Ghoulish Gallery and Collections guide

Ghoulish Gallery is where you acquire Collections to equip your heroes. You can unlock Ghoulish Gallery after reaching Chapter 6. The Collections can replace heroes’ original Artifacts and be used in most battle environments, including Cursed Realm, Nightmare Corridor, and Treasure Scramble.

Each Collection has its own unique effects and can be enhanced with Abilities. You have 7 chances weekly to enter and explore the Gallery. In each exploration, you can choose the Collections you desire, and upgrade and enhance them while exploring. Weekly exploration chances will not carried over to the next week.


Collections are essentially a new type of artifacts. Initially, 10 Collections have been added to the game, 2 for each class.

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The number of identical Collections you can have and use is unlimited, but the player can only make 7 Collections per week. The collection takes up the Artifact slot on heroes page.

If you remove a Collection, the slot will have a cooldown of 24 hours until you can use the next one. To put it on earlier, you will need to pay 100 diamonds. You can also recycle an unwanted Collection and get 100 diamonds for it.

To unlock Skill Level 1 of a Collection, you must get a Skill Level ability during your Gallery exploration and add it to your Collection when your run ends. To unlock Skill Level 2 of a Collection, you must use Miracle Worker totem before starting a new Gallery exploration and you must get two Skill Level abilities during your Gallery exploration and add them to your Collection when your run ends.

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Here is the list of all Collections:

Temporal Cover

You must have a copy of Zolrath to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Temporal Deceit): The enemy hero directly opposite the holder will join the battle 1.25 seconds late.
– Skill Level 1: The first time the holder receives fatal damage, they are immune to the damage and revert to their position and status 5 secondns ago.
– Skill Level 2: When reverting, their health and energy return to their optimal state from within the last 5 seconds.

Shadow Dancer

You must have a copy of Saurus to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Clashing Waves): When the holder uses their Ultimate skill, they enter the Phased version for 6 seconds, during which they receive 20 points of Attack Speed and 20 points of Crit Rating.
– Skill Level 1: While in Phased version, when the holder deals critical strike damage, the phase inflicts additional damage equal to 30% of the damage value.
– Skill Level 2: The holder recovers health equal to 60% of the additional damage dealt.

Timeline Watch

You must have a copy of Orthros to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Time Control): After entering the battlefield, the holder stops time for 3 seconds the first time they receive damage. During this time, only the holder can move. During this time, only the holder can move. Each time this effect is triggered, the duration of the same effect subsequently triggered by an allied hero is reduced by 40%.
– Skill Level 1: Every 0.5 seconds the time is stopped, Inertia inflicts damage equal to 15% of the holder’s max health to an enemy hero.
– Skill Level 2: Inertia reduces the energy of the damaged enemy hero by 70 points.

Spell Bondage

You must have a copy of Daimon to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Soul Suction): Every 8 seconds, the enemy hero with the highest health is prioritized as the target, where 10% of their max health is stolen and converted into the holder’s shield for 5 seconds. When the shield ends, the remaining shield value is converted back into health of equal value to be returned to the target.
– Skill Level 1: While the shield is active, the target’s Attack Rating and Defense Rating are reduced by 20% and 20% respectively.
– Skill Level 2: While the shield is active, the holder receives Attack Rating and Defense Rating lost by the target.

Judgement Armor

You must have a copy of Athalia to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Divine Sanction): Every 4 times the holder inflicts normal attack damage on a single enemy hero, the target suffers additional damage equal to 200% of the holder’s Attack Rating.
– Skill Level 1: The enemy receiving additional damage is stunned for 2 seconds.
– Skill Level 2: Each time additional damage is trigger, the holder’s normal attack damage is increased by 8%, up to 5 stacks.

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Sandstorm Fangs

You must have a copy of Tidus to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Boiling Berserker): When inflicting control effects, the holder slices the target for 4 seconds. The sliced target suffers health loss equal to 80% of the holder’s Attack Rating for 1 seconds. If the target’s position changes within 1 seconds, their health loss is increased to 120% of the holder’s Attack Rating.
– Skill Level 1: When an enemy’s health loss from being sliced exceeds 12% of their max health, they become terrified for 3 seconds. This effects can only be triggered on a target once every 8 seconds.
– Skill Level 2: When slicing and attempting to terrify an enemy target, the holder triggers Twisted Fate and deals damage equaling 250% of the Attack Rating to nearby enemies.

