AFK Arena Relic Tier List

This AFK Arena Relic Tier List gives you the general idea of the best relics to pick while solving mazes in the game.

Relics are the items that help boost Heroesโ€™ power in Arcane Labyrinth, Peaks of Time and Voyage of Wonders.

Every time you win a battle, you can pick one from three given Relics. Relics can only be used in the mentioned game modes. They do not affect the gameplay outside of these game modes.

Pro tip: the mercenary feature is unlocked after completing stage 6-40 and allows you to borrow heroes from your friends for a limited time. You can use mercenaries on Arcane Labyrinth, Peaks of Time and Voyage of Wonders. A very strong Awakened Solise, Awakened Belinda, Awakened Talene, or Ainz mercenary should be good enough to kill the enemy team pretty quickly in these game modes, regardless of their relics.

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AFK Arena Relic Tier List

AFK Arena Relic Tier List

by whitesushii


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  • Tier S/S- Relics are the best ones. Pick them immediately whenever you see them.
  • Tier A Relics are great in general.
  • Tier B Relics can be great relics in specific situations.
  • Tier C Relics are usable.
SFirebringerWhenever your heroes deal damage, reduces the enemy Attack Ratings.
SIcebringerWhenever your heroes deal damage, reduces the enemy Defense Ratings.
Allies recover energy over time when HP > 50%.
Allies recover heals over time when Energy > 50%.
Svoodoo dollVoodoo DollA random target will receive more damage!
S-Deathly EmbraceDeathly EmbraceInstantly kills all enemies below 15% HP
S-Heroes' Hope
Heroes' Hope
+35% Defense and Attack Ratings in "Hard" mode.
Pendant of Betrayal
Pendant of Betrayal
If an enemy takes damage within the first 10s of a battle, all other enemies will also receive 15% of the damage dealt.
S-Spider Thread GlovesKeep all enemies in spider's silk for 5 seconds. The silk could get broken if a decent amount of damage is dealt.
S-thunderburstThunderburstDamage and stun the enemies periodically.
ASands of TimeIncreasing Haste for 10 seconds.
Ablessed hammer
Blessed Hammer
Has a chance to do additional damage for successful attacks
AThe Unmounted HeartThe Unmounted HeartDoes huge amount of damage & stun all enemies once within first 25 seconds of battle.
AEagle StrikeFiring Arrows to the enemies, dealing damage every 15 seconds
AragespikeRagespikeHeroesโ€™ Attack Ratings +5% for every win, max 40% (Can be stacked)
AIdol of HasteningAllies' Haste + 20 when there are no enemies within your side.
ADispelling Arrow
Dispelling Arrow
Backline Heroes normal attacks are able to remove most buffs the enemies using.
A-Call to ArmsCall to Arms+120 Energy at the start of the battle.
A-Vambraces of AccuracyVambraces of AccuracyAccuracy +50, Crit Rating +10%
A-Book of War-70% Damage dealt to backline allies when frontline allies are still alive.
A-HeartseekerCrit Damage +60%
A-Arcane SpellbookIntel Heroes deal +30% damage.
A-Praetorian HelmetPraetorian HelmetDamage received -25%.
A-Aegis of PreservationAegis of PreservationCasts a shield protecting your Heroes for 3 seconds, mitigating damage equal to 60% of their max HP when any enemy hero uses an ultimate ability for the first time.
A-Supporter's War FlagBackline heroes Attack Ratings +20%, Crit Ratings +30%.
A-Hunter's GraspThe more HP they have, the more damage you deal to them. Max 25%.
A-The Silent HopeA hero recovers 700 energy over 5s at the first time they cast Ultimate Skill.
A-Idol of SavageryIdol of SavageryAt the beginning of the battle, Heroes who have more than 95% HP will have Attack Ratings +20%.
A-Poisonous EmbraceNormal attacks can apply poison to the enemies (can be stacked).
A-Beast ClawAgility Heroes +30% Damage & +10% Life Leech.
BInsolenceInsolenceEnemy front-line Heroes attack their allies for 5s at the beginning of the battle.
BNosferatu's FangLife Leech +25%.
BShadowfallCrit rating +25%.
BDeath's BiteDeath's BiteKazโ€™s attacks also deal Poison and Poison can be stacked.
BThe Elegant Focus+20% Attack Ratings for all heroes each time the Dura's Tears is used.
BFaction Relics-
CLucius' FortitudeRemoves the time limit of Lucius' "Heaven's Protection".
CThe SpikerCauses heavy rocks to fall upon enemies affected by crowd control abilities.
CVanguard's War FlagVanguard's War FlagFrontline heroesโ€™ Defense Ratings +25%, Energy recovery rate +40% when injured.
CHeaven's GraceWearerโ€™s HP regeneration +80%.
CPendant of ForceReduces all enemiesโ€™ HP by 35% at the start of battles but will gradually be regenerated within the first 10 seconds.
CRelic ChestIncreases HP & Defense Ratings of your Heroes by 2.5% for every Elite or Legendary relic obtained. Max 30%.
CThe Pearl OathThe Pearl OathThe lower your heroโ€™s HP falls, the more damage they can deal. Max 35%.
CWar Horn
War Horn
Raises all allied heroesโ€™ attributes each time an enemy is slain until the end of the battle.
CWinged Spurs

