AFK Arena 1.67 Patch Notes

Greetings Adventurer, below is the full changelogs of the upcoming AFK Arena v1.67 Update.

Thali - Maniacal Mage

New Heroes and Unions

1. Added the Mauler hero: Thali – Maniacal Mage

2. The new hero Thali – Maniacal Mage will be available to test play.

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3. The Bountiful Trials event will be available for Thali – Maniacal Mage.

4. Added the new hero union: The Traveling Trio.

The Traveling Trio Union AFK Arena

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New Additions and Optimizations

1. Added the adventure “Forgotten Ruins” to the Voyage of Wonders feature.

2. Added “Black Woodsโ€ to the Wandering Balloon, which can be unlocked by completing Stage 27-20 of the Campaign and by completing 60% of the “Windfall Gorge“.

3. Added the new Field of Stars constellation “The Great Lute”, and reduced the requirements to unlock some of the Starbursts within “The Obsidian Finchโ€.

The Great Lute

4. Adjusted the Gold prices of Primordial Emblems and Amplifying Emblems within the Store. The prices of these items shall be reduced the further a player progresses within the campaign. For specifics please refer to the game.

5. Added two new heroes to “Garrisoned Mercenaries” that are available to hire: QUEEN – The Courageous Tactician & JOKER – The Leader of Few Words.

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6. The number of times the “Advancement Rewards l” can be purchased has been reset, and no longer has a purchase time-limit.

Hero Adjustments and Changes

1. Twisted Realm Boss – Ice Shemira

Fixed an issue that allowed for some summoned characters to normally recover health even when Ice Shemira’s “Blizzard” weather effect was occurring on the battlefield.

2. Talene – The Rising Phoenix

Fixed an issue that was preventing the furniture ability “Burning Sun” from triggering when Talene had died and was in her “Fire Born” state.

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