Naroko – The Dune Gremlin

Naroko – The Dune Gremlin

Faction Mauler
Type Strength
Class Tank
Role Regen

Naroko – The Dune Gremlin’s Skills


Naroko summons a young Nadia who inherits 120% of Naroko’s initial attributes and is immune to control effects. If Nadia is already on the battlefield, she breaks out of the ground in the area most densely populated with enemies, causing AoE damage equal to 20% of her max health and knocking them into the air. She then taunts enemies within range for 5 seconds while her health is reduced to no less than 20% in the next 5 seconds.

Lvl 2: While Nadia is alive, each time a summoned entity dies on the battlefield, Nadia absorbs its essence and grows, recovering 5% in health and increasing her initial Attack Rating and max health by 20%. She can grow up to 5 times.
Lvl 3: When any enemy hero uses their Ultimate skill while Nadia is taunting, all allied heroes’ Defense Ratings are increased by 40% for 8 seconds. This effect cannot be stacked.

Sandy Citadel

Naroko manipulates surrounding sand to grant all enemy heroes a Sand Shield lasting 6 seconds, while pilfering 50% of the current value of the enemies’ shields and converting it into their Sand Shield value (with the shield value pilfered each time not exceeding 15% of Naroko’s max health), then dealing damage equaling 15% of Naroko’s max health to the enemies. A Sand Shield cannot be dispelled, and once ended, it deals damage equaling 100% of the total pilfered shield value to the enemy.

Lvl 2: When an enemy receives a shield while their Sand Shield is active, 50% of their shield value is pilfered again and converted into their Sand Shield value.
Lvl 3: Damage dealt to all enemies is increased to 20% of Naroko’s max health.
Lvl 4: When an enemy with a Sand Shield is attacked by an allied hero, the enemy loses health for 150% of the attacker’s Attack Rating. This effect can only be triggered by each ally up to 2 times every 1 second.

Dusty Torpedo

Naroko rings her bells and summons 3 sandfish that smash into no more than 3 enemies with the highest Attack Ratings. Each sandfish deals damage once equal to 200% of Naroko’s Attack Rating then dies.

Lvl 2: Damage dealt is increased to 220% of Naroko’s Attack Rating.
Lvl 3: Damage dealt is increased to 240% of Naroko’s Attack Rating.
Lvl 4: When a Sandfish dies, it explodes, dealing damage for 150% of Naroko’s Attack Rating to nearby enemies and stunning them for 3 seconds.

Monstrous Morphosis

At the start of a battle, young Nadia and Naroko enter the battlefield together. Each time Nadia takes damage equal to 5% of her max health, she grants healing to all allied heroes for 75% of her health lost.

Lvl 2: For every cumulative damage received by an allied entity equal to 20% of their max health, they restore Nadia’s health by 5%.
Lvl 3: Once Nadia has grown 5 times , she becomes an adult Wyrmcrawler. Her Normal Attack will deal an additional damage equaling 3% of her max health.
Lvl 4: When Nadia becomes an adult Wyrmcrawler, she sprays venom 5 times against random nearby enemies. Each spray deals damage equaling 200% of Nadia’s Attack Rating to the target. Thereafter, for the deaths of every 3 summoned entities, Nadia sprays venom 3 times instead for her next Normal Attack.

Signature Item: Tremor Bells

Signature Item Skill: Symbiotic Bond

[Unlocks] Each time Nadia grows, she permanently increases her allied heroes attributes by 2% of her Attack Rating, up to 5 times. This effect remains after Nadia dies.
[+10 Unlocks] Attributes are increased by 4% of Nadia’s Attack Rating each time.
[+20 Unlocks] Attributes are increased by 8% of Nadia’s Attack Rating each time.
[+30 Unlocks] Venom sprayed by Nadia reduces the target’s Defense Rating by 10% for 8 seconds. This effect can be stacked up to 5 times.

Furniture Ability: Respawn

3/3 Ability: When Naroko uses her UItimate skill, she restores Nadia’s health by 100%.

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9/9 Ability: When Nadia receives fatal damage, she spends 3 growth stacks and becomes immune to this damage while recovering 50% in health.

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Eternal Engraving

E30: Enhance the skill Dusty Torpedo: When a Sandfish dies, it explodes, dealing damage for 150% of Naroko’s Attack Rating to nearby enemies and stunning them for 3 seconds.

E60: Enhance the skill Monstrous Morphosis: When Nadia becomes an adult Wyrmcrawler, she sprays venom 5 times against random nearby enemies. Each spray deals damage equaling 200% of Nadia’s Attack Rating to the target. Thereafter, for the deaths of every 3 summoned entities, Nadia sprays venom 3 times instead for her next Normal Attack.

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