Winged Spurs
Dodge +40%.

Overall, damage relics are king in Labyrinth due to carry-over energy from fights and how with enough damage, you can forgo defenses entirely. Everything else that didnโ€™t make this list are mostly regeneration items which are bad since you should already have a healer on your team and if you donโ€™t, just use your mercenary on ono. There are also some other potentially controversial decisions Iโ€™ve made which I will explain here. For example, Shadowfall is a relic many players value since it gives Critical Rating but honestly, since you can just re-roll fights, the critical rating isnโ€™t important and thus the low ranking. Silver Arrow is also another relic thatโ€™s actually great and didnโ€™t make the list but if you struggle with VW. and have Belinda as your primary damage dealer, then go for it (since Min is a Mauler and Belinda gets faction advantage). Lastly, the shard of Force set Is actually amazing but thereโ€™s no guarantee that the player can build it It is worth going for, however, if the Labyrinth path for the day forces low tier fights.

Below is a list of every relic that I have left out (or rather placed In the ..Fโ€ tier) just for reference:

Steel Cuirass, Shield of Fortitude, Hellspawn Head, Silver Arrow, Shard Combinator, Shard of Force, Statue of Retribution, The Angelic Thorn, Elixir of Energy, Rope of Calamity, Branch from the Yggdrasil, Horn of Replenishment, Goblet of Resurgence, Carnal Grip, The Diligent Vow, Restorating Crystal, Wristguards of Invigoration, Vowed Spire.

Old Tier List Version

  • Relics are listed in rarity order under each tier:  Legendary โ†’ Epic โ†’ Rare
  • Starred (*) relics are unique to their rarity tier and cannot be found at any other rarity. These should be prioritized over non-unique, same-rarity relics that are in the same tier.
  • Relics that depend on the heroes used in your team are NOT ranked in this tier list to keep it as concise and universal as possible.
  • Tier placement is based on overall usefulness and usefulness against Wrizz. It is assumed that you are attempting Hard Mode if you are using this tier list.
  • If a Relic can be found at more than one rarity, then each rarity is placed on the tier list as a separate entity (so the same name of relic can appear up to three times).
  • Since you often see three Rare relics in the Normal (Brown Flag) camps, Rares that appear in S tier are the best available ONLY when comparing to other Rares. This is to ease the picking of Rare relics from normal camps.
  • As a rule, try to prioritize defensive relics over offensive ones, especially if you have already acquired Icebringer or Poisonous Embrace. You need your heroes to live long enough to do their damage, and certain enemies, notably Shemira and Brutus, dish out absurd amounts of damage in hard mode.

