Below is the complete list of the upcoming AFK Arena update v1.45 contents!
New Additions and Optimizations
- Optimized the Twisted Realm leaderboards division rules. This change will take effect when each boss appears for the second time after the update.
- Added the adventure “Black Woods” to the Voyage of Wonders feature.
- Added the adventure “Fallen Souls” to the Wandering Balloon feature in the Peaks of Time menu.
- Adjusted rewards for Regal Rewards, Champions of Esperia, and Twisted Bounties. For specific details, please view the rules in-game. After the update, players will receive compensation equivalent to the difference in rewards by mail.
- Added a new voice-switching function for hero voice overs. Players can now switch to hero voice packs for other languages in the settings page.
- Mercenary Auto-Lend now gives priority to the player who applies first.
- Players can now view other player’s Guild Grounds.
- Changed the requirements for entering the Bountiful Trials event to completing Stage 6-40.
- Optimized the logic for the “Furniture” Auto-Place function.
- Optimized the interactive process for crafting “Legendary Furniture”.
- Optimized the interactive experience of various game interfaces.
Hero Adjustments and Changes
Vurk – The Devious
-Optimized the visual effects of his animations and increased his character model’s resolution when in high-detail mode.
-Reworked some of Vurk’s abilities. Please view his in-game skill descriptions for specifics.
-Reduced the difficulty of the stages within the King’s Tower and main campaign which include Vurk.
-There will be Bountiful Trials event for Vurk when the update goes live.

Mezoth – The Abysmal Butcher
-Adjustments to the Ultimate ability “Devour”: If the target is immune to crowd control skills, they will receive 480% of Mezoth attack damage immediately.
-Fixed an issue where the skill “Carnivorous Lust” sometimes only increased maximum health value but not the current health.
Grezhul – The Corrupted
-Fixed an issue where the skill “Deathly Protection ” resulted in incorrect effects in some situations.
-Optimized the “Deathly Protection” skill description.
Athalia – Harbinger of Justice
-Fixed an issue where the Ultimate ability “Divine Fury” may sometimes caused Athalia to move outside the battlefield.
Elijah & Lailah – Celestial Twins
-Improved the “Hope” Ultimate ability skill description so that it is more consistent with its actual effects.
Fawkes – Death’s Defeat
-Fixed an issue where an enemy’s actions might be incorrect after receiving the skill “Confine”.
Flora – The Serene Promise
-Fixed an issue where the character would fly off the screen if the battle was completed during her takeoff.
Kelthur – Plaguegrip
-Optimized the flying blade’s flight path for the Ultimate ability “Blades of Fury”.
-Fixed an issue that was preventing the ability ” Ethereal Resurgence” from being triggered correctly in some situations.
Thoran – The Fallen King
-Optimized the description for the ability ” Resurrection” so that it is more consistent with its actual effects.
Antandra – Desert Fury
-Optimized Antandra’s actions at the Oak Inn.
Orthros – The Seer of Origins
-Fixed an issue where the Ultimate ability “Time Suspension” would sometimes try to attack un-attackable enemies and also not cause damage to targets.