Captive Wings

You must have a copy of Mehira to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Beguiling Whispers): When the holder’s Ultimate skill ends, they beguile the nearest enemy hero for 2 seconds. The beguiled enemy can only use their Normal Attack.
– Skill Level 1: Meanwhile, the holder summons a minion that continuously attacks the nearest enemy hero, dealing damage equaling 200% of the holder’s Attack Rating, while restoring the holder’s health for 100% of their damage value. The holder can possess up to 1 minions.
– Skill Level 2: When the holder takes a single instance of damage that exceeds 15% of their max health, they sacrifice 1 minion to mitigate the damage.

Oculus Diabolus

You must have a copy of Oden to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Dark Portal): When the holder’s Ultimate skill ends, they summon an alternate time-space above the enemy hero with the highest energy, dealing AoE damage equal to 120% of the holder’s Attack Rating and erasing 50 energy points of the damaged enemy hero.
– Skill Level 1: The enemy hero suffering damage from the alternate time-space will be marked with Eye of Evil. When they have been marked 3 times, Cuffs of Destruction are generated to erase 30 energy points of the target.
– Skill Level 2: When the target’s energy is erased, their energy shortfall is converted into the holder’s energy recovery, for at least 30 points.

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Trader’s Vault

You must have a copy of Rowan to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Strategic Supplies): When the battle has progressed for 6 seconds, the holder sets up a Supplies Stall at its formation location, with 2 bottles of Health potion and 1 bottle of Energy potion, which can restore health for 200% of the holder’s Attack Rating as well as 200 energy points respectively.
– Skill Level 1: Each type of potion is replenished 8 seconds after it is finished, and can be replenished up to 2 times per battle.
– Skill Level 2: An extra mysterious potion is added to the stall, for use by the allied hero who has dealt the highest cumulative damage, to increase 30% of their Attack rating for 5 seconds.

Luminous Flight

You must have a copy of Tasi to unlock this Collection.
– Skill Level 0 (Dream Hopper): The first time the holder receives fatal damage, they are immune to the damage, recover 30% of their max health and flashes for 2 seconds. While flashing, the holder cannot be targeted.
– Skill Level 1: When flashing ends, the enemy hero closest to the holder falls into a dream, and wakes up after 4 seconds or suffering cumulative damage equal to 40% of their max health.
– Skill level 2: Every 10 seconds, the enemy hero closest to the holder falls into a dream.


The Best Collection for Each Hero

In this guide you can check the best Collection for each meta-relevant hero in each of the main game modes that do not accept common artifacts (those main game modes are Cursed Realm, Nightmare Corridor, Temporal Rift, and Treasure Scramble). For some artifacts, it is more effective to keep them at level 1 or level 0 and focus on upgrading other stats, as you can see on the tables below.


HeroStats PriorityBest Collection


Offensive abilities: PP > ERR > CDA > CRIT >  ATK >  F.ATK

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY > F.DEF > DISS

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1

Aw. Athalia

Offensive abilities: PP > CDA > ATK > CRIT > ERR >  F.ATK

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > F.DEF > F.HP > TY

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR >  PP > ATK > PRF >  CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > F.HP > TY > DEF > HP

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK >  ATK > PP > PRF > CDA

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF >  DEF > HP > TY > F.HP

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1

Aw. Brutus

Offensive abilities: PP > ATK > F.ATK > IS > ERR > CDA   

Defensive abilities: DEF > F.DEF > DMG.R > HP >  F.HP > ARM

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK > IS > ATK > PP > ERO

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > F.DEF > F.HP > TY

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > PP > CDA > ATK > ERR >  CRIT

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > HP >  TY > F.HP

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > PP > ATK > CDA > ERR > PRF

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF >  DEF > TY > HP > CDR 

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: IS > ERR > F.ATK > CDA > CRIT > ATK

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > F.HP > HP > ARM

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > ATK > PRF > PP > CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > HP >  F.HP >  TY

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: PP > F.ATK > ATK > ERR >  IS > PRF 