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S Tier Relics

(Pick Above All Else!)

Relics in S tier are the absolute best ones available in the entire game and should always be chosen if they come up. Do not let these ones pass you by. Rares in S tier should be prioritized over B tier and below Epic relics. Epics in S tier should be prioritized over Legendaries in B tier and below.

  • Spider Thread Gloves* โ€“ Locks down the entire enemy team at the start of the battle. Notably prevents Thoranโ€™s curse but does not work on Athalia or Wrizz.
  • Deathly Embrace* โ€“ Kills any enemy below 15% hp, including Wrizz, enemies removed from battle by Tasi or Fawkes, and Brutus while heโ€™s immune.
  • Thunderburst* โ€“ Provides consistent, high dps over the course of the battle.
  • Blessed Hammer* โ€“ Provides a substantial boost in dps to all heroes.
  • The Frozen Star* โ€“ Saves and heals one hero per battle. Notably prevents you from instantly losing against Wrizz if his ultimate would one-shot your entire team, allowing you plenty of time to pause and retry the battle with a different strategy.
  • Heroโ€™s Hope โ€“ Made for hard mode and surpasses all other raw stat boosting relics when playing hard mode (which we are).
  • Firebringer* โ€“ Keeps enemies from killing your heroes. Ever. Its powerful debuff works on Wrizz as well, making him do pitiful damage. Excellent even if Icebringer does not pop up. Prioritize this relic above all other Epics in this tier.
  • Icebringer* โ€“ Essential for shredding the defenses of tougher enemies, especially Wrizz. When on its own, Icebringer is worse than Firebringer. When combined with Firebringer though, this is overall the best epic in the entire game.
  • Poisonous Embrace* โ€“ An alternative Wrizz-killing relic if Icebringer does not pop up. Somewhat reliant on random chance because it isnโ€™t a guaranteed poison stack on hit, so if you canโ€™t get enough poison stacked before Wrizz wipes most of your team, restart and try again.
  • Hunterโ€™s Grasp* โ€“ Unclear whether itโ€™s based on Total HP or % of Max HP remaining. Still extremely good regardless of which one it is.
  • Dispelling Arrow* โ€“ Allows your backline heroes to remove Brutusโ€™s immunity. Heโ€™s everywhere in hard mode, making this relic quite useful. However, this relic does nothing against Wrizz.
  • Heartseeker โ€“ Extra Crit Damage is a much harder stat to find on items than Crit Rating is, since this and its Rare version are the only relics that provides this stat. Notably, this relic is one of the best ways to output enough damage to kill tougher enemies like Wrizz without using Poisonous Embrace or Firebringer + Icebringer.
  • Vambraces of Accuracy โ€“ The only relic alongside the Rare version that provides the Accuracy stat, with some Crit Rating bonus tacked on. A lot of heroes have high dodge in hard mode, so this relic helps immensely.
  • Heroโ€™s Hope โ€“ Best stat-boosting relic for Hard Mode.
  • Sands of Time โ€“ Insane haste boost at rare tier? Yes, please! Even though the duration is quite short, the amount of haste it provides during this time is very high.
  • Heroโ€™s Hope โ€“ Best rare for farming hard mode. Take it whenever it pops up!
  • Heartseeker โ€“ Extremely good stat for a Rare.
  • Vambraces of Accuracy โ€“ Helps reduce the impact of high dodge heroes in Hard Mode and provides Crit Rating.
  • Honourable Mention: Deathโ€™s Bite* (Kaz Only) โ€“ This relic gets a mention because it makes Wrizz a LOT less problematic, even with a low tier Kaz. Unlike Poisonous Embrace, this relic applies a guaranteed stack of poison on every attack that Kaz makes. Because Kaz has two multi-hit abilities, she can stack this very quickly on Wrizz. 

