investment can help with damage
Requirements: +0SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Eye
Prince of Persia Prince of Persia (Flexible) POP can act as a secondary stun chain as well as provide some damage
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call
Ezio Ezio (Flexible) Dodge tank and executes low HP enemies
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: verdant longbow

Other viable heroes:

mortas joker


One of the weaker teams in the current meta, Ainz has seen a fall from grace in PVE struggling to meet the damage requirements of later stages and higher deficits. This does not mean he is unusable, more-so that he requires more support than in previous versions of this comp. The comp relies mostly damage from Ainz TOGALID and his Ult using dimensions to gather boosts from Albedo’s Signature item.

Hero Description
Anz Ainz (Core) Ainz chants and gains stats as the battle starts. After 15 seconds of battle, TOGALID activates dealing 55% of Enemies HP capped by Ainz ATK, around this time he will also ult.
Requirements: +30SI | 9/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the ArcaneDura's Blade
Albedo Albedo (Core) Albedo gains immunity when the first ally dies as well as providing massive buffs to all dimension allies with her signature item.
Requirements: +30SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricade
arthur Arthur Arthur has fallen out of popularity recently due to him dying extremely quickly even his high DR. Arthur’s role is to soak damage and provide buffs for the teammates behind him
Requirements: +30SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricadeWaistband of Resilience
joker JOKER JOKER provides CC and damage as well as being a dimensional, feeding into Albedo signature
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Eyeverdant longbow
mortas Mortas Enhances Ainz when ulting *Mortas works fine at Elite, but he benefits greatly from his sig +20
Requirements: +20SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call
Prince of Persia Prince of Persia CC chaining and feeding Albedo signature
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call

Other viable heroes:

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Leonardo Ezio Merlin kren


Kren has the capacity to deal massive damage while keeping enemies CC’d but a somewhat tarnished reputation due to his love of running right at his enemies, new additions such as engravings and Mishka have made him much more workable against more enemy types, while still struggling against invaders, Kren can now comfortably be used.

Hero Description
kren Kren (Core) Kren must ult in order to deal massive damage, call may be used to speed this ult up and increase ATK speed, longbow may also be used for tankier enemies
Requirements: +30SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Callverdant longbow
Mishka Mishka Mishka has incredibly good re-active, CC which can proc at the start of a battle allowing Kren to gain energy and start ulting.
Requirements: +20SI | 9/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricade
mortas Mortas Enhances Kren when ulting *Mortas works fine at Elite, but he benefits greatly from his sig +20
Requirements: +20SI | 0/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's CallThe Oceanic Strings
Prince of Persia Prince of Persia POP can act as a dodge tank and stun chain the enemy with good RNG, buys time for Kren to get started
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call
arthur Arthur Initial survivability and buffs from his signature item
Requirements: +30SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricade
Skriath Skriath can group enemies with his 3f and ult, sandstorm also reduces enemy accuracy and haste
Requirements: +0SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the Arcanewindbinder

Other viable heroes:

afk arena silas Ezio Zaphrael


Raku CC

Raku occupies a niche in the current meta, having no core to build around: Raku instead picks up the scraps of other teams, due to his flexible nature he can easily slot with other cores or construct a team of his own based around his +30 skill.

Raku comps aim to stun the enemy, allow Raku’s mark to proc his +30 dealing 15%health damage per shot. (Notably capped by his ATK rating)

Hero Description
Raku Raku Raku is immune to CC while peckish is active, he deals huge damage to enemies under the effects of CC. Raku’s ultimate should be used to finish off low HP enemies, hard stages may require manual ultimate timing
Requirements: +30SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: verdant longbowDura's Eye
Oden Oden (Flexible) When invested, Oden bolsters high amounts of CC (letting Raku proc mark), Damage and energy reduction, scaling his haste and ATK over time.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the Arcane
Ferael Ferael has an initial stun, CC, healing reduction, ATK decrease, and energy reduction off of his spirits.
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: shroud of verdureDura's Eye
Leonardo Leonardo Good CC with knockback and a long stun on ult *For front line, needs +30s
Requirements: +0SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Warder of the ArcaneDura's Call
Brutus Initial survivability and frontline immunity. *Elite works fine in most cases
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: the barricade
Prince of Persia Prince of Persia CC chaining and stuns in general work very well with Raku making POP a natural pairing if he isnt stolen by other teams
Requirements: +20SI | 3/9 Furniture | Artifact: Dura's Call

Other viable heroes:

khazard Ezio joker arthur Mishka

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