Temporal Rift Guide & Teams

Hi everyone, below is the complete guide and some special tips for the Temporal Rift in AFK Arena!

This mode unlocks after Campaign Chapter 19-40.

This mode plays somewhat similar to King’s Tower where you have to climb countless floors however with a wide variety of different rules and restrictions.

Which heroes to choose for Temporal Rift

All heroes mentioned on the tier list below can be useful. Heroes that are not mentioned here are not good in this game mode, so avoid using them.

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S+ alna
S    afk arena silas Haelus Merlin Albedo mortas Scarlet
A+Awakened Phoenix   Desira Astarv Oden Mishka
Akren Framton   Treznor Hodgkin   Ezio
B+arthur Leonardo joker Lucretia Raku Audrae daimon
BAwakened-Ezizh Mezoth Oku   Prince of Persia  

At the moment, awakened heroes like AShemira, ABelinda, and ASolise are the best awakened heroes for this game mode. ABrutus, AThane, ABaden, and Maetria are also great carries.

If you do not have those awakened heroes ascended, you can try Scarlet, Eorin, Ainz, Grezhul, Daimon, Oden, Mulan, Raku, Rem, Olgath, Kren, Athalia, and they’ll do a decent job. Some secondary damage dealers can also be great: Crassio has a good damage and good immunity skill to help you. Framton has a good damage and CC. Ezio is good at finishing off enemies.

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Supports that increase your team’s survivability, buffs your carry’s damage or gives energy to your allies are also valuable. So Palmer, Silas, Rowan, Raine, Mortas, Rosaline, Desira, Nevanthi, Merlin, Joan of Arc, Salaki, Astar, Haelus are great heroes on this game mode. A cycle comp with Ezizh, Talene and Elijah & Lailah is also useful.

Alna with level 9 furniture is great to give immunity to her frontline partner. Zolrath with level 3 furniture is also a strong warrior because he allows your heroes to activate their skills sooner at the beginning of the battle. Albedo with signature level 30 is a huge buff to your dimensional heroes.

ATalene, Treznor, Canisa & Ruke, Veithael, Sonja are heroes with good survivability and a decent damage. Hodgkin is a tank/buffer with good CC skills. Skreg can also buff your heroes and he has a great survivability against melee damage. Mishka is a tank with great CC skills. Arthur, Oku, Mezoth, Titus and Orthros can be pretty tanky, so they’re useful in some situations.

Tamrus is very flexible. Ferael has a good energy drain skill. Lyca can give extra haste to her allies. Emilia has a good CC and good damage. Yen has shield, CC and damage. Geralt has good survivability and CC.

To understand what is the recommended investment for each one of those heroes, check our Signature Tier List, Furniture Tier List and Engraving Tier List.

Best teams to use

Rem team
Best subs: ⇄ , ⇄
Other subs: Albedo ⇄ Awakened Phoenix, Merlin ⇄ Awakened PhoenixHaelus, ⇄ jokerEzioHaelus, ⇄ jokerEzio
Recommended beast: or or
Recommended badge: Cloud of Tempest or Sweeping Tide or Ring of Dominion
ABelinda team
Best subs: alna ⇄ , ⇄ , ⇄
Other subs: alna ⇄ , ⇄ Haelus, ⇄ Haelus, ⇄ Haelus
Recommended beast: or >
Recommended badge: Axe of Fury
Scarlet-Wilders team
Mishka Scarlet
Best subs: Mishka ⇄ Astarv, ⇄ Astarv
Other subs: ⇄ Astarv, Mishka ⇄ , ⇄ HaelusDesiraafk arena silasmortas, ⇄ HaelusDesiraafk arena silasmortas
Recommended beast: or or
Recommended badge: Frosty Trap or Meteoric Rise or Ring of Dominion
ABaden team
Odenafk arena silas
Best subs: ⇄ alna, ⇄ , Oden ⇄ ,  â‡„ Desiramortas
Other subs: ⇄ Treznor, ⇄ , Oden ⇄ ScarletmortasTreznor, afk arena silas ⇄ Hodgkin,  â‡„ HodgkinHaelusAstarvTreznor
Recommended beast:  or or  or
Recommended badge: Frosty Trap or Sweeping Tide or Ring of Dominion
Liberta team
Best subs: ⇄ , ⇄ MerlinAwakened Phoenix, ⇄ HaelusAwakened Phoenix, ⇄ Haelus
Other subs: ⇄ , ⇄ , ⇄ AstarvMerlinFramton,  â‡„ AstarvMerlin
Recommended beast:  or or  or
Recommended badge: Cloud of Tempest or Axe of Fury or Boulder Armor