A Tier Tier List

(Pick if they show up, but not if an S tier relic of the same rarity is present.)
Relics in A tier are solid and always good choices, but they are generally not as good as the relics in S tier.

  • Pendant of Betrayal* โ€“ This relic synergizes extremely well with high burst damage but is a universally good relic for ending battles quickly.
  • The Unmounted Heart* โ€“ This relic fires 25 seconds in, making it too slow for many battles. It is a solid relic against Wrizz, though not as good as most of the S tier options.
  • Eagle Strike* โ€“ Inconsistent DPS, but still quite good. It fires once every 15 seconds starting at 1:15 remaining on the battle timer.
  • Relic Chest โ€“ Second best defensive relic after Heroโ€™s Hope, and the only relic that boosts HP. Very good and should always have its maximum buff by Floor 3.
  • Shadowfall
  • Praetorian Helmet โ€“ A defensive relic that mitigates damage in a different way than defense rating boosts. This relic maintains its effectiveness against common debuffs that lower defense rating, making it superior to Shield of Fortitude.
  • Shield of Fortitude โ€“ A solid defensive choice, but its effect raises the effectiveness of enemiesโ€™ defense rating debuffs because most of these debuffs reduce defense rating by a percentage. In other words, the more defense rating you start with, the more you will lose to these debuffs.
  • Nosferatuโ€™s Fang
  • Supporterโ€™s War Flag
  • Aegis of Preservation โ€“ This relic provides a powerful shield to all heroes once an enemy uses an ultimate ability. This includes Wrizz. A solid defensive choice.
  • Book of War โ€“ This relic is quite useful against certain heroes such as Isabella and Athalia that like to focus your backline heroes. It also heavily mitigates the damage dealt by Wrizzโ€™s ultimate, making it a solid choice especially if you were unable to find Firebringer.
  • The Silent Hope
  • Insolence โ€“ This effect is good, but it and its other versions become completely useless if you find Spider Thread Gloves due to the front line heroes being unable to move or use abilities while they are webbed up. This is also useless against Wrizz.
  • Moonstone* โ€“ Take it when it comes up just in case Sunstone appears later.
  • Sunstone* โ€“ Same as Moonstone.
  • War Horn* โ€“ A great relic for snowballing during battles, but useless against Wrizz.
  • Statue of Retribution* โ€“ Does not work with summoned minions, so this makes it not as good as it might seem. We donโ€™t want our heroes dying, but itโ€™s still great against Wrizz where members of your party will almost certainly die without Firebringer to lower his damage.
  • The Silent Hope
  • Carnal Grip
  • Insolence
  • Aegis of Preservation
  • Ragespike
  • Shield of Fortitude
  • Shadowfall
  • Nosferatuโ€™s Fang
  • Praetorian Helmet
  • Supporterโ€™s War Flag
  • Sands of Time โ€“ The haste boost from this is quite good and lasts longer than the Rare version, but this version is weaker for its tier because of the plethora of other Epic relics we must prioritize instead.
  • Aegis of Preservation
  • Relic Chest
  • Shield of Fortitude
  • Praetorian Helmet
  • Ragespike
  • Nosferatuโ€™s Fang
  • Shadowfall
  • Carnal Grip
  • Supporterโ€™s War Flag

B Tier AFK Arena Relics

(Situational or underwhelming relics for their tier. Prioritize these above F tier relics)

  • Pendant of Force* โ€“ This relic is lackluster on its own, but it makes a powerful unholy trio when combined with Pendant of Betrayal and Deathly Embrace.
  • Horn of Replenishment
  • Call to Arms
  • Insolence
  • Winged Spurs
  • Vanguardโ€™s War Flag โ€“ This War Flag is placed lower than Supporterโ€™s War Flag because it affects only two heroes instead of three, and its stats are not as good as Supporterโ€™s War Flag overall.
  • Heavenโ€™s Grace
  • The Pearl Oath
  • Horn of Replenishment
  • Winged Spurs
  • Vanguardโ€™s War Flag
  • The Pearl Oath
  • Winged Spurs
  • Call to Arms
  • Horn of Replenishment
  • Heavenโ€™s Grace
  • Vanguardโ€™s War Flag

List of F Tier Relics in AFK Arena

(Garbage Relics, Avoid at all Costs)

Relics in F tier are outclassed by all other available options in their rarity. Do not pick these, ever, unless you must choose from only F tier relics.

