During the this event, complete the daily quests and Circus Tour Boss to obtain Arcane Scrolls, which will be used to get a lot of valuable rewards via the Magician Hat menu.
For every 10 pulls in the Magician Hat bar, players will receive 10 Circus Medal, which will be exchanged for various rewards, containing top tier Heroes, Scrolls, Emblems, and more!
The event starts soon again in January!
How to obtain the Arcane Scrolls?
- Daily Quest Chests: 145
per day
- Circle Tour (Boss): 130
per day.
- After 12 days, free players can get 3300
in total.
- 3300
= 110
- Can be purchased more from the Event Deals.
Best Circus Tour Teams
Drez + Mirael Boss
Best Rewards to get
- 8x
Red Emblem Chests + 30x
Primordial Emblems = recommended.
- 8x
Artifact Fragment Chest + 3x
Red Emblem Chests If you are looking to max out Dura’s Call.
- 9x
Poe Coins
Rare cards If you are a new player and want more fodder heroes.
- 4x
Twisted Essence (If you have core heroes maxed and want to compete in PvP).
- Alna/Khazard + 1
Red Emblem Chests + 30
Primordial Emblems. (If you need the last copy to get to ascended)
Engraving Materials (If you don’t have anything else to focus on).
Rewards Priority Breakdown
Red Emblems: The gold standard for event rewards and the resource most player would lack. Players should always prioritize this.
Artifact Fragment Chest: Excellent for the value if you are in the late stage of the game!
Twisted Essence: Pretty much the same value as always. Spenders with complete signature items should opt for these especially if competitive in PvP.
Mehira: They are a great choice if you want to get them to Elite+.
Gold Emblems: The best value gold emblems have ever been so there is no better time to pick them up. That said, faction emblems are still more valuable.
Rare cards: These are slightly better valued than faction emblems at about 2471 diamonds per 12 emblems (vs 2400). The decent choice actually.
Poe Coins: 3000 PoE Coins is worth 1200-2100 diamonds while giving the equivalent of 4000 diamonds worth in Faction Emblems. Not worth it.
- Skin/Avatar: Up to you!
- Normal Faction Heroes: Before, heroes were alright if going for the last copy because you couldn’t reliably get them. However, with the hero choice release, these are terrible.
Note: A lot of people ask me why faction emblems are always recommended over Celepogeans. If we consider the existence of a pity timer, a Celepogean is worth roughly 38 Stargazer tickets or 19,000 diamonds. Since Celepopgeans are worth 120 Faction Emblems in most events, 120 Faction Emblems is worth 18,000 diamonds going by roamer prices. On the surface, it appears that the Celepogean is slightly more valuable (1000 diamonds more) but we have to consider how firstly, Stargazer tickets not only give you Celepogeans, but also other rewards which are easily worth more than 1000 diamonds over 38 pulls. Secondly, faction emblems are pegged to roamer which is the lowest they can be and it isn’t even that accessible. Lastly, faction emblems will generally have a greater impact on the player’s strength than a single copy of a Celepogean.
Circus Tour Boss
Best Boss Comps
Circus Drez
3 enemy Oscars will appear on the battlefield, but only the real Oscar will receive damage from allied heroes’ attacks.
Circus Mirael
During battles a volley of fire arrows will be fired every 10 seconds which deals 10% AoE damage to allied heroes within a certain radius, and also causes them to lose 2% of their max health per second for the following 5 seconds.
1. The tour will be split into four different competitive performances, which are knife juggling, fire juggling, a clown show, and puppetry. Win your prize by defeating the stage masters! Getting all these brilliant magicians together would have been impossible, were it not for Mr. Wake’s great connections!
2. Each of the 4 challenges will last for 3 days. Each challenge has its own respective leaderboard, wherein the top 10%, 20% and 50% of players can all claim differing personal rewards. The top 500 players will receive an additional Fortune Chest!
3. Players have 3 free battle chances per day, and exiting during a battle will not deduct chances. Players can acquire additional reward chests for the first 2 battles of each new day, and may also spend Diamonds to purchase additional battle chances.
4. A player’s Martial Rating is used to participate in this event. Heroes shall retain their ascension tier, and every hero’s level is set to 240. A hero’s level may be increased by a number that is based upon the Resonating Crystal’s level.
5. During the event, all hero gear (including unadorned parts) is Mythic T1 and include Faction Bonuses but are un-enhanced. If a hero is already equipping Mythic T3 gear, their Hero Bonuses will be retained.
6. Only the highest recorded damage dealt against Bosses will count towards your final ranking. Your final ranking will be determined after each boss disappears.
7. Fortune Chests shall be calculated and sent to players’ mailboxes after each challenge disappears.
8. It is possible to view the replay of the battle in which other players achieved their highest damage record.
Magician Hat
- By Completing daily tasks whilst participating in the Grotesque Mage event, players can obtain Arcane Scrolls (or Magic Tickets).
- Players in the Magician’s Hall can use Magic Tickets to obtain random rewards.
- Players are awarded Circus Medals according to the number of draws made. Circus Medals can be exchanged at the Gift Cart for fabulous prizes.
- Magic Tickets will be recalled for 5k Gold Coin per ticket once the event has concluded.
- For every 10 pulls, players will receive 10
Circus Medals, which can be exchanged for various rewards in the Gift Cart
Gift Cart
- Heroes can only be exchanged 2 times. Celestials + Hypogeans Heroes can be exchanged 4 times.
- Players may exchange
Circus Medals for rewards up until the event ends (14 days).
- Players can obtain a large number of Circus Medals in the Magician’s Hall.
- Players must possess at least one (1) Mythic hero in order to be able to redeem exclusive gear.
- Event items may be exchanged for Twisted Essence at the Elder Tree, which can bee used to strengthen heroes after completing Stage 12-40.
- Circus Medals will be recalled for 150k Gold Coins per ticket once the event has concluded.
Have fun with the Magician Hat & Grotesque Mage Event!