Full changelogs of the upcoming AFK Arena v1.38 update!

New Hero & Hero Skin
- Added the new Wilder hero: Saurus – The Risen Warrior
- Added a new skin for Lyca called “The Glade Keeper”, which can be found within the “Wardrobe” feature.

New Additions and Optimizations
1. Added the revised Heroes of Esperia event that includes modified rules.
2. Added the new Voyage of Wonders adventure: The Frozen Hinterland.
3. Adjusted the difficulty of some floors of the King ‘s Tower and added new floors to it, making the total number of floors 600.
4. Completely reworked the visual effects of hero union badges.
5. Added new achievements to the Achievement A feature as well as the corresponding tickers and badges.
6. Improved the performance of the Badge and Achievement interfaces.
7. Added 4 additional item slots to the Barracks. Common Enhancement Tokens will be available prior to complete Stage 12-40 and Twisted Essence will be available after completing Stage 12-40. The Barracks will be reset once this update has been implemented.
8. Added Emblem Choice Chests to the Labyrinth Store, which will become available after completing Stage 24-60. The Labyrinth Store will be reset once this update has been implemented.
9. Fixed an issue that was causing the Library’s red markers to be obscured by the dropdown tab that is positioned on the right side of the screen.
Balance Changes
1. Lyca – Keeper of Glades
- Optimized the visual effects of Lyca’s animations and increased her character model’s resolution.
- Reworked the ability “Foe’s Fragility”. For specifics please view the in-game ability description.
- Swapped the order of which the “Foe’s Fragility” and “Rapid Arrows” abilities are unlocked. As a result of this change, the secondary and tertiary levels of these abilities have been slightly modified.
2. Estrilda – Knight of Valor
- Optimized the visual effects of Estrilda’s animations and increased her character model’s resolution.
- Adjusted several effects of Estrilda’s abilities. For specific details please view the in-game ability descriptions.
- Adjusted the secondary and tertiary levels of Estrilda’s “Royal Charge” ability. For specific details please view the in-game ability descriptions.
- Adjusted the signature item ability “In Command”. For specific details please view the in-game ability description.
3. Safiya – Daughter of the Desert
- Optimized the visual effects of Safiya’s animations and increased her character model’s resolution.
- Safiya’s appearance will now change once Legendary ascension is reached with her.
- Fixed a problem that was preventing the ability “Scattered Bolt” from being used as a normal attack when the requirements for Safiya’s signature item skill ” Arcane Power” were already met.
4 Athalia – Harbinger of Justice
- Optimized the visual effects of Athalia’s animations and increased her character model’s resolution.
5. Elijah & Lailah – Celestial Twins
- Fixed an issue that would occur within some parts of the Twisted Realm feature, where the ability “Unity” would cause an ally’s attributes to be increased by an excessive amount without the ability to be actively triggered. This fix will be implemented when the Twisted Realm is due to be reset. It must also be noted that the current damage standards for the Twisted Realm divisions will be reset at this time.
6. Wu Kong – The Monkey King
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Wu Kong’s clones from correctly triggering the Elder Tree ability “Shattering Force”.
7. Kelthur – Plaguegrip
- Fixed an issue where Kelthur’s ability “Ethereal Resurgence” would prevent Elder Tree abilities from being used.
8. Vurk – The Devious
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the ability “Piercing Bolt” from being used as a normal attack after it had been unlocked.
9. Khazard – The Frozen Terror
- Fixed an issue with Khazard’s signature item ability “Frozen Curse”, which was not correctly extending the duration of Tasi’s “Slumber” ability.
10. Warek – The Untamed
- Fixed a problem caused by the ability “Extricate”, which would sometimes cause a visual anomaly to affect Warek’s character model.