Gwyneth – The Fair Maiden
Faction: Lightbearer
Type: Strength
Class: Ranger
Role: Continuous Damage
Rarity: Ascended
Gwyneth Skills
Signature Item
Item: Shooting Star

As tall as a person, this longbow requires great strength and accuracy to be used efficiently. The bow gets its name due to the high velocity of its arrows, which are said to be as fast as a shooting star.
Skill: Focus Fire

Attack Rating is raised to 10% when in close proximity to allied heroes.
- [+10 Unlocks] Attack Rating is raised to 20%
- [+20 Unlocks] Gwyneth fires two arrows in quick sucession when she or a nearby ally uses their ultimate ability
- [+30 Unlocks] Attack Rating is raised to 30%
Furniture Set Bonuses
- [3/9 Mythic Pieces] Gwyneth’s first Normal Attack triggers the abilities “Flaming Arrow” and “Lightning Arrow” simultaneously. The damage for this attack is also increased by 15%.
- [9/9 Mythic Pieces] “Flaming Arrow” and “Lightning Arrow” are triggered following the death of any non-summoned enemies. The damage for this attack is also increased by 15%.