


Faction: GravebornGraveborn
 Type: AgilityAgility
 Primary Role: TankTank
 Secondary Role: AoEAoE
 Rarity: LegendaryLegendary

Vedan Skills

Unlock Level (Hero) Name Icon Max Level Description
1 Dark Swarm Dark Swarm Vedan morphs into a colony of bats for 6 seconds, surrounding and attacking his enemies as he flies between them. During this state Vedan is impervious to all attacks and will deal 55% damage every 0.5 seconds to nearby enemies.
11 Vitality Vitality Vedan attacks a target in front of him dealing 45% damage to them. Each time Vedan successfully strikes a target 2% of his own HP will be restored.
21 Vitality Vitality Vedan attacks a target in front of him dealing 50% damage to them. Each time Vedan successfully strikes a target 2% of his own HP will be restored.
41 Thirst Thirst Vedan blesses an ally, buffing their life-leech attributes for 8 seconds.
61 Dark Swarm Dark Swarm Vedan morphs into a colony of bats for 6 seconds, surrounding and attacking his enemies as he flies between them dealing 65% damage every 0.5 seconds. During this state Vedan’s life-leeching attribute is increased by 40% and he is impervious to all attacks.
81 Vitality Vitality Vedan attacks a target in front of him dealing 58% damage to them. Each time Vedan successfully strikes a target 2% of his own HP will be restored.
101 Thirst Thirst YES Vedan blesses an ally, buffing their life-leech attributes for 8 seconds. Vedan will be healed for 50% of the value of his ally’s health that is recovered via life-leech
121 Dark Swarm Dark Swarm YES Vedan morphs into a colony of bats for 7 seconds, surrounding and attacking his enemies as he flies between them dealing 75% damage every 0.5 seconds. During this state Vedan’s life-leeching attribute is increased by 50% and he is impervious to all attacks.
141 Vitality Vitality YES Vedan attacks a target in front of him dealing 65% damage to them. Each time Vedan successfully strikes a target 2% of his own HP will be restored.


Vedan relies on his lifesteal capabilities to survive, and can be a persistent thorn in his enemies’ sides if they lack the damage to overcome his lifesteal.

Artifact Recommendations

Dura's Eye Dura's Drape Dura's Call

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Strengths & Weaknesses


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  • High sustain makes him unkillable if enemy damage is low


  • 3rd skill randomness can be bad
  • Needs to be  overlevelled/geared to be effective

General Strategy for Vedan

â–º Vedan’s 2nd skill (Vitality) provides high dmg burst and healing which makes him a good option to put in front. Since he’s guaranteed to take damage in front, his 2nd skill will gain maximum value by taking advantage of the healing aspect in addition to the damage.
â–º Vedan’s 3rd skill (Thirst) can be a nuisance as it only grants life leech stat. Which is not very useful since his target is random and will interrupt him from attacking. Additionally, his target may not need the life leech (may only be missing a minimal amount of health), or may die shortly after receiving the buff, making this skill useless at times.
â–º Vedan’s ult is what gives him his Sweeper capabilities, by turning him untargetable for 6-7 seconds while lifestealing.
â–º Vedan is a straight forward hero who is good on his own. There is not much strategy involved in using him, aside from overlevelling him to maximize his Sweeping capabilities.

Guild Hunt Strategy

â–º Back Turn Strategy (But not as reliable)

â–º Survivalist Dps with Lifesteal and Invulnerability to dodge boss ults. However, deals low dps.

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