  • Restorating Crystal* โ€“ The worst relic among those exclusive to Legendary tier, because the other effects are just way more powerful, and the Frozen Star provides a similar effect but also grants the healed hero immunity to damage for a few seconds.
  • Elixir of Energy โ€“ Does nothing against Wrizz, and War Horn does a better job of snowballing games than even this relic at Legendary. Do not take any versions of these if you can help it.
  • The Diligent Vow
  • Branch from the Yggdrasill
  • The Angelic Thorn
  • Branch from the Yggdrasill
  • Goblet of Resurgence
  • Shard Combinator* โ€“ For the bonuses the Shard of Force gives, its not worth sacrificing so many relic slots to grab these, especially when you must roll each Shard separately and the Shards themselves only appear in Brown Flag camps. This means if you want to use these relics, you will have to settle for smaller Labyrinth Token drops and sacrifice more powerful Epic/Legendary relic drops by prioritizing Brown Flag camps over Red Flag camps.
  • Wristguards of Invigoration โ€“ Has anti-synergy with healing, and the buff it provides is modest at best compared to The Silent Hope.
  • The Diligent Vow
  • Elixir of Energy
  • Goblet of Resurgence
  • Wristguards of Invigoration
  • Shard of Force* โ€“ I know itโ€™s starred, but please donโ€™t take this relic. Donโ€™t do it.
  • Insolence
  • Branch from the Yggdrasill
  • The Angelic Thorn
  • The Diligent Vow
  • Elixir of Energy

Complete List of Relics in AFK Arena

Name Description Legendary Elite Rare Affects
Arcane Spellbook
Arcane Spellbook
Intelligence based heroes deal +30% damage. Crit Rating +10%.
30% damage
20% damage
10% increase crit rate
Beastโ€™s Claw
Beastโ€™s Claw
Agility based heroes deal 30% more damage, Life Leech +10%
30% damage
20% damage
10% Life Leech

Blessed Hammer

Has the chance to cause additional damage for every successful attack. โœ“     Enemies

Blinding Brilliance

Belindaโ€™s โ€œBlessingโ€ ability is shared with all of her teammates   โœ“   Belinda
bloody shawl

Bloody Shawl

If Khasos successfully grabs his returning throwing axe when using the ability โ€œThrowing Axeโ€ it will be immediately used again   โœ“   Khasos
Branch from the Yggdrasil

Branch from the Yggdrasil

All surviving heroes recover 25% of lost HP after battles 40% 25% 15% All Heroes
Call to Arms

Call to Arms

At the beginning of battle your side has their energy replenished by 120 points   120 60 All Heroes
Carnal Grip

Carnal Grip

Restores 24% of your heroโ€™s total HP when an enemy is slain   24% 16% All Heroes
Deathโ€™s Bite

Deathโ€™s Bite

Kazโ€™s attacks become poisonous and the poisonous effects can be stacked   โœ“   Kaz
Deathly Embrace

Deathly Embrace

Enemies with less than 15% of their max HP are sent to an early grave by a deathly apparition. โœ“     Enemies

Eagle Strike

Arrows rain down upon enemies every 15 seconds, inflicting damage upon them. โœ“     Enemies


The Firebringer has the chance to reduce enemy Attack Ratings each time your heroes cause damage to them until the end of the battle. If you already possess Icebringer your heroesโ€™ Attack Ratings will also be increased.   โœ“   Enemies
Frozen Star

