Wu Kong – The Monkey King

Wu Kong is designed based on the most famous character (Sun Wukong) from Chinese Mythology. You’ve probably heard the name before as Sun Wukong is a very famous character from the Chinese novel, Journey to the West.

Wu Kong

Wu Kong – The Monkey King

Faction: CelestialCelestial
 Type: StrengthStrength
 Class: WarriorWarrior
 Role: Continuous DamageContinuous Damage
 Rarity: AscendedAscended

Wu Kong Skills

Unlock Level (Hero) Name Icon Description
1 Cloud Clones Cloud Clones Wu Kong disappears from the battlefield after summoning 3 clones of himself. Once all the clones have disappeared from the battlefield, the original Wu Kong will return to it. Cloud clones are able to use Wu Kong’s “Bludgeon” ability as well as his normal attacks. Clones possess 90% of the original Wu Kong’s stats, however, they will receive 220% damage dealt from enemy attacks.
11 Bludgeon Bludgeon Wu Kong uses his rod to bludgeon his enemies, dealing 1 80% area damage to them. This ability also deals additional damage that is equal to 8% of his enemies’ current health value. When there are no enemies nearby, Wu Kong will travel towards his enemies upon his cloud and proceed to attack them when within range.
21 Bludgeon Bludgeon Damage increased by up to 200%.
41 Falling Fury Falling Fury Wu Kong throws his rod into the air so that it falls down upon the most densely concentrated area of enemies on the battlefield, dealing 270% area damage to them. Enemies that were successfully struck by the rodwill lose 100 Haste points for 8 seconds.
61 Foresight Foresight Wu Kong is able to predict when his enemies will use control effects against him and will momentarily disappear from the battlefield to evade the attack and summon a cloud clone in his original position. The summoned clone shares the same attributes as Wu Kong’s “Cloud Clones” and can be summoned once every 11 seconds.
81 Cloud Clones Cloud Clones Clones receive 200% damage.
101 Bludgeon Bludgeon This ability cannot be dodged.
121 Falling Fury Falling Fury Damage increased by up to 300%.
141 Foresight Foresight Ability is activated every 10 seconds.
161 Cloud Clones Cloud Clones Clones receive 180% damage.
181 Bludgeon Bludgeon Damage increased by up to 220%.
201 Falling Fury Falling Fury Damage increased by up to 330%.
221 Foresight Foresight Ability is activated every 9 seconds.

Signature Item

Item: The Golden Rod

The Golden Rod

A deceptively heavy and powerful rod that can grow on command. It is said to be capable of injuring and killing almost all beings.

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Skill: Golden Barrier

Golden Barrier

Wu Kong gains a 2-layer protective barrier at the start of battles. If Wu Kong is dealt damage that exceeds 10% of his max health he will lose 1 layer and mitigate the damage recieved.

  • [+10 Unlocks] Gains a 4-layer protective barrier at the start of battles.
  • [+20 Unlocks] Wu Kong’s clones now possess a 1-layer protective barrier.
  • [+30 Unlocks] Regains 3 protective barriers each time his ultimate ability is used.

Furniture Set Bonuses

Warrior’s Meditation

  • [3/9 Mythic Pieces] Wu Kong recovers 60 energy points per second when he is absent from the battlefield as a result of his Cloud Clones” ability. This ability no longer regenerates energy when Wu Kong’s energy reaches or exceeds 600 points
  • [9/9 Mythic Pieces] Wu Kong recovers 3% of his max health per second while absent from the battlefield as a result of his Cloud Clones ability.

How to get Wu Kong?

wu kong in store

Besides the normal Tavern pulls, you can also buy him from the Labyrinth Store for 45,000 labyrinth token Lab coins. Save your coins because he is Celestial and you will always want to have a Celestial hero in your team!

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