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > TY >  F.HP > HP

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: ATK > F.ATK > ERR > PP >  CDA > CRIT

Defensive abilities: TY > F.DEF > DEF > DMG.R >  F.HP > HP

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > IS > ERR >   PP > ATK > CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > F.HP > HP > CDR

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK > ATK > PRF > IS >  PP

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY > F.DEF > F.HP 

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +1


HeroStats PriorityBest Collection

Aw. Shemira

Offensive abilities: ERR > CDA > MP > ATK >  F.ATK > PRF

Defensive abilities: HP > F.HP > DMG.R > DEF > F.DEF >  TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: PP > F.ATK > ATK >  CDA > ERR > ERO

Defensive abilities: HP > DMG.R > F.DEF > F.HP > DEF > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ATK > PP > ERR > CDA > CRIT

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > HP > DEF > TY > F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Canisa & Ruke

Offensive abilities: PP > CDA > F.ATK >  ATK > ERR > IS

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > HP > CDR > ARM

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > CDA > ATK >  CRIT > PP  

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > F.HP >  HP > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: ERR > CRIT > CDA > ATK > F.ATK > PP

Defensive abilities: HP > F.HP > TY > DISS > F.DEF > DEF

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: ATK > ERR > PP > F.ATK > CDA > CRIT

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > F.DEF >  TY > ARM 

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK > ATK >  PP > IS > PRF

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY > ARM 

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > PP > ATK > IS > PRF

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > HP > DEF >  TY > F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: ERR > PP > ATK > F.ATK >  CDA > CRIT 

Defensive abilities: HP > DMG.R > DEF > F.HP > F.DEF >  TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK > IS > PRF > ATK > PP 

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > F.HP >  TY > DEF > HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > PRF > PP > ATK >  CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > F.HP > HP > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > IS > PRF > PP > ATK

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > F.HP > HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK > PRF > IS > ATK > PP

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > HP > F.DEF > F.HP >  DEF > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0

Awakened Phoenix
Aw. Talene

Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > CDA > ATK > MP > CRIT

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > HP > F.HP >  DEF >  HEAL

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level +1


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERO > ERR > ATK > PP >  CDA

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > F.DEF > TY > HP >  ARM

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +1
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +1
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +1
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level +1


HeroStats PriorityBest Collection

Aw. Lyca

Offensive abilities: PP >  CDA > ATK > CRIT > F.ATK > ERR

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > F.HP > HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Aw. Baden

Offensive abilities: PP >  CDA > ATK > IS > ERR > F.ATK

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF >  HP > F.DEF > TY > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: PP > ATK > CDA > F.ATK > CRIT > ERR

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > F.DEF >  F.HP >  CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: PP > ERR > ATK > CDA > F.ATK > CRIT

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP >  CDR > TY > F.DEF

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Aw. Thane

Offensive abilities: PP > CDA > ATK > ERR > CRIT >  F.ATK  

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > F.DEF > TY >  CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: PP > CDA > ATK > CRIT > ERR >  F.ATK  

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > HP >  TY > F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Robin Hood

Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > PRF > ATK > PP > IS

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R >  DEF > F.HP > HP >  TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: PP > CDA > ATK > CRIT > F.ATK > IS

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP >  TY > F.DEF > DISS

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ATK > PP > ERR >  CDA > CRIT

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > F.HP > DMG.R > DEF >  HP > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR >  ATK > PRF > PP > CDA

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF >  HP > DEF >  TY > F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: PP > CDA > ATK > CRIT > F.ATK > ERR

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY > F.DEF >  F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: PP > ATK > CDA > ERR > F.ATK >  CRIT  

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY > F.DEF > F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: ERR > PP > ATK > CDA >  F.ATK >  CRIT

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY > F.DEF > F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ATK > CDA >  PP > CRIT > ERR

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > F.HP > DEF > HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK >   ATK > PP > ERR > IS >  CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R >  DEF > HP > F.HP > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > CDA > ATK > ERR >  PP > CRIT

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > HP > DEF > F.HP > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: PP > F.ATK > ATK > CDA > CRIT > ERR    

Defensive abilities: F.DEF >  DMG.R > HP > DEF > F.HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > CRIT > ERR > PRF > ATK > CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > HP >  F.HP > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > ATK > CDA > CRIT > PP