Other alternatives

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alna afk arena silasDesira (Subs: ⇄ , ⇄ TreznorOdenHaelus, afk arena silas ⇄ mortasMerlin, Desira ⇄ AstarvHodgkin)
AThane without Alna
Haelus (Subs: ⇄ , Haelus ⇄ afk arena silas, ⇄ Treznor, ⇄ Astarv)
ABrutus invade
FramtonHaelus (Subs: ⇄ Awakened PhoenixTreznorMerlinEzioAstarv, ⇄ MerlinAwakened Phoenix,Framton ⇄ AstarvMerlinEzioAwakened Phoenix ⇄, Haelus ⇄ Astarv)
Dimensional comp without Rem
AlbedoMerlin  (Subs: ⇄ EzioAwakened Phoenix, ⇄ EziodaimonAwakened Phoenixjoker, ⇄ daimonjoker)
Hypogean comp
Framtonmortas (Subs: ⇄ , ⇄ MezothAwakened-Ezizh, ⇄ ScarletOden, Framton ⇄ ScarletAwakened-Ezizhafk arena silasDesira, mortas ⇄ Awakened-Ezizhafk arena silasDesira)
Burst comp
(Subs: ⇄ , kren ⇄ , DesiraHaelus ⇄ , ⇄ )
Cycle comp (PS: you must use Axe of Fury on this team, otherwise it will not work)
mortas (Subs: Awakened Phoenix ⇄ , Lucretia â‡„ mortas, DesiraMerlin ⇄ , ⇄ )

Badges and Seals

Axe of Fury is great for ABelinda teams and cycle teams. It is the strongest badge.

Meteoric Rise and Cloud of Tempest are great on any team. They’re very strong badges.

Frosty Trap is a very strong badge for teams with good CC skills.

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Ring of Dominion is good if your team has spawners.

Use Boulder Armor on teams with shields.

Dagger of Disaster is only good on ABrutus comps, AThane comps or Eorin comps. But it is the weakest badge.

Each Badge can have 3 Seals equipped: 1 circle, 1 diamond, 1 hexagon. Seal tiers operate on a color basis (Yellow > Purple > Blue > Green. So yellow has the best effects). All seals are cleared after defeating Raven boss.

Sworn to Death is the best circle seal, Endless Energy is the best diamond seal, Soul Drainer is the best hexagon seal. Unfazed (circle) and Call to Arms (hexagon) are also great.


Trait Enhancer is by far the highest priority, so max this whenever possible. 

At least Level 1 of Fearsome Alliance, Silent Alliance, Unforeseen Power and Dimensional Force is recommended.

Lightning Duel is the best purple beacon, it is recommended to upgrade this to level 3 or 4. Noble Legacy is the second best, you can level up this one if you think you need it.

Blue beacons are not worth it.


Between Grievous Realm or Realm of Exploration, choose the one you think will be easier. Avoid enemies like Leonardo, Zolrath, Zaphrael when you can. Satrana, Isabella, Morrow can also be very annoying.

Always choose Flora’s Dew and Blessed Realm. They are free passes.

Beckoning Place is by far the most important floor. Always choose Beckoning Place. It will give you a strong mercenary.

Vexing Realm is a free floor, you just need to click on abadon to skip it.

You will fight against a boss every 20 floors. The hardest boss for most players will be Rigby (floor 70 and 140), but you can kill him with anti-heal heroes like Silas, Ferael with signature level 20 or 30, Treznor with engraving level 30, and heroes with a very high burst damage.

Award Swap Section

This is the Temporal Rift’s store where you can exchange Medals of Courage for rewards.

The most valuable item on this store is Awakened Solise. The second most valuable item is Awakened Brutus if you’re planning to ascend him soon. If you already have Awakened Solise ascended and you’re not building Awakened Brutus, go for Time Emblems.

All Medals of Courage will be reset to zero when the current Temporal Rift event ends.

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