Here are all of the information regarding Drez – The Quicksand Recluse in AFK Arena!
Drez – The Quicksand Recluse
Faction: Mauler
Type: Agility
Class: Ranger
Role: Burst Damage
Rarity: Ascended
Drez’s Skills
Signature Item
Item: Ivory Piercer

One wonders how a small Durri is able to wreak such havoc. The answer: The Ivory Piercer. Crafted from the horns of a powerful iron-jaw beast, this weapon is light but also extremely durable. You don’t want to be on the wrong end of this powerful weapon.
Skill: Hunter’s Shield

After using his Ultimate ability, Drez receives a shield which is able to mitigate damage worth 400% of his Attack Rating value for a duration of 5 seconds. This ability can be activated 2 times per battle.
- [+10 Unlocks] Value of shield is increased to 600% of Attack Rating value.
- [+20 Unlocks] Ability can be used up to 4 times per battle.
- [+30 Unlocks] Value of shield is increased to 800% of Attack Rating value.
Furniture Set Bonuses
Second Wind
- [3/9 Mythic Pieces] Every time the abilities “Deadly Ambush” or “Bloody Evisceration” are used, Drez’s Attack Speed will be increased by 80 points for a duration of 2 seconds.
- [9/9 Mythic Pieces] Every time the abilities “Deadly Ambush” or “Bloody Evisceration” are used, Drezs Attack Speed will be increased by 150 points for a duration of 3 seconds.