Undoubtedly, Diamond is the most valuable resource in AFK Arena.
There are a lot of ways to earn Diamonds and there are also a lot of ways to spend them. However, the way you spend your hard-earned
Diamonds does affect your account growth a lot. If you don’t know how to spend the
Diamonds properly, you will be left behind pretty by the others very fast.

The most effective ways to spend your Diamonds in AFK Arena are:
- Buying 10x
Common Hero Scrolls = 2,700
- Buying Elite Hero Soulstones in Normal Store.
- Buying Mythic Gears.
Common Hero Scrollsย solely, nothing else!
If you spend 100 Common Hero Scrolls, only get 4-5 Elite Heroes and start thinking spending Diamonds on summoning is not worth it, don’t be upset! It is totally normal! Only extremely lucky people can pull out more than 2 Elites from 10 Scrolls only.
There are times you can pull out many Elites at once. Your time will come.ย You can still do a lot of ascensions with the pulled Rare Heroes eventually.
Next, buy Elite Hero Soulstones immediately whenever you see them in the General Store. They are actually the best purchase for Diamonds. However, you occasionally can see them.

The rest of your Diamonds should be spent on buying Mythic Gears (slowly) after Campaign Chapter 12-2 with a 40% discount via Wandering Trader in Arcane Labyrinth, which is around 1,800
Diamonds per item.
Having 1-2 Mythic Gears during this stage helps the game you pass through some of the special thresholds a lot easier.
However, it’s totally okay to purchase some more Mythic Gears, but remember to pay no more than 1,800 Diamonds per item.
So, keep calm, save Diamonds and spend them effectively!