Frozen Star

When an Allied hero receives fatal damage the Frozen Star forms a protective shield around them for several seconds and heals them over time (can be used once per battle) โœ“    
All (single use per battle?)
Goblet of Resurgence

Goblet of Resurgence

Restores an additional 50% health and energy when you use the Fountain of Vitality   50% 25% All Heroes


Increases critical strike damage by 60%   60%   All Heroes
Heavenโ€™s Grace

Heavenโ€™s Grace

Increases the wearerโ€™s health regeneration by 80%   80%   All Heroes
Hoganโ€™s Fortitude

Hoganโ€™s Fortitude

Reduces the damage Hogan receives by 80% when the damage he receives is less than 6% of his max HP   โœ“   Hogan
Horn of Replenishment

Horn of Replenishment

Heals teammates for 10% of their max HP at the beginning of battles 15% โ€“ 20% 10% 6% All Heroes

Hunterโ€™s Grasp

Deals more damage to the enemy the more HP they have. Damage is increased by up to 25%.   โœ“   Enemies


The Icebringer has the chance to reduce enemy Defense Ratings each time your heroes cause damage to them until the end of the battle. If you already possess the Firebringer your heroesโ€™ Defense Ratings will also be increased.   โœ“   Enemies


At the beginning of a battle Grezhul is able to use his โ€œReanimateโ€ ability without using any energy   โœ“   Grezhul
Lightbearerโ€™s Loyalty
Lightbearerโ€™s Loyalty
Lightbearersโ€™ Defence Rating +30%. Energy recovery +30% when injured.
30%, 30% 20%, 20% 10% defence rating
50% defence rating 30% defence rating 15% energy recovery
30% energy recovery
20% energy recovery
Lionโ€™s Might

Lionโ€™s Might

While Brutusโ€™ โ€œLast Graspโ€ ability is in use its invincibility effect duration will be refreshed every time he makes a kill or kill assist   โœ“   Brutus
Maulerโ€™s Treachery
Maulerโ€™s Treachery
Raises Mauler heroesโ€™ Attack Ratings by 20% and Life Leech by 20%
30% Attack Ratings 20% Attack Ratings 10% Attack Ratings
30% Life Leech 20% Life Leech 15% Life Leech


Revitalises allied heroes, allowing them to recover health over time if their energy is above 50%. Already possessing the Sunstone doubles the health recovery rate of the Moonstone.   โœ“   All Heroes
Nosferatuโ€™s Fang

Nosferatuโ€™s Fang

Life Leech +15% 25% 15% 10% All Heroes
Pendant of Betrayal

Pendant of Betrayal

If an enemy is injured within the first 10 seconds of a battle, all of their allies will also received 15% of the damage dealt. โœ“     Enemies
Pendant of ForcePendant of Force Reduces all enemiesโ€™ health by 50% 35% at the beginning of battles. Enemiesโ€™ health will gradually be regenerated within the first 15 10 seconds of battle. โœ“     Enemies
Poisonous Embrace

Poisonous Embrace

Heroโ€™s normal attacks have a chance to poison the enemy. Poison attacks can be stacked.   โœ“   All Heroes
Praetorian Helmet

Praetorian Helmet

Damage received -25% 25% 15% 10% All Heroes
Raises your heroesโ€™ Attack Ratings by 5% for every battle they win, an can be raised by up to 40%
5% Attack Ratings 4% Attack Ratings 3% Attack Ratings
All Heroes
40% Maximum 20% Maximum 12% Maximum
relic chest
Relic Chest
Raises the Health and Defense Ratings of all allied heroes by 2.5% for every Elite or Legendary relic that is possessed, an can be raised y up to a total of 30%.
2.5% Health and Defence 1.5% Health and Defence
All Heroes
30% Maximum 15% Maximum
Restorating Crystal (updated) Heals a teammate for 4% of HP per second over 10 20 seconds when their health drops below 20% 40% HP (can be used once per battle) โœ“    
All (single use per battle?)
Sands of Time