Defensive abilities: F.DEF >  DMG.R > HP > DEF > F.HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > CDA > ATK >  CRIT > PP

Defensive abilities: F.HP > HP > DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF >  CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


HeroStats PriorityBest Collection

Aw. Belinda

Offensive abilities: MP > CDA > ATK > ERR > F.ATK >  ERO 

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > TY > HP > CDR > F.DEF

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: ERR > MP > CDA > IS > ATK > F.ATK

Defensive abilities:   DMG.R > TY > DEF > F.DEF > HP > DISS

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: MP > IS > CDA > ATK > F.ATK > ERO

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > F.DEF > TY >  HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: MP > IS > CDA > ATK > ERR > F.ATK

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > HP >  TY > CDR

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: ERR > MP > CDA > ATK > IS >  F.ATK

Defensive abilities:   DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY > CDR > F.DEF

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Offensive abilities: MP > ERR > IS >  CDA > ATK >  F.ATK

Defensive abilities:   DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > TY > HP >  CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK > MP > CDA > ATK >  IS

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > TY > HP > CDR

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Lady Simona

Offensive abilities: ERR > MP > IS > CDA > ATK >  F.ATK

Defensive abilities:   DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY > F.DEF > CDR

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: F.ERO > F.ATK >  ERR > IS > MP >  CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > F.HP > DMG.R > ARM > TY > DEF

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Offensive abilities: IS > PRF > ERR > F.ATK > MP > ATK

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > TY > DEF > HP > CDR

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities:   PRF > IS > F.ATK > ERR > CRIT > MP

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > F.HP > DMG.R >  TY > DEF >  HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Offensive abilities: CRIT > CDA > F.ATK > ATK > ERR >  PRF

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > F.HP > HEAL > ARM > TY > DISS

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: ERR > PRF > F.ATK > IS > MP >  ATK

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > F.HP > DEF >  HP > TY

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift:  Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > IS > CDA > MP > ATK > CRIT

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > F.HP >  DEF > HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor:  Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: MP > IS > F.ATK > ERR >  CDA > ATK

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > TY > HP >  CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2
Aw. Ezizh

Offensive abilities: F.ATK > IS > ERR > MP > CDA > ATK

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > TY > F.HP > HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2

Offensive abilities: ERR > IS > F.ATK > PRF > MP >  ATK

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > TY > HP >  CDR

Cursed Realm:  Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


Offensive abilities: MP > ERR > CDA > ATK > F.ATK >  IS

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > TY > F.DEF >  HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble:  Skill Level +2


HeroStats PriorityBest Collection


Offensive abilities: MP > ATK > ERR > F.ATK >  ERO > CDA

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > F.DEF > HEAL > TY > HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > PP > IS > ATK >  CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > TY > F.HP > DEF >  HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0, +1 or +2


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ATK > ERR > IS > MP >  CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > TY > DEF >  HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0

Aw. Safiya

Offensive abilities: MP > ATK > ERR > CDA > F.ATK >  ERO

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > F.DEF > TY > HP > CDR

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: MP > CDA > ATK > F.ATK > CRIT > ERR

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DEF > DMG.R > HP > CDR > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: ATK > F.ATK >  ERR > IS > MP > PRF

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > F.HP > ARM > DMG.R >  DEF >  HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level +2
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level +2

Aw. Solise

Offensive abilities: ATK > F.ATK > ERR > MP >  CDA > CRIT

Defensive abilities: HEAL > F.DEF > DMG.R > DEF > HP > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0

afk arena silas

Offensive abilities: ATK > F.ATK > ERR > MP > CDA > CRIT 

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > HEAL > HP > TY > DEF

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > ATK > PP > CDA > CRIT 

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > HP > TY > DEF > HEAL

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK >  ATK > PP > CDA > CRIT 

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF >  HP > TY > DEF > ARM

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > IS > PRF > ATK > MP 

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > HP > TY > HEAL > DEF

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > ATK > MP > PRF > CDA

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > ARM > TY > DEF > HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > PRF > ATK > MP > CDA

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > HEAL > HP >  DEF > TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > PRF > IS > ATK > MP

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > HP > HEAL >  DEF > F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0

