Best tips and teams for getting all of the rewards from The Lost Sigils Event in AFK Arena.

If you want to get Hypogean sigils, simply replace the Celestial heroes with Hypogean heroes.
A guide by whitesushii

What is The Lost Sigils Event?
Basically, during the event, you challenge random players to gain the sigils. The sigils are given based on the factions of Heroes you used in the battles.
For example, in a battle, you use 3
Maulers and 3
Wilders heroes, you will get 3x
Maulers and 3x
Wilders sigils.
You can use sigils to exchange for the rewards.
As such, the maximum rewards as F2P is 360 sigils at max in 12 days. It is worth noting that losing does not consume a run and players can retry until they win.
Players can also rent a mercenary to be used in every fight to either fill faction requirements or help make battles easier
This event lasts for 14 days.

Best Event Rewards To Get
- Red Emblems: Best value from this event and strongly recommended for anyone who has access to it even newer players. In fact, if possible you should try to obtain a Mythic hero just to unlock this reward as an option from the list.
- Celestials/Hypogeans: We donโt have some really good Heroes this time round. New players can consider getting a copy of Talene here for Twisted Realm and some other event content.
- Gold Emblems: Players are typically short on this so itโs not terrible put this resource can be obtained with Gold (abundant resource) and is the actually terrible value from this particular event.
- Blue Cards: 20 fodder cards when pegged to Tavern summon value is approximately 5492 diamonds. For the same amount of Sigils, the player is able to obtain 6666 diamonds worth of Faction Emblems. Furthermore, even if we factor in Labyrinth Store, we are looking at 48,000 Lab Tokens, which is only able to get yo u32 Faction Emblems (whereas in teh event the same amount gives you 44)
- PoE Coins: 3000 PoE Coins is worth either 1200 or 2123 diamonds. For the same amount of Sigils, the player is giving up 5000 diamonds worth of Fation Emblems. That said this might be decent for whales stacked on SI already.
- Engraving Materials: If your core heroes are maxed with 30SI and 9/9 Furniture, itโs totally worth it to get some Engraving Materials to get them to E30 or even E60. Check out our Engraving Tier List here.
- Silver Emblems: Easily obtainable with gold so not worth it.
- Twisted Essence: Not very worth it for free players since most of the free players donโt have enough Elder Tree levels to take all of the advantages.
- Regular Heroes: Not worth it at all, especially now you have the Hero Choice function unlocked later in the game and you can get any normal-factional Heroes from there.
- Gold: Definitely not worth it plus any excess sigils automatically get converted to this when the event ends so no reason to go out of your way and pick them up.
Basic Lost Sigils Rules
- You can acquire factional sigils while The Lost Sigils event is underway.
- Each victory you achieve will reward you with sigils that correspond to the factions of the heroes that were used in the battle.
- In order to improve your gaming experience, several adjustments may be made to your matched opponentโ s formation strength to ensure balance. If you think that the opponent is too strong for you, you can always refresh using 5
- You may only receive sigils from a baffle if you are victorious. You can undertake up to 6 battles per day that will reward you with event sigils.
- You may lend 3 mercenary heroes from your friends or guildmates without any limits on how many times they can be used.
- Players must possess at least one Mythic hero in order to be able to exchange sigils for Mythic gear enhancement resources.
- Remaining sigils will be deleted once the event has ended. Please exchange your sigils.
- The event lasts for 10 days but you can only battle in the first 8 days. The last 2 days are for exchanging items.
- Max Rewards = 360 Sigils in 12 days (without spending).
Best Teams & Strategies for The Lost Sigils Event

Lost Sigils event isnโt just about getting the required number of Sigils, but the player also has to obtain the appropriate faction sigils depending on the reward they are going for.
This is done by running specific heroes on your team even if it means fielding sub-optimal lineups.
Below are some example faction setups for the more promising rewards.
Each row represents a single day so a number 5 under the LB column means that the player needs to run 5 Lightbearers in his lineup for all 6 matches for that day.
Of course, you donโt have to follow all the setups specifically and there are other ways to obtain the right amount of emblems but my recommendations simply try to get it done in as little different variations as possible (more convenient).
Players can battle up to 6 times per day Each win rewards 5 sigils depending on factions used This gives you a total of 360 sigils over the 12 event days Daily deals arenโt worth it since max Red Emblems are claimable F2P Losing does not consume a run You can rent a mercenary to make all battles easier Below are some recommended formations for rewards You have to run each formation 6 times per day
Infographic Guide
By Whitesushii

