AFK Arena Guides, Strategies & Tips
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What Are The Best AFK Arena Guides?
All of the AFK Arena guides we post here on this website are must-read. We avoid posting unnecessary items and only focus on high-quality guides only. Whether you are new player or experienced player, you will always find our article interesting! Our goal is to bring out as many well-researched articles as possible.
Instant AFK Arena Starting Guide
Shared by Ryulis + Mei on AFK Arena Discord
Welcome, Adventurer! This guide serves as a starter guide for AFK Arena to aid you in your journey and hopefully keep you from making mistakes that hinder your progress. If you do your best to follow this guide, you may ascend to become the great Adventurer everyone looks up to!
Global Chat is your ally!

If you have any doubts about your progression in the game or just need a few quick pointers, global chat is here to help! Many players are available in the global chat channels and most of them are open to helping new players in any way they can. Be aware that sometimes, other players are also not as knowledged in AFK Arena and may give you wrong or questionable advice. Ask for multiple answers and opinions just in case!
Optimal Methods to Start the game!
Like many other games, mobile games specifically, AFK Arena grants you a free random Elite hero for completing the tutorial (Chapter 1). This hero is guaranteed to be an Ascended tier hero (click here for Ascension information) that will aid in your adventure. f you start to feel unhappy about your hero selection, you can always start out on a new server until you receive hero(es) you desire. Here are some general heroes to be on the lookout for when starting out:
Dependable Heroes
- Shemira / Khasos – Both heroes have high AoE (area of effect) damage and life leech to provide more sustain. These heroes are also bought from the Arcane Labyrinth store for 45,000 coins.
- Saveas – Arguably one of the best heroes to start off with as a damage carry and holds strong until Chapter 15, where he can then be used as material to ascend a Mauler hero. He is also a Legendary+ tier hero, so he is sure to be common in your hero summons.
- Arden – Another Legendary+ hero. He has the ability to root a hero down and is useful up until Chapter 24. As he ascends and levels up, he gains the power to root 3 heroes at once, which is quite useful with enemies comprised of high crowd control and damage.
Good to Obtain Heroes
- Brutus – Brutus is applauded for his Last Gasp ability that allows immunity, which keeps him alive another few seconds to deal more damage and protect his teammates by soaking enemy damage.
- Kaz – Kaz’s key attribute is that she has high Dodge, allowing her to evade enemy attacks and damage.
- Nemora – Full team heals and charms, she’s got it all! A great addition to your team and available via the Labyrinth store.
Heroes not to Focus on Early
Isabella, Vurk, Grezhul, Ulmus, Estrilda, Thane, etc. There are multiple heroes in the Ascended tier list that only shine after a certain level, with good equipment, or with a dependable and structured team composition. These heroes aren’t bad, far from it, they’re just not worth your time and effort early on.
Ascension Basics
First off, not all heroes in the game can go to the Ascended tier.
Legendary+ Tier Capped Heroes
Angelo | Ankhira | Arden | Niru |
Hogan | Golus | Ira | Silvina |
Mirael | Saveas | Ogi | Vedan |
Morvus |
AFK Arena Review – A Breathtaking World of Adventure Awaits

What is this game? What makes it different? Why would I read AFK Arena guides? We are sure that most of the people of us are fond of playing mobile games. We all do have different mobile games on our phone, which we play whenever we get time. Many of us must be having PlayStation or X-Box also. The craze of playing virtual games is going on from a long time. It’s not just there without generation, but people of the older generation also love to play virtual games. Due to our busy life schedule, we all hardly get any time to play these games. These games are very addicted also, so once you will start playing them, you will not like to get back to sleep or any other work, until you finish it completely or clear all the stages. But because of this addiction and the level of concentration these games require, many of us refuse to play and invest our time in playing these games

Even the games these days are unlike the games like old times with some limited stages. In games of this era, there are many stages in the game. Soon, when we get busy in our lives, we somehow pass out from this games zone, as dedicating so much time by sitting at one place is not possible. But now, it can be done, and all thanks go to the mobile industry. As the mobile industry has brought some really interesting and impressive games with some new titles. If you have played AFK Arena, you will know that it is the new title of a famous and well-known game dev Lilith Games. There are many other popular games also related to it, like Rise of Kingdoms, Soul Hunters, Art of Conquest, and many others. The recent gameplay of them works on the automated gameplay, where there is a system that will keep playing for you, even if you are offline.
AFK Arena Guide: A Quick Look

You can all get from the name of the game itself that it is an automated game. It is not like any other usual game. AFK Arena has the beautiful land of Esperia, which is highly rich in both natural wonders as well as resources. Soon after the commencement, the Hypogeans plagued the land of Esperia. They are the evil forces who brought destruction wherever they stepped on the land. But thanks to the Goddess, because of whom the people of Esperia were able to fight back the evil forces. The Goddess divided its power among the different objects before leaving. Now, the people of Esperia who were the faithful guardian of the Esperia by now, will have to look after it. Evil is seen rising again, after the many peaceful years of Esperia. You now, need to gather and bring your troops along, as the Hypogeans are back. March across the Esperia’s land along with your troop and fight with the Hypogeans for bringing the peace back to the world. The way AFK Arena has been presented is very cool and simple. The slideshows used in the game are of high-quality. You will also notice in some stages that there are some small text boxes which are looking very cool. The artistic style and the western drawing methods being used in the game are a good combination. This is one of the most recommended game because of its designing, it’s simple yet marvel look and a responsive user interface.
Instant Guide to AFK Arena Gameplay

AFK Arena game work on the real-time combat just like the RPG. While fighting against the enemy squad, the attacking side of your team will work automatically. You will see two bars with your characters, one is representing their HP, and the other one is representing the Ultimate Meter. Once the fight starts and your characters will start attacking, the Ultimate Bar will start filling. Once it is completely filled, you can click on the characters portraits to release and use their shocking skills which will make the battle interesting. You can easily assign the skills with the help of our Keymapping Tool, to your keyboard or mouse. If you are not much aware of this skill, you can check the AFK Arena BlueStacks Usage Guide. These skills which you will assign to your keyboard or mouse are very helpful, but they may vary from one hero to another, however, they will be very shocking for the enemy squad. From the facts above, it is evident that it is one of the best games to play and enjoy. However to make sure that you have the best experience it is recommended to play it automatically. Once the auto-mode is turned on, you will be able to easy clearing stages and defeat enemies coming on the way. However, don’t forget the success is largely dependent on how you practice to play the game. As you can see in any AFK Arena Guide, you are assigned five heroes, out of which three is assigned towards the front in single unit and the other two is in the second unit placed towards the back. Make a note that the placement of heroes plays an important role, after all, it is not only going to let you offend but also bring forth one of the best defensive strategies. Once the formation is done appropriately, the next thing to work on is creating a good team. A good team consists of good fighters and defenders who can keep an eye on enemies and prevent them from coming to your side of the battlefield. Another amazing feature which is worth applying during the game is hero testing. You can get into the hero gallery, and try the heroes even if it is locked or unlocked. This will help you choose your player to get on to the battlefield and give your enemies a tough competition. This tool, is indeed one of the most amazing features of the game after all it helps you plan and make your move most intelligently and diligently.
Final Words
Well, by now you might have got a complete idea of how interesting the game is. So what are you waiting for? Get your game now, read our AFK Arena guides and have the best experience of gameplay.