Joan of Arc

Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR >  ATK > IS > PP >  CDA

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > DEF > HP > HEAL >  F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0

Elijah & Lailah

Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK > CRIT > IS > ATK >  CDA

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > F.DEF > HP >  TY > ARM

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: ATK > ERR > PP >  CDA > CRIT > F.ATK 

Defensive abilities: HP > F.DEF > HEAL > DMG.R > F.HP > DEF

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level 0
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: ERR > F.ATK > IS > PRF > ATK > PP

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > TY > DEF > HP >  F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: ERR > ATK > CRIT > F.ATK  > PRF > IS

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > DEF > F.DEF > TY >   HP >  F.HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: ERR > PRF > F.ATK > ATK > MP > CDA

Defensive abilities: DMG.R > F.DEF > HP > DEF > F.HP >  TY

Cursed Realm: Skill Level +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Offensive abilities: F.ATK > ERR > ATK > MP > CDA > PRF

Defensive abilities: F.DEF > DMG.R > Armor > DEF > HEAL >  HP

Cursed Realm: Skill Level 0, +1 or +2
Nightmare Corridor: Skill Level +2
Temporal Rift: Skill Level 0
Treasure Scramble: Skill Level 0


Mystic Cage and Bizarre Totems

In the Mystic Cage, you can use an Arcane Staff to draw a Bizarre Totem. You can unlock your Wishlist after making 200 draws. Once unlocked, you can choose any 4 types of Bizarre Totems of the Legendary tier to be added to your Wishlist.

While your Wishlist is active, your acquired Bizarre Totems of the Legendary tier will be the selected Bizarre Totems in your Wishlist. Your Wishlist activation attempts are refreshed weekly. Unused attempts cannot be carried over to the next week.

For every 80 draws, you automatically obtain a Custom Totem Scroll , which can be used to customize any Bizarre Totem of the Legendary tier. Here is the list of all Bizarre Totems:

Surprise Rendezvous Rare The player receives 1 random ability every 5 floors.
Plunder Rare At the end of fthe exploration, the player receivevs 2 random abilities.
Rewards Rare When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, you have a 3% chance of receiving 1 additional random ability of the same tier.
Extraordinary Encounter Epic The player receives 1 random ability every 3 floors.
Quick Battle Epic At the end of fthe exploration, the player receivevs 3 random abilities.
Fabulous Loot Epic When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, you have a 5% chance of receiving 1 additional random ability of the same tier.
Attacker’s Asset Epic On floors 4, 7, and 10, the character receives 1 attack ability of the Elite of higher tier.
Guardian’s Gift Epic On floors 3, 6, and 9, the character receives 1 defense ability of the Elite of higher tier.
Supreme Skillset Epic When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, the probability of receiving “Skill Level” abilities is increased by 100%.
Miracle Worker Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, the probability of receiving “Skill Level” abilities is increased by 100%. The base attributes of the Collections obtained this time are enhanced by 50%, and they receive 1 additional special slot.
Final Descent Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, the probability of receiving the abilities “Attack”, “Health” and “Defense” is increased by 100%.
Mass Crowning Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, the probability of receiving the abilities “Full Attack”, “Full Health” and “Full Defense” is increased by 100%.
Lament of Life Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, the probability of receiving the abilities “Erosion”, “Buffer”, “Full Erosion” and “Full Buffer” is increased by 100%.
Sword of Shards Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, the probability of receiving the abilities “Physical Pierce” and “Damage Resist” is increased by 100%.
Dark Rage Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities, the probability of receiving the abilities “Magic Pierce” and “Damage Resist” is increased by 100%.
Spellcaster’s Blessing Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Legendary or higher tier during an exploration of Mage Collections, you have a 10% chance of acquiring 1 additional replica of such abilities.
Protector’s Blessing Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Legendary or higher tier during an exploration of Tank Collections, you have a 10% chance of acquiring 1 additional replica of such abilities.
Warrior’s Blessing Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Legendary or higher tier during an exploration of Warrior Collections, you have a 10% chance of acquiring 1 additional replica of such abilities.
Patroller’s Blessing Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Legendary or higher tier during an exploration of Ranger Collections, you have a 10% chance of acquiring 1 additional replica of such abilities.
Guardian’s Blessing Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Legendary or higher tier during an exploration of Support Collections, you have a 10% chance of acquiring 1 additional replica of such abilities.
Sturdy Shield Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Elite or lower tier, there is a 10% chance they will be switched to the abilities “Health”, “Defense”, “Full Health”, “Full Defense”, “Buffer”, “Full Buffer” and “Damage Resist” of the same tier.
Piercing Blade Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Elite or lower tier, there is a 10% chance they will be switched to the abilities “Attack”, “Full Attack”, “Physical Pierce”, “Magic Pierce”, “Erosion” and “Full Erosion” of the same tier.
Valiant Attack Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Legendary or higher tier, there is a 10% chance they will be switched to the ability “Crit Rating” of the same tier. The Crit Rating ability can only be acquired through the effects of a Bizarre Totem.
Energy Riptide Legendary When winning a battle and obtaining abilities of the Legendary or higher tier, there is a 10% chance they will be switched to the ability “Energy Recovery Rate” of the same tier. The Energy Recovery Rate ability can only be acquired through the effects of a Bizarre Totem.
Farewell Gift Legendary Obtain 1 “Skill Level” ability at the end of the exploration.

