AFK Arena and Persona 5 are having a huge collaboration soon with 2 new heroes and a lot of related events.
It’s time to grab these outstanding new heroes for free!
AFK Arena x Persona 5 Collaboration
New Heroes: JOKER & QUEEN
During this special event, AFK Arena is introducing 2 new Dimensional Heroes coming from the Persona 5 world: JOKER and QUEEN!
JOKER & QUEEN Exchange Event
New event allowing players to exchange various game currencies and some other boss-related events will be available as well!
If you want to exchange JOKER & QUEEN for free, start saving your resources from now!
How to Get both JOKER & QUEEN?
Here are the 3 redemption setups for you:
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
Option 1
- 20 hero shards = 80,000 tokens
- 20 hero shards = 80,000 tokens
- 50 hero shards = 200,000 tokens
- 30 Hero Shards = 399,990 tokens
Option 2
- 10 hero shards = 40,000 tokens
- 20 hero shards = 80,000 tokens
- 60 hero shards = 240,000 tokens
- 30 Hero Shards = 399,990 tokens
Most players can only get 200,000 to 260,000 labyrinth tokens before the end of the event. As such, you need at least 20,000 to 80,000 hero coins to be on the safe side.
This is fairly hard to achieve as 20,000 hero coins translate to roughly 240 Tavern summons which is made even more challenging for players focused on stargazing. 60K labyrinth tokens is also only barely achievable as the player will need to do labyrinth late into the 13th (2nd day of the cycle) to have tokens not expire before that.
Some tips to guarantee your redemption would be holding onto your one-time Labyrinth token quests or holding onto Arthur shards so you can sell them to make up the difference.
Q: Should I get them as free to play?
A: These are limited heroes that will go away once the exchange window closes so on account on their rarity, I would say yes. As for usability, every dimensional released so far, with the exception of Ukyo, has been widely adopted in various game modes so I imagine these two would be as well.. so get them
Q: Which one should I go for if I only get one?
A: It is honestly too early to tell and you should wait till the absolute last day to decide but if you really want an answer from me like right now, I would say Queen
Q: Should I spent $15 to buy one of them?
A: $15 for all the resources you save not having to exchange them is probably the best deal in the game hands down. If you aren’t entirely free to play and looking to get them, definitely at least spend the $15 picking one up
Q: I’m capped, can I spend my Labyrinth Tokens?
A: 13th Feb is the “mail day” where you start letting labyrinth tokens overflow into the mail so anytime after that is a definite no. For days before that, you want to ensure you can hit cap again in the remaining days till the 13th.
For example, assuming worst Wrizz RNG on 45% FoS, the threshold will be 28th Jan for Arthur, 3rd Feb for Wukong, 5th Feb for Red Emblems (think of it as if you hit cap before these thresholds, you can quite safely by the respective rewards and not worry about being short on tokens)
Q: How can I lose less resources to overflow?
A: You are safe spending guild coins whenever you hit cap and save blue soulstones in labyrinth store for when you are capped so you can spend a small amount and not worry too much about not having enough by redemption
Labyrinth Token Table
Find the row & column which applies to you to figure out how many Labyrinth tokens you can get. This table is based off the regular labyrinth. If you do dismal labyrinth religiously, you can expect more!
The only way to obtain more than 200,000 Labyrinth tokens is by letting rewards overflow into the mail. The “mail day” marks the start of the 7 days period. For challenger coins, you can calculate the amount you will have where:
Final Amount = Current Ammount + (Hourly Rate x 24 x Remaining Days)
Bookmark this page and stay tuned for more details!