Sands of Time

Time is sped up increasing your teamโ€™s Haste for 10 seconds   โœ“   All Heroes
Shadowfall Crit rating +15% 25% 15% 10% All Heroes
Shield of Fortitude

Shield of Fortitude

Raises your heroesโ€™ Defense Ratings by 5% for every battle they win, and can be raised by up to a total of 40% 5%, 40% 4%, 20% 3%, 12% All Heroes
Silver Arrow
Silver Arrow
Additional 50% Damage to factional damage advantage.
50% 30% 20%
All Heroes
100% 60% 40%
spider thread gloves
Spider Thread Gloves
All enemies are cocooned in spiderโ€™s silk for 8 5 seconds. If a certain amount of damage is dealt to enemies the effect will end earlier. โœ“     Enemies
Statue of Retribution

Statue of Retribution

When a hero dies all attributes of all surviving heroes are raised until the end of the battle   โœ“   Survivors
Steel Cuirass

Steel Cuirass

Strength based heroes get +30% Defence. Restores 1% of max HP per second. 30%, 1% max HP restore. 20%. No restoration. 10% Def. No restoration. Tanks


Reinvigorates allied heroes, allowing them to recover energy over time if their health is higher than 50%. Already possessing the Moonstone doubles the energy recovery rate of the Sunstone.   โœ“   All Heroes
Supporterโ€™s War Flag

Supporterโ€™s War Flag

Backline heroes Attack Ratings +20%, Crit Ratings +30% 20% Attack, 30% Crit 10%, 15% 5%, 10% Back
Talonstrike Vurk will fire 3 bolts per shot when using his ultimate ability โ€œManiaโ€   โœ“   Vurk
carnal desireThe Carnal Desire Raises all teammates Life Leech by 8 points for every Mauler hero that is on the battlefield 8 5 3
All (needs Maulers)
The Coral Vow
The Coral Vow
Increases all teammatesโ€™ Defense by 10% for every Lightbearer hero that is on the battlefield
10% 6 4%
All (needs Lightbearers)
25% 15% 10%
The Devoted Whisper

The Devoted Whisper

Increases all teammatesโ€™ Attack Rating by 10% for every Graveborn hero that is on the battlefield. 10% 6% 4%
All (needs Graveborn)
The Diligent Vow

The Diligent Vow

Restores the weakest teammateโ€™s HP by 30% after 15 seconds of a battle 40% 30% 20% Individual
The Glistening Leaf

The Glistening Leaf

All of Nemoraโ€™s teammates benefit from her โ€œLife Forceโ€ ability after she uses her โ€œWild Wonderโ€ ability   โœ“   Nemora
The Pearl Oath

The Pearl Oath

Deals more damage the lower your heroโ€™s HP falls. Damage is increased by up to 35%.   35% 25% All Heroes
The Silent Hope
The Silent Hope
Allows a hero to recover 700 energy over 5 seconds the first time they cast their ultimate ability in battle
700 energy 350 energy
All Heroes
5 seconds 5 seconds
The Silent Promise

The Silent Promise

Raises all teammatesโ€™ Dodge by 12 points for every Wilder hero that is on the battlefield. 12 8 4
All (needs Wilders)


The Sinful Heart

The Sinful Heart

Shemira is able to use โ€œSoul Siphonโ€ to leech life from 3 enemies at the same time โœ“ โœ“   Shemira
The Tainted Desire

The Tainted Desire

Isabella is able to hit 3 enemies at the same time with her โ€œVoid Barrageโ€ ability   โœ“   Isabella
The Unmounted Heart

The Unmounted Heart

Causes massive damage and stuns all enemies once within first 25 seconds of battle. โœ“     Enemies


Strikes enemies periodically, causing enemies to be damaged and stunned โœ“     Enemies
Tome of Necromancy