Miracle Worker is undoubtedly the strongest Bizarre Totem because it increases the base attributes of the Collection by 50%, and it add an additional special slot, which is the only way to unlock Skill Level 2 of a Collection.

Farewell Gift is the second best Bizarre Totem because it gives you a Skill Level ability at the end of the exploration. Skill Level is by far the most important ability because that’s what you need to unlock Skill Level 1 and Skill Level 2 of a Collection.

Alway choose Miracle Worker and Farewell Gift for your wishlist. The other two slots may vary depending on what you want for your Collection.  Here is a tier list of the best totems to choose for your wishlist:



Exploring the Gallery

Each time you enter the Gallery, you can spend up to 3 Bizarre Totems to increase your exploration gains, which will grant you more powerful Collections at the end of the exploration.

You start exploring the Gallery with three random heroes at Elite ascension. You will be able to recruit new heroes in the Gallery and upgrade the heroes available in the current exploration by progressing through the floors. Your acquired heroes cannot be taken out of the Gallery after an exploration. You will also be able to select Unions to strengthen your exploration team. 

There are a total of 10 floors in the Gallery. After exploring all floors, you will receive the desired Collection. While exploring, a battle failure reduces your Invisibility. When your Invisibility comes to 0, your exploration ends early.

You can obtain Abilities by defeating enemies in battles. Abilities can enhance Collections after the exploration.

Besides battles against enemies, here are some other things you can find during your exploration:
– Recruitment: Choose one of the three heroes available.
– Select union: Choose one of the three unions available.
Safe: win a random Ability.
Trap: You lose or gain invisibility.

There are also 5 types of rituals you can see in your exploration:
– Combination Ritual: Combine three abilities of the same tier into a higher-tier ability. The newly combined ability will randomly inherit the type of one among the abilities used.
– Refresh Ritual: Select 1 ability. Retain its Ascension Tier. Refresh its type.
– Replicating Ritual: Select an ability to replicate and receive an additional low-tier replica of the ability.
– Swapping Ritual: Select two abilities to swap their tiers.
– Upgrade Ritual: Increase the tier of one ability, and its effects will change randomly.

And here is a tier list of the best heroes to use in your Gallery exploration:

S+Mishka Oden Lucretia
Safk arena silas daimon alna mortas
A+ Raku Desira Framton
A kren Audrae Zaphrael khazard
B tidus   Zikis Mezoth
C  alaro
F solise


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Etching Abilities

After each exploration, you can etch your collection and enhance them through abilities. Each collection has 3 Attack Slots, 3 Defense Slots, and 1 Common Slot. The Slots are unlocked depending on the collection’s level. You can etch Attack abilities on Attack Slots, Defense abilities on Defense slots, and any abilities on Common Slots.

After being etched, a collection cannot be changed or enhanced by any other means.

