Temple of Time Guide, Awakened Heroes Priority List

In this guide, we are going to show you how basically the Temple of Time works in AFK Arena, the drop rates of the rewards, and the heroes you should focus on first!

Follow our tips clearly to grow your account a lot faster.

The Temple of Time is located in The Noble Tavern building.The Noble Tavern

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After Campaign Chapter 15 or after unlocking VIP level 13, you will see a new tab in the Tavern called the Temple of Time.

Temple of Time: Basic Information

  • Time Emblems can be used to summon Awakened Heroes, Emblems, Legendary Gear and other valuable items.
  • There is a small chance of getting an incredible amount of Diamonds when summoning in the Temple.
  • The prize Heroes can be changed via the button at the top right.
  • When a player possesses one Ascended Awakened hero, they can use Stargazing Cards at the Stargazer to summon the corresponding Awakened hero.

Temple of Time Droprates / Probabilities

Rewards Drop rates
Awakened Hero 2%
Note: it’s proven that there is a pity timer, so you can’t spend more than 65 time emblems by using single pulls or 70 time emblems by using 10x pulls without getting a single copy.
30,000 Diamonds 0.01%
Mythic Variety Chest x1 0.5%
T1/T2 Stone choice chest x1 0.8%
Emblem Choice Chest x2 1%
Emblem Choice Chest x1 1.99%
Amplifying Emblem x2 1%
Amplifying Emblem x1 2%
Primordial Emblem x2 7.2%
Primordial Emblem x1 14%
Elite Lightbearer Card x1 0.8%
Elite Mauler Card x1 0.8%
Elite Wilder Card x1 0.8%
Elite Graveborn Card x1 0.8%
Rare Lightbearer Card x1 2.25%
Rare Mauler Card x1 2.25%
Rare Wilder Card x1 2.25%
Rare Graveborn Card x1 2.25%
Rare Enhancement Tokens x2 1.5%
Rare Enhancement Tokens x1 3%
Common Enhancement Tokens x150 3.74%
Common Enhancement Tokens x100 3.74%
Common Enhancement Tokens x50 3.74%
Gold Chest (L) x2 4.5%
Hero Exp Chest (L) x1 4.5%
Large Crate of Hero’s Essence Chest (L) x1 4.5%
Gold Pile (S) x5 9.36%
Hero Exp Pile (S) x2 9.36%
Small Pile of Hero’s Essence (S) x5 9.36%

Awakened Hero Priority Guide

โžœ โžœ โžœ  โžœ   โžœ  โžœ โžœ โžœ  โžœ  โžœ Awakened Phoenix โžœ Awakened-Ezizh

Ascend Eugene by buying his copies on Guild Store. Do not spend temple cards on him.

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Last update: February 2nd, 2025.

Explanation of the usefulness of each Awakened hero

Awakened Shemira is the strongest awakened hero on PvP. She is also top-tier on Campaign and Temporal Rift. She is also very good on Cursed Realm and Abyssal Expedition.

Awakened Athalia is super strong on PvP. She is also top-tier on Nightmare Corridor and great in half of Cursed Realm rounds. She is one of the strongest damage dealers on Abyssal Expedition. And she can also be very useful on Temporal Rift and she is a good damage dealer for Campaign. In other words, she is good everywhere.

Awakened Lyca is one of the strongest heroes on PvP, very flexible hero that can be used on several PvP comps. She is also very strong on Nightmare Corridor and great in some Cursed Realm rounds. She is also great on Temporal Rift, Campaign and Abyssal Expedition.

Awakened Thoran is a good buffer for Nightmare Corridor and one of the strongest heroes for PvP. He can also be very useful on Cursed Realm, Abyssal Expedition and Temporal Rift. His weakest game mode is Campaign, but he is still useful there.

Awakened Safiya is one of the strongest supports on PvP, she is flexible and can be used in many different PvP comps in the current meta. She is also very useful on Cursed Realm, Nightmare Corridor and Temporal Rift. She can also be great on Abysal Expedition. Her weakest game mode is Campaign.

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Awakened Lucius is one of the strongest awakened heroes for Cursed Realm and PvP, but he is not very useful on Nightmare Corridor and Campaign. But he is also strong on Temporal Rift.

Awakened Eironn is very strong on Cursed Realm and PvP. He can also be pretty good on Abyssal Expedition and Temporal Rift. He is just okay on Campaign and Nightmare Corridor though.

Gavus is a very useful hero for PvP, Temporal Rift and Campaign. He can also be great on Cursed Realm, Nightmare Corridor, and Abyssal Expedition. He is a hero that improves your team on all game modes.

Zohra is a very good hero for PvP, Cursed Realm and Nightmare Corridor, although she is not unreplaceable in most teams.

Awakened Belinda is one of the strongest damage dealers in Abyssal Expedition. She is also one of the strongest heroes for Temporal Rift. She is also very useful on Cursed Realm and Nightmare Corridor. She can be useful on PvP, but it is her weakest game mode. But she is one of the best awakened heroes for Campaign.

Maetria is a very strong awakened hero for Treasure Scramble. She can be useful for Nightmare Corridor and some Cursed Realm rounds, but her main game mode is PvP. She is one of the strongest Campaign heroes, especially on Thoran comps. Her least relevant game mode is Abyssal Expedition because mage is the weakest class.

Awakened Solise is great on several Cursed Realm and Nightmare Corridor rounds. She is the strongest healer for Temporal Rift. She is only decent for PvP and Campaign. But she is also a strong support for Abyssal Expedition.

Awakened Antandra is a very strong damage dealer for Cursed Realm. She is also good on Campaign, Temporal Rift, and Abyssal Expedition. She can be useful on Nightmare Corridor, but she is easily replaceable. She is mediocre on PvP.

Awakened Baden is a great damage dealer on several Cursed Realm rounds. He is also good on Nightmare Corridor, but not as good as he is on Cursed Realm. He can also be useful on PvP, Campaign and Temporal Rift.

Awakened Thane is a very strong Awakened hero Nightmare Corridor. He is also good for Campaign and he can be useful on PvP game modes. He can also be useful in Abyssal Expedition and Temporal Rift.

Awakened Brutus can be very useful on Temporal Rift and Abyssal Expedition. He used to be meta on Cursed Realm and Nightmare Corridor, but he is just a decent sub for meta heroes now. He has been outclassed on PvP, he is just an off-meta option now. He can be quite useful on Campaign.

Awakened Phoenix Awakened Talene is not a very strong hero and she is outclassed by all Awakened heroes mentioned above in most game modes. Her strongest game mode is Temporal Rift because she is an immortal tank and healer, so she can be very useful there. She is also useful for Campaign, but she can work even at Legendary ascension on this game mode. She is mediocre in PvP.

Awakened-Ezizh Awakened Ezizh is by far the weakest Awakened hero. The only game modes where he is great are Campaign and towers, but he works pretty well even at Legendary ascension. So you’ll basically never need more than one copy of him. He is mediocre or below average on all other game modes.

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