Tome of Necromancy

Reduces a Gravebornโ€™s heroโ€™s Cooldown period by 20% and restores 20 energy points per second 30%, 30 20%, 20 10%, 15 Graveborns

Ulmusโ€™ Breath

Allows Ulmus to use his โ€œDeep Rootsโ€ ability without expending energy points   โœ“   Ulmus
Vambraces of Accuracy

Vambraces of Accuracy

Accuracy +50, Crit Rating +10%   50, 10%   All Heroes
Vanguardโ€™s War Flag

Vanguardโ€™s War Flag

Frontline heroesโ€™ Defense Ratings +15%, energy recovery rate +20% when injured 25%, 40% 15%, 20% 10%, 10% Front
War Horn

War Horn

Raises all allied heroesโ€™ attributes each time an enemy is slain until the end of the battle   โœ“   Survivors
Wilderโ€™s Wisp

Wilderโ€™s Wisp

Increases a Wilderโ€™s heroโ€™s Crit Rating by 20% and Haste by 20% 30%, 30% 20%, 20% 15%, 10% Wilders


Lycaโ€™s normal attacks and โ€œRapid Arrowsโ€ ability are able to hit 3 enemies at once   โœ“   Lyca
Winged Spurs

Winged Spurs

Dodge +40%   โœ“   All Heroes
Wristguards of Invigoration

Wristguards of Invigoration

All heroesโ€™ energy recovery rate +40% when injured   40%   All Heroes

How Some Special AFK Arena Relics Actually Work!

Shared by tinhboe

  • Shadowfall (Crit rating +10/15/25%):
    Additive. This kind of relics stacks together. It also stacks with other crit increasing buffs as well.
  • Silver Arrow (Additional 40/60/100% damage to factional damage advantage):
    Stackable. This relic is multiplicative. It multiplies the initial 125% damage advantage by 1.4/1.6/2, helping you increase the bonus damage to up to 175/200/250%.
    Check out this video for proof.
  • The Silent Hope (Allows a hero to recover 350/700 energy over 5 seconds the first time they cast their ultimate ability in battle):
    This relic works for the first hero which casts their ultimate. Other Heroes do not receive any benefit from it.
  • Nosferatuโ€™s Fang (Life Leech +10/15/25%):
    Stackable itself & with other buffs. This relic actually increases the life leech rating by 10/15/25 points. Each Life Leech Point converts 1% of the output damage into Health.
    For example, If a Hero deals 1000 damage and has 10 Life Leach, he/she will be healed by 100 HP for each attack. This can be increased further by Heavenโ€™s Grace.
  • The Carnal Desire & related relics (Raises all teammates Life Leech by 3/5/8 points for every Mauler hero that is on the battlefield):
    Stack with itself & other buffs. The damage/dodge/defense version is the same. It only works for eligible heroes.
  • Ragespike & related relics (Raises your heroesโ€™ Attack Ratings by 5% for every battle they win and can be raised by up to 40%)
    This works for all Heroes and counts won battles.
  • Praetorian Helmet (Damage received -10/15/25%)
    Different tiers stack. Thus, you can increase the bonus up to 50%.
  • Heavenโ€™s Grace (Increases the wearerโ€™s health regeneration by 80%)
    Works for both heal & life leech attribution of all Heroes.
    Rowanโ€™s potion with both versions of Heavenโ€™s Grace can restore up to 40%x(1+0.4+0.8)= 88% HP. This relic is excellent at increasing the effectiveness of other relics.
  • Tome of Necromancy & related relics: (Reduces a Gravebornโ€™s heroโ€™s Cooldown period by 30% and restores 30 energy points per second):
    This actually works with all of your Graveborn heroes.
  • Winged Spurs: (Dodge +20/40%)
    This artifact actually multiple the current dodge rating of your Heroes by 1.2/1.4. It is useless If your Heroes do not have any dodge rating already.

Note: Defense is the flat reduction to the damage taken. It is calculated before all forms of reduction.

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