List of attack abilities

Top-tier offensive abilities
ATK: great stat for most heroes, except on heroes where their damage is mostly based on their HP instead of ATK, like Awakened Shemira.
Full ATK: great offensive stat for heroes whose damage is not important, so this stat is good for giving an attack buff to your teammates.
IS (Insight): it is one of the best offensive stat for heroes with CC skills because it increases your chances of making CC work against heroes with high Tenacity. It is useless for heroes without CC skills.
MP (Magical Pierce): it is a top-tier offensive stat for Intelligence heroes. It is useless for non-Intelligence heroes.
PP (Physical Pierce): it is a top-tier offensive stat for Agility and  Strenght heroes.It is useless for Intelligence heroes.

Mid-tier offensive abilities
CRIT: it is great to increase your chances of hitting critical damage.

CDA (Crit Damage Amplification): amazing for heroes that already has a high crit chance (e.g. most Intelligence heroes).
ERR (Energy Recovery Rate): improve your overall energy gain from different sources, so it is a great stat for most heroes. Especially for heroes that really depends on ulting as fast as possible to be useful (e.g. most mages).
Erosion: it is useful only for heroes that has a damage over time skill or other skills that contain the term “health loss”. Awakened Belinda, Liberta and Maetria are the best heroes that benefit from this stat. But it is an useless stat for most heroes.
PRF (Proficiency): it is a great stat for heroes with CC skills and/or debuff skills because it increases their duration. Once an ennemy has a mark above his head he is considered debuffed. This stat is useless for heroes without CC or debuff skills.

Low-tier offensive abilities
Full Erosion: most heroes do not benefit from Erosion. So a Full Erosion stat will be weak in most scenarios.
LL (Life Leech): it can be useful for some Warriors damage dealers, just okay for other damage dealers with good normal attack, and awful for all other heroes. 

List of defense abilities

Top-tier offensive abilities
DMG Resist: it is the best damage reduction stat. Always choose this.
DEF: it is a top-tier defensive stat for Awakened Brutus and Lucilla, but not that great for all other heroes because it is less strong than DMG Resist, CBR and CDR.
Full DEF: good defensive stat, especially on heroes that do not need that much defense like Alna and Canisa & Ruke.

Mid-tier offensive abilities
HP: good defensive stat, but it is slightly worse than DEF.
Full HP: another good defensive stat, but it is slight worse than Full DEF.
TY (Tenacity): it is the best counter to heroes with CC skills. The higher your Tenacity, the greater your chance of resisting CC. Good defensive stat for all heroes.
DISS (Dissolve): another amazing counter to heroes with CC skills (and heroes with debuff skills). It makes enemies’ CC/Debuff last shorter. Good defensive stat, but it is less relevant than Tenacity.

CDR (Crit Damage Resistance): the higher your CDR, the less damage you will receive from critical attacks. Good defensive stat for all heroes.
CBR (Crit Block Rate): it increases your chance to block crit damage. Good defensive stat for all heroes.

Low-tier offensive abilities
 Armor: improve generated shields from the hero. For most heroes, it is much better to improve any other defensive stat instead of Armor. Ivan and Astar are some exceptions of heroes that benefit a lot from Armor.
HEAL: improve healing output. But just like Armor, it is better to improve those other defensive stats mentioned above. Awakened Solise and Talene are some exceptions of heroes that benefit a lot from HEAL.
Buffer: it is useful only if your facing heroes that has a damage over time skill or other skills that contain the term “health loss”. So it is an useless defensive stat against most heroes.
Full Buffer: just like Buffer, but even worse because it gives very small stats to all heroes instead of big stats for a single hero.

Special ability (you can etch this ability only on common slot)
Skill Level: The skill level of collections ascends 1 level.

Skill Level is undoubtedly the best ability, because you must have the Skill Level ability to unlock Skill Level 1 of your Collection Artifact. And you must have two Skill Level abilities to unlock the Skill Level 2 of your Collection Artifact. But you can only equip two Skill Level abilities if you have used Miracle Worker totem. Miracle Worker and Supreme Skillset totems also increases your chances of getting a Skill Level ability during your run. Farewell Gift gives a guaranteed Skill Level ability at the end of your run.

The other abilities you should choose will vastly depend on its rarity and on which hero you will use your Collection artifact. For example, MP (Magical Pierce) is useless on heroes that do not deal magical damage. IS (Insight) is useless on heroes that do not have any control skills. See the tier list above for more info.

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