Leofric – The Malevolent Menace

Leofric - The Malevolent Menace

Leofric – The Malevolent Menace

Faction: HypogeanHypogean
 Type: IntelligenceIntelligence
 Class: MageMage
 Role:  Debuffer
 Rarity: AscendedAscended

Leofric Skills

Shadow Mastiff

Shadow Mastiff

Leofric summons a “Shadow Mastiff” statue in front of the enemy with the highest Attack Rating and taunts them for 8 seconds.

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The “Shadow Mastiff” possesses 1150% of Leofric’s Attack Rating as health, and only one may be present on the battlefield at a time.

If the ” Shadow Mastiff” is destroyed before its timer ends, the attacking enemy will permanently lose 18% of their Attack Rating (the effect can only occur once per enemy).

If the “Shadow Mastiff“ is not destroyed before its timer ends, it shall deal 290% damage to the attacking enemy when its timer ends.

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  • Lvl 2: If the “Shadow Mastiff” is destroyed before its timer ends, the attacking enemy will permanently lose 22% of their Attack Rating. If the “Shadow Mastiff“ is not destroyed before its timer ends, it shall deal 320% damage when it ends.
  • Lvl 3: If the “Shadow Mastiff” is destroyed before its timer ends, the attacking enemy will permanently lose 25% of their Attack Rating. If the “Shadow Mastiff“ is not destroyed before its timer ends, it shall deal 350% damage when it ends.

Hell Wyrms

Deals 250% damage to enemies within a certain range, also causing them to lose 90 Energy points. Any enemies that were dealt damage shall also have their Energy Recovery reduced by 50% for the following 4 seconds.

This effect cannot be stacked.

  • Lvl 2: Damage is increased to 300%.
  • Lvl 3: Damage is increased to 350%.
  • Lvl 4: Any enemies that were dealt damage shall have their Energy Recovery reduced by 70 % for the following 5 seconds.

Unmasked Horror

All enemies in front of Leofric that are facing towards him are terrified for 3 seconds and lose 2 0% of their respective Attack Ratings for the following 6 seconds.

This effect cannot be stacked.

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  • Lvl 2: Terrified enemies lose 30% of their respective Attack Ratings
  • Lvl 3: Terrified enemies lose 40% of their respective Attack Ratings

Perfect Disguise

Leofric and his most injured ally become immune to all damage and attacks for 5 seconds. While immune, 50% of the damage dealt by the injured ally is converted into their own health.

  • Lvl 2: While immune, 70% of the damage dealt by the injured ally is converted into their own health
  • Lvl 3: While immune, 90% of the damage dealt by the injured ally is converted into their own health,

Signature Item: Shadow Mastiff Cane

Skill: Heart of Malice

Enemies struck by the ability “Hell Wyrms” shall receive 15% more! damage from Leofric’s attacks for the following 4 seconds.

  • [+10 Unlocks] Enemies struck by the ability “Hell Wyrms” shall receive 25% more damage from Leofric’s attacks for the following 4 seconds.
  • [+20 Unlocks] Enemies struck by the ability “Hell Wyrms” shall receive 25% more damage from all attacks for the following 4 seconds.
  • [+30 Unlocks] Enemies struck by the ability “Hell Wyrms” shall receive 35% more damage from all attacks for the following 6 seconds.

Furniture Item

3/3 Ability: Enemies that are currently taunted by the ability”Shadow Mastiff” have their Health Regeneration reduced by 90%.

9/9 Ability Enemies that are taunted by the ability “Shadow Mastiff” are unable to recover Energy. Whenever a “ Shadow Mastiff” disappears or is destroyed it will deal 350% damage to nearby enemies, also stunning them for 3 seconds.

CURIOUS HYPOGEAN DEBUFFER. Leofric Hero Breakdown/ Guide (Skills, Team, Artifacts) [AFK ARENA]

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