Lyrical Exploration Event

Complete these 12 easy quests in the Lyrical Exploration event to get a ton of free rewards, including Hero Choice Chest that contains top-tier hero!

Lyrical Exploration

Lyrical Exploration Event

Quests Rewards
1. Use 2 or more support Support heroes in a single Battle to achieve victory 12 times within the Arcane Labyrinth, Campaign, or King’s Tower. 12x elite hero soulstone
2. Acquire 2 Elite maulers Mauler Heroes during the Event 3,000 hero coin
3. Send 120 companion point Companion Points 3,000 labyrinth token
4. Acquire All Rewards in the Voyage of Wonders 1 Time 3,000 labyrinth token
5. Use 2 or more mage Mage heroes in a single Battle to achieve victory 12 times within the Arcane Labyrinth, Campaign, or King’s Tower. 12x elite hero soulstone
6. Acquire 2 Elite graveborn Graveborn Heroes during the Event 3,000 hero coin
7. Acquire 2 Elite lightbearer faction Lightbearer Heroes during the Event 3,000 hero coin
8. Defeat Labyrinth Bosses 15 Times 3,000 labyrinth token
9. Use 2 or more warrior Warrior heroes in a single Battle to achieve victory 12 times within the Arcane Labyrinth, Campaign, or King’s Tower. 12x elite hero soulstone
10. Use Fast Rewards 10 Times 3,000 labyrinth token
11. Use 2 or more tank Tank heroes in a single Battle to achieve victory 12 times within the Arcana Labyrinth, Campaign, or King’s Tower. 12x elite hero soulstone
12. Participate in 15 Guild Hunts 3,000 labyrinth token
13. Use 2 or more ranger Ranger heroes in a single Battle to achieve victory 12 times within the Arcane Labyrinth, Campaign, or King’s Tower. 12x elite hero soulstone
14. Acquire 2 Elite wilders Wilder Heroes during the Event 3,000 hero coin
15. Complete 12 Team Bounty Quests 3,000 labyrinth token

Total Rewards:

  • 60x elite hero soulstone 18,000 labyrinth token 12,000 hero coin
  • 11x reward choice chest 3 Chest of Wishes
  • 1x red chest Hero Choice Chest

Event Rules

1. Players can complete quests on the event page in exchange for a variety of rewards.

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2. Every completed quest will further your progression towards unlocking a new chest. If a complete row or column of quests are completed, a chest will be unlocked and you may claim the rewards it holds within.

3. Mercenary heroes as well as the Labyrinth’s Rickety Cart heroes may be used to fulfil the Treasure Quests’ hero requirements.

4. Once reaching Chapter 31, each multi-formation battle will be calculated individually, provided that the stage is cleared.

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5. Each small multi-formation stage victory within the Dismal Maze will be calculated individually.

6. โ€œAchieve Victory with X Class Heroes in Formationโ€ type quests will not be increased as a result of using the โ€œQuick Battleโ€ function in the Dismal Maze’s Abyssal Aid event.

7. Players can acquire a Hero Choice Chest by completing all of the quests.


The Tulip Poetry Circle is a social group of bards, musicians and other artists located within Kuilin City. The artists in the poetry society would take to the streets from time to time, reciting heroic epics and rural legends, also finding new material and inspirations to compose new poems from those they met on the streets of Kuilin. Most of the art that the Tulip Poetry Circle create can be traced back to historical deeds that took truly took place.

Lyrical Exploration Breakdown and Chests rewards Value // AFK ARENA New Event

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