Haunting Dreamscape Guide

Haunting Dreamscape is an event where you have to build teams with Awakened-Ezizh Awakened Ezizh and defeat teams that contain other awakened heroes. This event is available for players that have completed Campaign Stage 15-40.

After starting a new game, you will possess 6 six lives and you must defeat 8 different teams. Each enemy team will have a different awakened hero ( Thane, Belinda, Brutus, Solise, Baden, Awakened Phoenix Talene, Athalia or Maetria). The game ends once you win the 8th battle or if you lose all lives.

But don’t worry if you lose all your lives, you can restart this game mode as many times as you want.

After each victory, Awakened Ezizh is automatically leveled up and you can choose to activate one of the two talent skills for him. The talent skills available depend on the enemy defeated.

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Also, after each victory, you may enlist one of the four heroes provided by the system in your own formation. If the hero already exists in your formation, they can be ascended. Each hero can be ascended up to once at a maximum.

You will need to play this event multiple times to get enough achievement points to get all rewards.

Below you can see a tier list of talent skills, a tier list of allied heroes for this event and the complete mission list to get achievement points.

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Talent skills

  • Excellent: Dueling Devil, Infernal Blaze, Piercing Descent, “Without Mortas, you’re nothing”, Raging Whip
  • Great: “Strength comes at a price, huh?”, Taste My Power, Evil Clone, Ghostlike, Dread’s Call, “Without me, the Hypogeans are doomed”, “Fuel for the Mighty Ezizh”
  • Good: “Fighting is not my strength”, “Resurrection is not their privilege”, Wings of Nightmare, “Pick me, one against five”

But it is important to mention that there is a mission where you must pick every talent skill at least once.


Excellent: Haelus Haelus, Nevanthi, Tamrus
Great: Treznor Treznor, Astarv Astar, Rowan
Good: Thesku, Tasi, Fane Fane, izold Izold
Mediocre: Fawkes
Bad: walker Walker

But it is important to mention that there are missions to max out Walker, Izold, Fawkes, Thesku and Tasi. So you might want to pick them to complete the missions.


It is possible to earn 150 Achievement points if you complete all missions, but you need 100 Achievement points to unlock all rewards. To an Awakened Ezizh copy for free, you will need at least 70 Achievement points. These are all the missions:

Clear Stage 2 5 achievement points
Clear Stage 5 5 achievement points
Clear Stage 8 10 achievement points
Clear Stage 8 by finishing its 8 battles in less than 360 seconds 10 achievement points
Clear Stage 8 by finishing its 8 battles in less than 240 seconds 10 achievement points
Challenge hidden stage successfully
(notes: to unlock the hidden stage, you must beat the 8th stage by using only three heroes)
10 achievement points
Reach Stage 5 three times 5 achievement points
Reach Stage 5 five times 10 achievement points
Clear Stage 8 with 1 life remaining 10 achievement points
Clear Stage 8 without losing any life 10 achievement points
Accumulate and unlock 16 talents
(notes: to complete this mission, you must pick every talent skill at least once)
10 achievement points
Deploy only Ezizh when clearing Stage 3 10 achievement points
Deploy at most 1 hero besides Ezizh when clearing Stage 5 10 achievement points
Deploy at most 3 heroes besides Ezizh when clearing Stage 8 10 achievement points
Max out Walker’s level by the end of the game 5 achievement points
Max out Izold’s level by the end of the game 5 achievement points
Max out Fawkes’s level by the end of the game 5 achievement points
Max out Thesku’s level by the end of the game 5 achievement points
Max out Tasi’s level by the end of the game 5 achievement points


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