Previous Events
Red Emblems โ Best Reward!
- Target Reward: 200 Faction Emblems
- Sigils Required: 360 (180
There are actually 6 possible ways to do this but the ones below are just 4 examples for reference. The idea is to pick one which you have the suitable hero pool for.
For example, if you canโt field 3 or more Maulers/Grave-borns then try to go for the Lightbearer-provider setup. Likewise, if you canโt do 5 Wilders on a single team, then opt for 4-1 distribution and swap
- 3-2 LB W
- 5-0 LB W
- 3-2 M GB
- 5-0 M GB
Scrolls & Cards
- Target Reward: 40 Faction Scrolls / 40 Blue Lightbearer Cards
- Sigils Required: 360 (150
Given the strict sigil requirements and the need to obtain sigils from every faction, the player needs to run a very specific setup for one of the days to balance out sigils (do note that if you mess this up, you could mess up your total rewards pool).
The first 11 days follow the original (top) table and for the last day, the player needs to follow the bottom table and switch his formations for every fight.
First 11 days:
Day |
1 |
5 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
7 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
8 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
9 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
10 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
11 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
12 |
โ |
โ |
โ |
โ |
Sum |
150 |
36 |
108 |
36 |
Then the last day, follow this table:
Day #12 Fights |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
3 |
6 |
2 |
3 |
Sum |
0 |
14 |
4 |
14 |
Hero / Scrolls
- Target Reward: 2 Heroes (Rosaline) / 10 Faction Scrolls
- Sigils Required: 350 (175
/ 120
/ 50
On top of the special day, you will need to adjust the factions according to the hero you are going for since this setup only works for Rosaline (recommended).
Day |
1 |
5 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
4 |
1 |
7 |
4 |
1 |
8 |
4 |
1 |
9 |
4 |
1 |
10 |
โ |
โ |
โ |
โ |
11 |
3 |
2 |
12 |
2 |
3 |
Sum |
180 |
0 |
126 |
24 |
For the day #10, follow this table:
Day #10 Fights |
1 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
Sum |
0 |
0 |
4 |
26 |
- Target reward: Mezoth / 10 Faction Scrolls / 40 Faction Emblems
- Sigils Required: 347 (156
/ 156
/ 35
This setup gives you the least amount of sigils wasted towards gold but obviously, you can opt for 60 faction emblems and drop The faction scrolls entirely. In that case, the setup still works since faction emblems cost less sigils so you donโt have to make any adjustments
Day |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
7 |
2 |
3 |
8 |
2 |
3 |
9 |
2 |
3 |
10 |
3 |
2 |
11 |
3 |
2 |
12 |
3 |
2 |
Sum |
180 |
162 |
126 |
36 |

Faction Scrolls + 10
Shared by Truong Phan
Here is one of the most efficient ways to use in The Lost Sigils Event. If you have any better strategy, kindly let us know in the comment section below. We would be happy to share it with everyone else!
You can do the battles during the first 8 days. Each day you have 6 battles.
Day |
Team |
Rewards |
1 |
(3 Graveborns + 2 Maulers) x 6 battles |
12x |
2 |
(2 Graveborns + 3 Maulers) x 6 battles |
18x |
3 |
5 Graveborns Team x 2 battles
5 Maulers x 2 battles
5 Wilders x2 battles. |
10x |
4 |
(3 Graveborns + 2 Maulers) x 6 battles |
12x |
5 |
(2 Graveborns + 3 Maulers) x 6 battles |
18x |
6 |
(5 Graveborns) x 1 battle
(5 Maulers) x 1 battle
(5 Lightbearers) x 3 battles
(5 Wilders) x 1 battle |
5x |
7 |
(3 Graveborns + 2 Maulers) x 6 battles |
12x |
8 |
(2 Graveborns + 3 Maulers) x 6 battles |
18x |
After 8 Hard-Working Daysโฆ
- 105x
+ 105x
= 30x
Faction Scrolls
- 15x
+ 15
= Diamonds. If you want you can buy 2 $1 Daily Deal Packages to get 10
Common Hero Scrolls

Faction Scrolls + 20
Common Scrolls
Shared by matskipperz
Day |
Team |
Rewards |
1 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
2 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
3 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
4 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
5 |
(1x GB 2x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
6 |
(1x GB 2x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
7 |
(1x GB 2x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
8 |
(1x GB 2x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
Rewards: 72x
+ 72x
+ 48x
+ 48x
= 20x
Faction Scrolls + 20x
Common Scrolls + 800
If you want to go for specific Hero, spend the remaining tokens for 20 Common Scrolls & Gems

Farael + 20
Common Scrolls
Shared by matskipperz
Day |
Team |
Rewards |
1 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
2 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
3 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
4 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
5 |
(2x GB 1x M 1x W 1x LB) x 3 battles
(1x GB 1x M 2x W 1x LB) x 3 battles |
6x |
6 |
(1x GB 1x M 2x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
7 |
(1x GB 1x M 2x W 1x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
8 |
(1x GB 2x M 2x W) x 6 battles |
12x |
Rewards: 75x
+ 54x
+ 69x
+ 42x
Farael+ 20x
Common Scrolls + 400

Rowan + 20
Common Scrolls
Shared by matskipperz
Day |
Team |
Rewards |
1 |
(1x M 1x W 3x LB) x 6 battles |
18x |
2 |
(1x M 1x W 3x LB) x 6 battles |
18x |
3 |
(1x M 1x W 3x LB) x 6 battles |
18x |
4 |
(1x M 1x W 3x LB) x 1 battles
(1x GB 1x M 1x W 2x LB) x 5 battles |
13x |
5 |
(1x GB 1x M 1x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
6x |
6 |
(1x GB 1x M 1x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
7 |
(1x GB 1x M 1x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
8 |
(1x GB 2x M 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
Rewards: 29x
+ 54x
+ 42x
+ 115x
Rowan + 20x
Common Scrolls + 400

Tasi + 20
Common Scrolls
Shared by matskipperz
Day |
Team |
Rewards |
1 |
(3x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
2 |
(3x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
3 |
(3x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
4 |
(3x W 2x LB) x 1 battle
(1x M 2x W 2x LB) x 5 battles |
12x |
5 |
(1x M 2x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
6 |
(1x M 2x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
7 |
(1x M 2x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
8 |
(1x M 2x W 2x LB) x 6 battles |
12x |
Rewards: 29x
+ 115x
+ 96x
Rowan + 20x
Common Scrolls + 400